Games Beaten 2019

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Ordinary Gamer
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by Ordinary Gamer »

ElkinFencer10 wrote:Wait, you've seen women upset that there are women in Battlefield? 90% sure that makes literally zero sense.

I don't think the world is as black and white as you think it is. I mostly saw people taking issue with the historical accuracy of the game regarding its portrayal of women.

It just seems that whenever people have a criticism regarding female characters in entertainment people immediately jump to "misogyny". It's one of the big problems in the country today, people jumping to labels without actually listening to other people's point of view. It's actually interesting in light of the Batwoman trailer that came out recently and the large number of dislikes it got. You can't explain them all away by just saying, "misogynists". There are plenty of videos where people explain their issues with the trailer, none of which stemming from hating women. Many of those same people love the Wonder Woman movie and the Alita Battle Angel movie

But otherwise, your review was enjoyable to read, and I don't mean to sound like I'm attacking you or anything. I was just expressing my point of view.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by Ordinary Gamer »

MrPopo wrote:1. Octopath Traveler - Switch
2. Dusk - PC
3. Forsaken Remastered - PC
4. Tales of Eternia - PS1
5. Resident Evil 2 (2019) - PC
6. Pokémon Trading Card Game - GBC
7. Metro Exodus - PC
8. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales - PC
9. Project Warlock - PC
10. Magic: The Gathering - PC
11. Ghost 1.0 - PC
12. Call of Duty 2 - PC
13. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - PS4
14. Revelations: The Demon Slayer - GBC
15. Mechstermination Force - Switch
16. Shadow Warrior Classic Redux
17. Lost Sphear - Switch
18. Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal - PC
19. Dragon Quest III - NES
20. Rage 2 - PC

The game is an open world shooter, and frankly all the open world stuff is just so bland. While there are a bunch of different activities to do, after you've done a given activity once or twice you're pretty much bored of that activity. Compare with Spider-Man, where the enemy and level configurations would make each combat interesting enough. Here there's just not enough variety in enemies, so once you've seen one pack you've seen them all.

I find that interesting, as I think every single open world activity in Spider-Man save one was boring. It's mostly just combat, combat, combat and every fight in Spider-Man plays out the same way, mash the dodge button over and over again because someone or something is ALWAYS shooting at you from off screen. The game hardly lets you enjoy the melee combat system because you spend more time dodging weapon fire than engaging in fisticuffs. The game does occasionally throw some different enemy patterns at you, but even they repeat themselves. The Research Stations were the only interesting thing in Spider-Man because they each had you doing something different. Everything else in Spider-Man is typical open world busy work with the same check list of stuff that ALL open world games have. Find collectibles. Check. Fight lots of people. Check. Unlock fast travel points. Check. Take pictures of stuff, which is the same as finding collectibles. Check. Go to enemy bases and kill everyone i.e. bandit camps in Horizon Zero Dawn or bandit dens in Rage 2. Check. Stop cars with criminals racing through the streets which the game totally stole from Batman Arkham City. Check

I honestly don't think ANY open world game doesn't follow the same formula these days, which is why I take criticisms about Rage 2's open world with a grain of salt personally.

I've played a little bit of Rage 2. I'm slightly more positive on it, though I didn't play the first one

I think the post apocalyptic setting was refreshing in Rage 2, because it isn't just the typical dreary, bleak, the world has no hope, and humanity is barely hanging on formula. In Rage 2, there's a lot of chaos, lawlessness (particularly with you being the last Ranger), violent gangs and mutants causing problems, asteroids randomly falling out of the sky, Authority Goons causing problems, The Shrouded causing problems, and society has regressed in some ways. Yet, there is still remnants of technology being used. There are people finding ways to enjoy life and make a living. The planet still has forests and swamps rather than being a Mad Max-like wasteland and there seems to be some hope for the future if you and your allies can just get rid of Cross and the Authority. It's sort of like a semi-apocalypse hit that world. It messed up a lot of things, but didn't completely destroy any hope for humanity's future.

I like the combat. I agree with you on that. It's not just fun and over the top, but gives you lots of options and is really brutal. I can't remember the last time I played a game where I decapitated, de-limbed, splattered, and blew up so many people. It's pretty messed up seeing the state of the bodies after you have cleared out an area of enemies. A leg here. An arm there. Half of someone's face missing. Blood everywhere. Reminds me of Ninja Gaiden II on the Xbox 360. Everything feels smooth and fluid too when you're in combat. Everything felt so perfect, I didn't even bother tweaking the sensitivity settings for aiming or anything. I don't think the game lacked in enemy variety. The Goons. The Shroud. The Authority. Crushers. Muties. Big dudes in armor with blades on their arms. Honestly, Rage 2 has WAY more enemy variety than Spider-Man, which only really had low level thugs and those mercenary guys that show up later from what I remember. Every fight in Spider-Man was the same, try and pummel people to death while dodging a bullet or a rocket every two seconds. Beyond that, the only enemy interactions in the game are those dreadful stealth sections where they try way too hard to make Mary Jane seem important.

I like the Mad Max feel to Rage 2's characters. The Goon Squad are basically warboys from Mad Max, though with actual women in their groups as well, and more actual dialog than they had in Mad Max. Sometimes I will stop and listen to their conversations before storming in and killing everyone. And I like silly stuff in the game like a talking car with Linda Carter's voice driving me around. That brought a smile to my face. I even like just the completely random stuff that happens in the game, like when I just happened to come upon two random NPCs in a town arguing over their clothes until one just killed the other, got all fearful upon realizing what he had just done, and then nervously walked away as if he hoped no one had seen what happened. I was sitting there like, "Well that just happened". Then later I come back to that town again and now there's a random fight to the death between two NPCs happening with a crowd watching and making bets. I loved seeing stuff just randomly happening like that. And there's actually plenty of lore to find if you really look around and read everything. A LOT of stuff actually gets explained.

And just like the Mad Max, I like the progression systems. There always a steady feeling of getting incrementally stronger as you complete more and more activities.

Rage 2 isn't a masterpiece or game of the year, but it is FUN. I personally wouldn't call it mediocre, but that's just my opinion
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

Ordinary Gamer wrote:
ElkinFencer10 wrote:Wait, you've seen women upset that there are women in Battlefield? 90% sure that makes literally zero sense.

I don't think the world is as black and white as you think it is. I mostly saw people taking issue with the historical accuracy of the game regarding its portrayal of women.

It just seems that whenever people have a criticism regarding female characters in entertainment people immediately jump to "misogyny". It's one of the big problems in the country today, people jumping to labels without actually listening to other people's point of view. It's actually interesting in light of the Batwoman trailer that came out recently and the large number of dislikes it got. You can't explain them all away by just saying, "misogynists". There are plenty of videos where people explain their issues with the trailer, none of which stemming from hating women. Many of those same people love the Wonder Woman movie and the Alita Battle Angel movie

But otherwise, your review was enjoyable to read, and I don't mean to sound like I'm attacking you or anything. I was just expressing my point of view.

I'm sure the folks upset about the incorrect assessment that the game is historical inaccurate by including women are not misogynists. Read the quotes, do the research and realize that women actually participated in World War 2 and the original intent of including women, directly from EA's mouth was to give people choice and options in who and how they play. There is nothing wrong with that and any attempt to wave the "not historically accurate" towards a video game where you can have three people riding a horse while wielding flamethrowers clearly are picking and choosing when to wave that banner... Which happens to be when they include the ability to play a woman.
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

Partridge Senpai's 2019 Beaten Games:
Previously: 2016 2017 2018
* indicates a repeat

1. Night Slashers (Switch)
2. Bye-Bye BOXBOY! (3DS)
3. GTA4: The Ballad of Gay Tony (Xbox 360)
4. Katamari Forever (PS3)
5. Detention (PS4)
6. Donkey Kong 64 (N64) *
7. OctoDad: Dadliest Catch (PS4) *
8. FlintHook (Switch)
9. God of War (PS4)
10. God of War HD (PS3)
11. Tiny Barbarian DX (Switch)
12. God of War 2 HD (PS3)
13. Starlink (Switch)
14. Shin Gundam Musou (PS3)
15. Battle & Get! Pokemon Typing DS (DS)
16. Banjo-Kazooie (N64) *
17. Super Mario 64: Rumble Edition (N64)
18. Mario Party 3 (N64) *

19. Paper Mario (N64) *

My N64 kick continues (possibly to an end for now) as I finish Mario Story, aka Paper Mario. I thought it'd be a really fun exercise to play a game with such fun writing (which I also happened to know the English of so well) in its original language, and I was very much right! Now this N64, one I brought with me from America from when I was a kid, has seen from beginning to end 3 of my favorite games from my childhood UwU

The writing was a really interesting thing to notice differences in. Particularly among the main cast of Mario's partners. Goombario is far more of a little brat, almost like a wannabe tough guy middle schooler, which had me just in stitches for some of the Tattle descriptions he'd do XD . Bombette's speaking style is much more of a cross between girly but sassy and I thought it was very cute. Lady Bow is actually SUPER similar to how she is in English, and Watt's speaking style uses a kind of baby talk-ish lisp for how they say things that, while cute, made it really hard to understand what they were saying at times. Bowser is also just SO over the top campy with how evil he talks that it always makes me laugh more than anything. I've loved him in other Mario RPG's I've played and now I really wanna buy a Super Famicom Mini to play Mario RPG itself in Japanese because the way he's written is always just so funny XD .

The combat is more puzzle-y than I remember, though I think that's just my more analytical way of thinking due to my age rather than tastes. I did not remember at all taking SO much damage from even normal enemies, but it certainly made sense with how baby-me always maxed out health as the first stat they could when I played the game when I was little. It really heavily incentives rushing down enemies as fast as possible, so every encounter almost feels like a kind of simple puzzle (save for somewhat more complex boss encounters) of how to get it over with ASAP. It also has a weird kind of feeling to how powerful you are because your attack and defense are linked to story-related gear instead of level, so that's one more element forcing you to engage with that puzzle-type fighting because you can't just power-level your way to one-shotting everything. It's a very interesting design that makes it a far more unique experience than something like Mario RPG.

That said, I still enjoy the sequel more. Paper Mario's best parts are its writing, and the often dialogue-less dungeons can tend to really drag on, especially towards the end of the game and in the final dungeon. TTYD does a much better job in surrounding its dungeons in larger story beats that just makes it an overall more enjoyable experience to me. I might try and pick that up again soon too; it's been far too long since I've played it. <3

Verdict: Recommended. The simplicity of the combat and sillier, lighthearted story may turn of some people, but if you're a Nintendo fan and don't demand large degrees of tactical choices from your RPGs, you will likely enjoy Paper Mario quite a lot UwU
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by pook99 »

Can I just pop in to ask everyone to stop talking politics in all ways shapes and forms. I'm pretty sure its against the forum rules, and honestly, I've had a pretty shitty week and come here to read and talk about video games, I just don't want to read anyones political opinions on a forum like this.

Not trying to be insulting or anything, you all seem very intelligent, but this is just not the place for it, lets stick to our common love here which is retro themed video games.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

pook99 wrote:Can I just pop in to ask everyone to stop talking politics in all ways shapes and forms. I'm pretty sure its against the forum rules, and honestly, I've had a pretty shitty week and come here to read and talk about video games, I just don't want to read anyones political opinions on a forum like this.

Not trying to be insulting or anything, you all seem very intelligent, but this is just not the place for it, lets stick to our common love here which is retro themed video games.

Don't know how this conversation has anything to do with political stances, political policy or party lines. Just saying the inclusion of women in a video game is in no way a bad thing.
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by pook99 »

BogusMeatFactory wrote:
pook99 wrote:Can I just pop in to ask everyone to stop talking politics in all ways shapes and forms. I'm pretty sure its against the forum rules, and honestly, I've had a pretty shitty week and come here to read and talk about video games, I just don't want to read anyones political opinions on a forum like this.

Not trying to be insulting or anything, you all seem very intelligent, but this is just not the place for it, lets stick to our common love here which is retro themed video games.

Don't know how this conversation has anything to do with political stances, political policy or party lines. Just saying the inclusion of women in a video game is in no way a bad thing.

It does, in this polarizing climate everything is political, I won't get into the logistics of it because I don't want to even hint at what my politics are, but the battlefield V issue definitely raised a political stink when it came up
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by pierrot »

pook99 wrote:Can I just pop in to ask everyone to stop talking politics in all ways shapes and forms. I'm pretty sure its against the forum rules, and honestly, I've had a pretty shitty week and come here to read and talk about video games, I just don't want to read anyones political opinions on a forum like this.

Not trying to be insulting or anything, you all seem very intelligent, but this is just not the place for it, lets stick to our common love here which is retro themed video games.

I agree, pook. This is a topic for Twitter, and it's why I'm not on Twitter.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

This is silly. No one is saying "this political party is misogynists and don't want women in games." It is perfectly okay to bring up the fact that there is a group of people that are mad because women are in a game. To say we can't address that or talk about it is complicant to the issue at hand. Everyone is being a bit overly sensitive. There is nothing wrong saying it's not a big deal that women were represented in a game and it is in no way a political statement. This weird insistence that it is in some way affiliated with some political movement is silly. Women can be in video games and people can say, "Hey good on them for having women in video games." if you have a problem with that, go hang out on Ex's little boys club forum where the big "no girls allowed" sign hangs.
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by pierrot »

BogusMeatFactory wrote:Ex's little boys club forum where the big "no girls allowed" sign hangs.

That's not fair, and I don't really know where that's even coming from. Also, it's a little bit hypocritical, considering that there aren't really any women hanging out on Racketboy, either.

The Battlefield games don't matter to me, and I can't even begin to care about these kinds of controversies in games anymore, but the real reason I feel like you guys should knock it off, is because the last couple responses to Ordinary Gamer in this thread have appeared to be pretty hostile. I kind of thought he'd be gone after the first one, and he came back with a relatively reasonable, and measured response. The combativeness is just uncalled for.
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