Games Beaten 2020

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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

First 30
1. Her Story (iOS)
2. Elminage Original (3DS)
3. Legend of Grimrock (iOS)
4. Silent Bomber (PS1)
5. Crash Bandicoot (PS1)
6. Bust-a-Move 2 Arcade Edition (PS1)
7. Transformers Cybertron Adventures (Wii)
8. Squidlit (Switch)
9. Sydney Hunter & The Curse of the Mayan (Switch)
10. Mega Man Legends (PS1)
11. Revenge of the Bird King (Switch)
12. Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (Switch)
13. Gato Roboto (Switch)
14. Kamiko (Switch)
15. Night Slashers (Arcade)
16. Subsurface Circular (Switch)
17. Iconoclasts (Switch)
18. Wonder Boy Returns Remix (Switch)
19. Resident Evil 3 (PS1)
20. The Messenger (Switch)
21. The Messenger: Picnic Panic (Switch)
22. Samsara Room (iOS)
23. Heroes of the Monkey Tavern (Switch)
24. Sayonara Wild Hearts (Switch)
25. Gris (Switch)
26. Donut County (iOS)
27. Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
28. Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES)
29. Contra (Arcade)
30. Super Contra (Arcade)

31. Minesweeper Genius (Switch)
32. Kuso (Switch)
33. 20XX (Switch)
34. Spooky Ghosts Dot Com (Switch)
35. Aggelos (Switch)
36. Quell+ (iOS)
37. The White Door (iOS)
38. Grizzland (Switch)
39. Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (Switch)

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight Is the fourth game in the previously PC-exclusive Momodora series, and it’s a nice bite-sized Metroidvania that doesn’t do anything revolutionary but does everything right. It plays really well; it has great atmosphere and interesting characters, and it has sprite work the game reminiscent of Cave Stories most detailed sprites. The game is also full of mystery and well-hidden secrets. More importantly, and like the original Metroid, its non-linear, and it allows you a lot of freedom to explore the game. (A lot of new Metroidvanias would do well to take note. The most compelling aspect of the genre is exploration, not backtracking!) Finally, it’s tough! I died a lot, and every time I did, it was my fault. Regular enemies and traps would beat me down as soon as I entered the second area, and many bosses would wreck me the first time I fought them. After learning how to approach them, however, I was able to beat a few without getting hit, demonstrating the game’s “tough, but fair” approach to difficulty. While I didn’t find everything, I did get 100% map completion, the true final boss, and the hood ending in about seven hours, which is the just the right length for this type of game, in my opinion. Highly recommended.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by pook99 »

@prfnsl_gamer: Momodara is a fabulous game, definitely kicked my ass at first but as you learn it the game becomes much more manageable. It is one of those games that just gets everything right and doesnt get the praise it deserves.

104. Resident Evil: darkside chronicles (wii)
105. Wicked Monsters Blast (wii)

104. RE: darkside chronicles

DC is an on rails light gun shooter that covers the events of resident evil 2, resident evil code veronica, and also builds a bridge between code veronica and RE 4. The game starts off with you playing as Leon on a mission from the president, you team up with Krauser (one of the final bosses in RE4) to find and destroy the code veronica virus. Krauser has no experience with the virus so Leon tells him all about his experiences with zombies and other bio weapons, which has the player reliving re 2 and CV through the lens of a rails shooter. The story is nicely told with lots of cutscenes, set pieces, and massive boss battles, as someone who is a huge fan of the RE universe and never completed code veronica it was great to finally witness the evens in that game as well as get some back story into events that led to RE4.

This is probably the longest light gun game ever made, while most games of this type focus on a short experience, usually not lasting more than 30 minutes to an hour, darkside chronicles is a solid 8-12 hour campaign, with 21 levels, each level being a decent length and can last anywhere from 10 to 40 minutes.

The amount of depth in this game is also far greater than your average light gun game. You get a ton of weapons and you can hold them in your inventory and horde ammo until you need it. At anytime you can assign each weapon to a direction on the d pad, but you can also pause the game and switch to more powerul weapons like the magnum and rocket launcer. Pretty much any weapon from RE you can think of is here, your standard pistol has unlimited ammo and other weapons are scattered around the levels, like any good RE game it is generally a good idea to conserve your ammo for when you really need it and rely on the pistol to get through most of the levels. Each weapon has tons of areas you can upgrade with currency earned in levels and you can upgrade stats such as power, reload speed, shoot speed and stopping power. Stopping power is particularly important since the higher the stopping power the more likely your gun is to intercept an enemy attack. You also get access to healing herbs that can be used by pressing the + button and a first aid spray which auto uses when you die, unlock the ammo these healing items can not be horded and brought between levels so if you need to use them you should use them.

The amount of enemies in this game is huge, pretty much every enemy from RE 2, CV, and some new enemies are all here. Every enemy has a weak point (usually its head) which you know because the cursor blinks red when it is on the weak point. Targeting these weak points is vital as it will cause more damage and stagger enemies and interrupt their attacks. Boss fights are at the end of nearly every level and can be extremely long affiars that require a steady aim and tons of ammo.

My one complaint about the game is it is sometimes difficult to aim. Where most light gun shooters have a static view with the enemies moving erratically this game has both the camera moving erratically (simulating your character moving, looking, etc) as well as the enemies moving erratically, this can make targeting enemies needlessly hard to hit sometimes, and while I found this to be very frustrating at times when I was playing it, in hindsight I appreciate the level of challenge it offered. This is definitely a pretty tough game and smart use of items and knowledge of how to interrupt every enemy attack is absolutely vital to have any level of success.

Overall, this is a must play game, fans of resident evil will appreciate the story, but even if you don't know the source material and just like on rails shooters this is one of the best around, it offers a lengthy and deep experience, with plenty of incentives to go back and replay for better ranks and hidden objects, and it is coop.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

Partridge Senpai's 2020 Beaten Games:
Previously: 2016 2017 2018 2019
* indicates a repeat

1. Invisigun Reloaded (Switch)
2. Human: Fall Flat (Switch)
3. Shantae: The Pirate's Curse (3DS)
4. Darksiders: Warmastered Edition (PC)
5. Splatterhouse (PS3) *
6. 3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)
7. Tokyo Jungle (PS3)
8. Pictobits (DSiWare)
9. Puzzle Quest: The Legend Reborn (Switch)
10. WarioWare Gold (3DS)
11. Disaster: Day of Crisis (Wii)
12. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (Xbone)
13. Sleeping Dogs: Nightmare in North Point (Xbone)
14. Sleeping Dogs: Year of the Snake (Xbone)
15. Dynamite Headdy (Genesis) *
16. Shovel Knight: King of Cards (3DS)
17. Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope (3DS) *
18. Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows (Switch) *
19. Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment (Switch) *
20. Shovel Knight: Showdown (Switch)
21. Dragon Quest Builders 2 (PS4)
22. ActRaiser (SNES)
23. Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth (WiiWare)
24. Mega Man X (SNES)
25. Breath of Fire II (SNES)
26. Ape Escape 2 (PS2) *
27. Doubutsu No Mori+ (GC)
28. Ape Escape (PS1)
29. Ape Escape 3 (PS2) *
30. Maken X (DC)
31. Cubivore (GC)
32. Wario World (GC) *
33. Hatoful Boyfriend (PC)
34. Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem (SFC)
35. Baku Bomberman 2 (N64)
36. Chameleon Twist (N64)
37. Gato Roboto (PC)
38. The Messenger (PC)
39. The Messenger: Picnic Panic (PC)

40. Baku Bomberman (N64)

Continuing my little Bomberman kick brought on by playing Baku Bomberman 2 a few weeks ago, over the past week I played through the first Baku Bomberman game, or Bomberman 64 as it's known in the West. It's overall a much shorter but much better game than it's sequel, and it only took me 3 or 4 hours in total to complete with the bad ending.

Baku Bomberman is another attempt to make more of an action adventure game out of the Bomberman formula, but with much more DNA of the classic Bomberman style than its sequel. The evil Altair and his four lieutenants have come to planet Bomberman seeking to drain all of its life force for Altair's evil schemes. Bomberman rushes in to beat the four islands and the final lair of Altair himself in 20 stages of action platforming. The story is much lighter than the sequel, and the cast of characters is much more forgettable as a result. Granted, this is Bomberman, so that isn't exactly a huge strike against the game, but it made me appreciate the effort the second game put into the characters with just how little this game has to its writing.

There are technically 20 stages in the game, but about half of those are boss fights, with each of the 5 worlds having 4 stages and two of those stages being just boss fights. If you found the remote power in the previous stage and finished the level with it, though, you get to go into the boss fight with remote detonation bombs, which is pretty darn helpful lemee tell ya. The levels aren't super long or difficult, and are all around pretty darn forgiving, as there's a life system and a continue system (much like the American version of Baku Bomberman 2) where losing a life just puts you back to the start of the last room you entered, while using a continue totally restarts a level. Even then, you never lose your fire or bomb powerups even by using a continue (although you do lose remote detonation bombs when you lose even one life, which is unfortunate).

There are some light puzzle elements in each stage, but it's mostly just going from one end to the other and following the path in front of you. While there are hidden custom parts to make yourself look snazzy for the battle mode, what are also even more well hidden are the secret golden cards hidden in every stage. Each stage has 5 of them for a total of 100 (and if you get all 100 you get a secret good ending), with three hidden in the stage, one for killing a certain amount of enemies, and one for beating the level in a certain amount of time. I'm fairly sure you don't need to get them all in one go, as the time requirements would make that kinda impossible, but those hidden cards are often REALLY well hidden and even in the earliest levels really require mastering the bomb kicking and throwing mechanics to be able to bounce yourself to far off places and over seemingly impossible pits. I had no patience for that as those mechanics you need to master are pretty finicky and not all that fun to push through, but it's a nice little extra thing you can do if you really wanna sink your teeth into this game.

Verdict: Recommended. While I think the second game will last longer in my heart due to the longer time I spent with it, this is easily a better all around product and far easier to recommend. It's far more forgiving, the stage design is tighter, the bosses (while some are still definitely not super intuitive and kinda crap/too easy) are far more consistent in thier difficulty, it's less buggy. This is a far more recommendable game that you'll probably have way more fun with than the sequel, even if it's something you'll probably blow through in an afternoon and not think about too much afterwards.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by prfsnl_gmr »


Thanks for reading my Momodora review! I’m glad someone else has played it. I liked it so much, I’m going to figure out how to play the first three games in the series, and I am looking forward to the developer’s next effort. Also, great review of RE: Darkside Chronicles. I really want to play those, but I’d like to (at least try to) get through Code Veronica first. They look like a lot of fun.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by dust_hound »

@Ack - thanks for posting your thoughts on BR: Winter of the Wolf. I think I might eventually pick it up and give it a go, based on your impressions, and will skip playing the first game.

19th July 2020 - Steamworld Heist (PS Vita)
I recently had a few euros left in my PSN account after purchasing a couple of games, and picked up Steamworld Heist since it was on sale for 3.50EUR at the time. Although its whimsical cartoony steampunk graphical style isn't really my cup of tea, it's nonetheless a great game that anyone with an interest in turn-based tactics games should check out.

The setting is the future where robots are pretty much the only thing left of Earth's population. Earth itself has been destroyed and reduced to a bunch of chunks floating in space, with the steam-powered robot population leading a wild west frontier-style existence, trying to avoid being crushed under the heel of the diesel-powered empire who own the space closest to Earth's remains. You play the role of pirate captain Piper Faraday, and lead a rag-tag pirate crew of steambots through an adventure that starts with a small crew trying to eke out a living, then coming into conflict with the empire, and progressing from there. Story development is done via in-game conversations between characters you meet along the way, some of whom can be recruited to your team, as well as comic-book style cutscenes complete with old-timey narrator and music. The latter is very well done by the steampunk band Steam Powered Giraffe, and you can hear their vocal tracks in the space-bars you can enter, and after defeating certain bosses. There's no voice acting apart from the narrator - instead the robots all speak in authentic frontier robo-gibberish.

Gameplay is centred around boarding spaceships or space stations with the purpose of grabbing loot or meeting objectives like destroying a specific target. Once in combat, you have a limited movement range with two separate distances - sprinting where you can go further but can't act afterwards, or walking a shorter way then performing an action like shooting or using items. When shooting you first set the direction of aim, and depending on the weapon your shots may ricochet, spread out, fly in an arc etc. The steambots all have a slight arm waver when aiming so timing also comes into play when you are about to commit to a shot, and some weapons have laser sights to make this easier. Later on in the game there are other factors like areas covered in oil which you can detonate to cause extra damage, and enemies who exploit this by lobbing oil grenades your way. This leads to various tense moments, and it's enjoyably frustrating when you mess up what you thought was the perfect shot and instead ignite the floor and cost your team valuable HP. Characters level up in a not-overdone way, with level 10 being the maximum, and each new level brings things like a new skill or an increase in health. You can also find various shops along the way where you can purchase weapons, extra storage space for your inventory, repair kits etc.

Oh yes, there are hats too. You can buy them in shops, or knock them off enemies' heads with a well-placed, or unintentional, shot. Lots of hats. That said, they don't seem to confer any special properties - just a different look for your characters.

At the end of the day, I had a great time during my approximately 15hr playthrough, and there's also a new game plus mode for those who can't get enough. Definitely worth buying for anyone who likes the themes of Steampunk, cowboys, lovable misfits, good music, and overall great videogames.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by pook99 »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:@pook99

Thanks for reading my Momodora review! I’m glad someone else has played it. I liked it so much, I’m going to figure out how to play the first three games in the series, and I am looking forward to the developer’s next effort. Also, great review of RE: Darkside Chronicles. I really want to play those, but I’d like to (at least try to) get through Code Veronica first. They look like a lot of fun.

Momodora 3 is still on steam if you ever use that, the first 2 are freeware and can be found with a google search but are very glitchy, I tried playing the first and it kept crashing so I never bothered finishing it or trying the 2nd. I couldnt tell you much about the 3rd entry as I played it a long time ago, I definitely remember enjoying it but it is not as good as the reverie.

and as someone who couldnt pull himself to finish code veronica I was more than content to see the events of the game through the darkside chronicles.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

First 30
1. Her Story (iOS)
2. Elminage Original (3DS)
3. Legend of Grimrock (iOS)
4. Silent Bomber (PS1)
5. Crash Bandicoot (PS1)
6. Bust-a-Move 2 Arcade Edition (PS1)
7. Transformers Cybertron Adventures (Wii)
8. Squidlit (Switch)
9. Sydney Hunter & The Curse of the Mayan (Switch)
10. Mega Man Legends (PS1)
11. Revenge of the Bird King (Switch)
12. Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (Switch)
13. Gato Roboto (Switch)
14. Kamiko (Switch)
15. Night Slashers (Arcade)
16. Subsurface Circular (Switch)
17. Iconoclasts (Switch)
18. Wonder Boy Returns Remix (Switch)
19. Resident Evil 3 (PS1)
20. The Messenger (Switch)
21. The Messenger: Picnic Panic (Switch)
22. Samsara Room (iOS)
23. Heroes of the Monkey Tavern (Switch)
24. Sayonara Wild Hearts (Switch)
25. Gris (Switch)
26. Donut County (iOS)
27. Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
28. Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES)
29. Contra (Arcade)
30. Super Contra (Arcade)

31. Minesweeper Genius (Switch)
32. Kuso (Switch)
33. 20XX (Switch)
34. Spooky Ghosts Dot Com (Switch)
35. Aggelos (Switch)
36. Quell+ (iOS)
37. The White Door (iOS)
38. Grizzland (Switch)
39. Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (Switch)
40. Silent Hill (PS1)

Silent Hill Is a legendary PS1 horror game that I played for this year’s summer games challenge. It is really, really good, and I wrote about it a lot in the Summer Games Challenge thread. First, the game looks great. The models and textures are (relatively) detailed, and the dynamic lighting effects are stupendous. The limited visibility add immensely to the game’s atmosphere, and the game is full of really effective graphical flourishes. Moreover, while the voice acting is stilted (and has that distinct PS1 echo effect), the sound effects are first class. The game is full of static, glass breaking, giggling, metal grinding, objects falling, etc., and all of it is very unsettling. Finally, the relatively non-linear open gameplay is very compelling, and while the combat is almost absurdly easy, the puzzles are genuinely challenging. The game also, despite rank controls, handles really well, and I never felt the controls impeded my progress. (This game would be a great introduction to the survival horror genre.) Highly recommended.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by Ack »

1. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch)(Adventure)
2. Final Fight [Japanese Version] (Switch)(Beat 'Em Up)
3. Ziggurat (PC)(FPS)
4. Magrunner: Dark Pulse (PC)(FPS)
5. The King of Dragons [Japanese](Arcade)(Beat 'Em Up)

6. Captain Commando [Japanese](Arcade)(Beat 'Em Up)
7. Knights of the Round [Japanese](Arcade)(Beat 'Em Up)
8. The Witcher (PC)(RPG)

9. Tenchi wo Kurau II (Arcade)(Beat 'Em Up)
10. Dark Sun: Shattered Lands (PC)(RPG)

11. Lichdom: Battlemage (PC)(FPS/RPG Hybrid)
12. Star Wars: Republic Commando (PC)(FPS)

13. DOOM 64 (PC)(FPS)
14. Half Dead 2 (PC)(Adventure)

15. Powered Gear - Strategic Variant Armor Equipment (Arcade)(Beat 'Em Up)
16. Torchlight II (PC)(RPG)

17. Battle Circuit [Japanese](Arcade)(Beat 'Em Up)
18. Hard Reset Redux (PC)(FPS)

19. The Stanley Parable (PC)(Walking Sim)
20. Waking Mars (PC)(Adventure)
21. Requiem: Avenging Angel (PC)(FPS)

22. Night Slashers (Arcade)(Beat 'Em Up)
23. Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD (PC)(Action Adventure)

24. Strikers 1945 (Arcade)(SHMUP)
25. SiN Episodes: Emergence (PC)(FPS)
26. Crysis Warhead (PC)(FPS)

27. Metro 2033 (PC)(FPS)
28. Good Job! (Switch)(Puzzle)
29. Blasphemous (Switch)(Action Adventure)

30. Two Worlds: Epic Edition (PC)(RPG)
31. Chex Quest HD (PC)(FPS)

32. NecroVision: Lost Company (PC)(FPS)
33. Icewind Dale (PC)(RPG)

34. Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter (PC)(RPG)
35. Icewind Dale: Trials of the Luremaster (PC)(RPG)

36. Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (PC)(RPG)
37. Singularity (PC)(FPS)
38. The Witcher 2 (PC)(RPG)
39. Still Life 2 (PC)(Point and Click Adventure)
40. Myst IV: Revelation (PC)(Point and Click Adventure)
41. Gato Roboto (Switch)(Action Adventure)
42. Painkiller: Overdose (PC)(FPS)

43. Battle Realms (PC)(RTS)
44. Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf (PC)(RTS)
45. Terminator: Resistance (PC)(FPS)

There have been a few Terminator video games over the years, but it's never been a franchise that really nailed it. Actually, let me back up; it's not a franchise that's really nailed anything after the release of the second film. The first two films are fantastic. After that, it's all downhill. The games have been a mixture of genres but generally lackluster and aren't particularly memorable, despite in a few rare instances such as Future Shock bringing true innovation.

I find it difficult to judge Terminator: Resistance because of this history, because I compare it both to its franchise and to its genre. It is both mediocre and fantastic, bland and nostalgic. It offers up some ideas that are generic samey revisions of what we regularly see in FPS nowadays along with some moments of genuine, heart swelling awesomeness. I like it, but I think I like it more than I should, and as much as I like it, I also found myself constantly staring at its faults.

Resistance takes place after T2, and it continues based on that storyline, so the only stuff that appears canon in the game are the first two films. You play a regular soldier named Jacob Rivers who is a Resistance fighter against Skynet 30 years after the nuclear holocaust. You're stuck in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, fighting through places like Pasadena and the Hollywood Hills, as well as Downtown, and eventually forced to confront a new model that has been chasing you for months, one that looks human but is completely relentless. What's most surprising is that it's a new model of Terminator, but it's been after you a while, and the prototypes only just started coming off the line... Ah, time travel storylines.

In practice, Resistance offers up some decent gunplay, but your weapon types are limited. It has some classic enemies you'll recognize from the films, but after a few levels you'll realize you've seen them all. It offers a small crafting system that has the emphasis placed on small. It has a leveling system that seems mostly irrelevant beyond locking you out of certain skills, and it has an inventory system and weapon mod system that are both bland and generic. It's like if Fallout 3 were considerably smaller and had Terminators wandering around. Apparently it still had the same amount of bugs as a Bethesda game on launch, though that's thankfully been patched out in many cases. Oh, and there is a linear plot with some non-linear aspects related to different characters, but ultimately it comes down to whether these folks ultimately live or die and whether you have to be an asshole to get there.

If it's sounding pretty generic, that's because it is. That's not to say it doesn't have things I appreciate; for instance, hacking is basically a Frogger-rip off minigame that I ended up liking a lot. But then there is lockpicking, which was lifted directly from Elder Scrolls IV. You can use pseudo nightvision to see through walls and eventually take photos, but the photos have absolutely no point beyond a couple of quest purposes and an achievement. It's just a grab bag of ideas from the last fifteen years, thrown in together to see what it achieves.

And yet... And yet, at the end of the game, I find myself assaulting Skynet's fortress, leading the charge of Resistance fighters against waves of massive robots, while a reprogrammed HK tank is driving along behind me, literally smashing its way through barriers, and John Connor is shouting orders to me about how Skynet has powerd up its time travel device and has begun sending Terminator models back in time, and an extended version of the Terminator theme is blasting as I fire plasma lasers at T-800s streaming through security gates, their eyes glowing with red fury as I put a shot in one's dome and send it crumbling to the dirt...

Yeah, when Resistance works, it works.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

First 40
1. Her Story (iOS)
2. Elminage Original (3DS)
3. Legend of Grimrock (iOS)
4. Silent Bomber (PS1)
5. Crash Bandicoot (PS1)
6. Bust-a-Move 2 Arcade Edition (PS1)
7. Transformers Cybertron Adventures (Wii)
8. Squidlit (Switch)
9. Sydney Hunter & The Curse of the Mayan (Switch)
10. Mega Man Legends (PS1)
11. Revenge of the Bird King (Switch)
12. Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (Switch)
13. Gato Roboto (Switch)
14. Kamiko (Switch)
15. Night Slashers (Arcade)
16. Subsurface Circular (Switch)
17. Iconoclasts (Switch)
18. Wonder Boy Returns Remix (Switch)
19. Resident Evil 3 (PS1)
20. The Messenger (Switch)
21. The Messenger: Picnic Panic (Switch)
22. Samsara Room (iOS)
23. Heroes of the Monkey Tavern (Switch)
24. Sayonara Wild Hearts (Switch)
25. Gris (Switch)
26. Donut County (iOS)
27. Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES)
28. Donkey Kong Country 3 (SNES)
29. Contra (Arcade)
30. Super Contra (Arcade)
31. Minesweeper Genius (Switch)
32. Kuso (Switch)
33. 20XX (Switch)
34. Spooky Ghosts Dot Com (Switch)
35. Aggelos (Switch)
36. Quell+ (iOS)
37. The White Door (iOS)
38. Grizzland (Switch)
39. Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (Switch)
40. Silent Hill (PS1)

41. Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio (Switch)

Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio is a gauntlet of 60 platforming challenges and three boss battles. The challenges get progressively more difficult as you proceed through the game, and each can be completed in just a few seconds. All of them are completely ridiculous, though, and the game provides no explanation regarding how to complete them. Accordingly, the game’s micro platforming seems like something that would be produced by WarioWare, Inc. That is, it is very fast-paced, funny, and a lot of fun. On one level, you jump over Frankenstein’s monster to grab a key, and a few levels later, you’re dodging a soccer ball bouncing around the screen like something from Breakout. You’ll jump off your pet poodle like Mega Man bounces off Rush before grabbing keys while running away from fire-breathing dobermans. Other highlights include: firing missiles at a giant baby, jumping over zombies as they’re slain by a sword-wielding hero, skateboarding through a house, and shooting small dragons with a laser firing out of the Venus de Milo’s missing arm. Finally, the game has great music, and it’s loaded with ridiculous, low quality voice samples. (When you start the game, it yells, “Cowabunga!” just like the NES version of TMNT: The Arcade Game. That put a smile on my face.)

The game has two modes: a “classic” mode where you get nine hits, but only one life, to beat the game, and a “try harder” mode where you have unlimited lives, but only one hit point, to beat each level. I beat the “try harder” mode, but I can get a little past half way through the classic mode. The platforming can be a bit stiff at times, but the levels are still mostly fair. (The “try harder” mode illustrates that you can beat all of them without getting hit. It may take you 50 tries to figure out how to do it, but it’s possible.)

Despite the game’s very limited content, I feel there’s enough creativity and fun here to justify its price. (It’s normal price is $4.99, but I got it on sale for $2.49.) I will definitely be making more runs at “classic” mode, and the game’s pick-up-and-play, die-and-retry nature make it great for short gaming breaks. Highly recommended.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by Markies »

Markies' Games Beat List Of 2020!
*Denotes Replay For Completion*

1. Pikmin 2 (GCN)
2. Banjo-Tooie (N64)
3. Contra: Hard Corps (GEN)
4. Super Baseball Simulator 1,000 (SNES)
5. Chip 'N Dale Rescue Rangers 2 (NES)
6. Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection (PS2)
***7. Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories (PS2)***
***8. Cruis'N USA (N64)***
9. Arc The Lad Collection (PS1)
10. Halo 2 (XBX)
11. Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings And The Lost Ocean (GCN)
12. DuckTales 2 (NES)
13. Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm (PS2)
14. Rocket Knight Adventures (GEN)

***15. Skies of Arcadia (SDC)***


Skies of Arcadia is probably my favorite DreamCast game and could be my favorite game Sega has ever created. It is such a perfect RPG that feels like a love letter to the golden age of the genre. With lovable characters, a fantastic battle and leveling system and a story that never gets old, the game is perfect in every sense of the word. I just feel great playing it and I just want to always play more. Truly, one of my all time favorite games and a beloved classic.
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