Games Beaten 2017

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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by dunpeal2064 »

marurun wrote:I consider this game Blazing Lazers/Gunhed -- rather than ++. Space Megaforce performs better on SNES than its cohorts, but there are really slow stretches of game where nothing t much interesting is going on. So despite pushing lots of sprites quickly, the game actually feels slow. Gunhed on PCE rocks this game's world.

On defaults I agree, but this game's difficulty options are wonderful are more fleshed out than the average shooter, and it can get more intense than any of its ilk. I think its the best Aleste game by quite a bit.

Its certainly not the only essential SNES shmup either. :P
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

Partridge Senpai's 2017 Beaten Games:

1. Tales of Hearts R (Vita)
2. UPPERS (Vita)
3. Volume (Vita)
4. Overlord: Minions (DS)
5. Kirby: Planet Robobot (3DS)
6. Overlord II (PS3)
7. Overlord: Dark Legend (Wii)
8. La-Mulana (Remake) (PC)
9. Infamous: Second Son (PS4)
10. htol#NiQ: The Firefly Diary (Vita)
11. Blood Bowl (360)
12. Dead to Rights: Retribution (360)
13. Bioshock Infinite (360)
14. Bioshock Infinite: Burial At Sea Part 1 (360)
15. Bioshock Infinite: Burial at Sea Part 2 (360)
16. Singularity (360)
17. Seifuku Densetsu Pretty Fighter X (Saturn)
18. Ultraman: Hikari No Kyojin Densetsu (Saturn)
19. Donkey Kong 64 (N64) (repeat)
20. Song of the Deep (PS4)
21. Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3 (GCN)

22. Banjo-Tooie (N64) (repeat)

And so my trek back through nastolgia concludes by playing through my favorite-est 3D platformer ever. I'd never 100%'d it before, but gosh I did it this time. It was certainly FAR quicker and easier to do than doing DK64's would've been XP. I only had to use a guide for about 5 minor collectables as well (ones which I know I've found on previous playthroughs, but missed this time), so I found just about everything myself :) . Granted, this is like my fourth or fifth time through this game, but it took me about 13.5 hours. Judging from another save file on the cartridge that had about 18 for the minimum amount of jiggies to beat the game, I'd say I've gotten much faster :P

It's still Banjo-Tooie. Dripping with style, color, and silly dialogue, it's still the best the N64 ever had to offer in terms of 3D platforming. The bosses are also still fantastic as well. I certainly don't remember the final boss being as hard as it was, but all of them were certainly a blast (I even beat Weldar on the first try this time :D ).

Being a Rare game, there are of course some technical issues in terms of framerate. Especially in world 7, the game experiences some really significant slowdown quite frequently. Nothing that ever made the game impossible to control, but definitely annoying now that I'm old enough to notice it. I'm fairly curious if the XBLA versions of the game fix that problem, tbh.

Verdict: Highly Recommended. If you like 3D platformers even a little, then this game should totally be a must-play. I know they're really not for everyone, but if you enjoy classic collectathons, there's really nothing better than this game.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Best SNES shmups?

Y'all are forgetting about PHALANX.

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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by MrPopo »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:Best SNES shmups?

Y'all are forgetting about PHALANX.

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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Exhuminator »

18. 3D Classics: Kid Icarus | 3DS | platformer | 2012 | 2h 56m | 5/10

Oh boy, Kid Icarus. I distinctly remember borrowing this game from a friend on a Friday in 1989. I played it over the weekend, not getting far into it, hating it, and gladly returning Kid Icarus the following Monday. Lacking the polish of Super Mario Bros., the mystique of Metroid, and the scope of The Legend of Zelda, I simply found Kid Icarus to be an irritating bore. Apparently I wasn't the only kid to think so, because after the Game Boy sequel (Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters), Nintendo didn't touch this franchise again for twenty one years.


To backtrack a little; Kid Icarus is about a boy named Pit. He's out to kill Medusa thereby saving Angel Land and its goddess Palutena. He'll need three magic treasures to do it. These treasures are guarded by three bosses in three mythical lands (underworld, overworld, skyworld). So you guide Pit through his treacherous platforming adventures, dying often, cursing unfair level design, and wondering what Nintendo was smoking when they shat this one out (actually TOSE co-developed the game, let's fairly spread the blame here). Folks this is a game that hates you for playing it. But at least it produced Eggplant Wizard, a character who solely made Captain N: The Game Master worth watching.


It's worth noting that the developers were trying to do some different stuff here. Most of your platforming is vertical for starters, with wrap around edge walking. Enemies often attack from above or below you, rather then from the side. (Otherwise they'll just magically materialize right on top of you, or fly through walls to hit you.) Enemies leave hearts behind, which you use to buy temporary upgrades. Also the more enemies you kill, the larger your life bar becomes. You can shoot upwards, and slow your fall's descent by holding the jump button. Also you find hammers that can break Medusa victims free, and they'll help you fight bosses in gratitude. As you go along you constantly find doors that lead to various types of rooms (shops, gamble boxes, endurance tests, enemy ambushes, etc.), but leaving them alone is often the safer choice. The world consists of 13 levels total, with every 4th level being a dungeon maze with a boss at the end. Navigating the dungeon mazes are pretty much the opposite of fun, and god help you if an Eggplant Wizard nails you with an eggplant while you're there. Surprisingly enough, all the bosses are super easy to beat... the challenge here is always the terrible level designs. Except for the final level, in which the game disingenuously becomes a shmup. :|


I'm not entirely sure why Nintendo chose to have Arika produce a 3D Classics version of Kid Icarus. This was not a lauded game in its day, and time has done nothing to improve it. Sure the 3D effect is nice, and the new background artwork helps to sell the setting. But nothing's been done to improve the tepid soundtrack, nor improve the boilerplate graphics, nor fix the dire level designs with their troll-worthy enemy placement. I was right to quit playing this twenty eight years ago, but I guess I've become more stubborn (or spiteful) with age. I will freely admit Kid Icarus is one of the harder games Nintendo's ever made. But the fact of the matter is, while Nintendo produced plenty of amazing games on the NES, Kid Icarus simply isn't one.

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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Congrats on beating Kid Icarus! I liked it a lot more than you did, but I understand your criticism. The Gameboy sequel is a lot more forgiving; so, you may want to try it out sometime too.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by alienjesus »

I agree with Prfsnl that although I liked Kid Icarus more than you, I can certainly agree it was a very flawed game and I can totally understand the criticism.

I actually like the NES game more mainly because the GB one was so easy I found it very forgettable.

I adore the 3DS game though, but it seems very hit and miss for people, especially based on the controls. I find them just fine, but lots of people struggle with them or get hand cramps.

Also, I strongly suspect the reason for the added backgrounds in the 3D Classics version of Kid Icarus is due to ghosting. Areas with lots of dark backgrounds or black colours tend to cause ghosting artifacts in 3D mode on the 3DS. That's like 90% of Kid Icarus, so they likely added the backgrounds to try and stop that happening.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Exhuminator wrote:I distinctly remember borrowing this game from a friend on a Friday in 1989. I played it over the weekend, not getting far into it, hating it, and gladly returning Kid Icarus the following Monday.

This is where I'm at.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Exhuminator »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:The Gameboy sequel is a lot more forgiving; so, you may want to try it out sometime too.

I started playing it last night, and so far it is indeed more fair. For one thing enemies actually drop life restoratives once in a while. That aspect in and of itself is a huge boon.
alienjesus wrote:I adore the 3DS game though, but it seems very hit and miss for people, especially based on the controls.

I plan to find out soon, or rather once I finish the GB game. I figure I might as well finish off the trilogy.
BoneSnapDeez wrote:This is where I'm at.

Totally understandable.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Ack »

Having beaten both the NES and Game Boy versions, yeah, the Game Boy one is considerably more forgiving. I hope you enjoy it. I did when I played it..oh back in 2005 or so.
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