Games Beaten 2019

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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Gunstar Green wrote:Super Fantasy Zone is my favorite Fantasy Zone. It's everything I enjoy about those games with an extra coat of polish.

It’s really, really solid, and again, it looks spectacular. It’s probably my second favorite game in the series by a nose. (It edges out the arcade original, but it’s a good ways behind the brilliant Fantasy Zone II W. If you haven’t tried that one yet, Gunstar, you should.)

I have a few games left to wrap the series. I’ll probably play Fantasy Zone Gear next, followed by Fantasy Zone: The Maze. I also plan play through the PS2 version of Fantasy Zone which, I understand, adds a lot of new features and levels. I’d like to play Galactic Protector, but it requires a special Master System paddle controller only released in Japan, and while I love the series, I’m not sure I live it enough to pay $100+ it’d cost me to play that game properly. :lol:
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by MrPopo »

1. Octopath Traveler - Switch
2. Dusk - PC
3. Forsaken Remastered - PC
4. Tales of Eternia - PS1
5. Resident Evil 2 (2019) - PC
6. Pokémon Trading Card Game - GBC
7. Metro Exodus - PC
8. Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales - PC
9. Project Warlock - PC
10. Magic: The Gathering - PC
11. Ghost 1.0 - PC
12. Call of Duty 2 - PC
13. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice - PS4

From Software's latest game is another entry in their Soulsbornekiro genre. Sekiro has some departures from previous games, but at it's core it will be familiar to someone who has played a Souls or Bloodborne game. And it's a hell of a lot of fun with a major payoff once you learn the game's systems.

Sekiro is set in feudal Japan; the game spends more time with the story compared to previous games. While previous games had their story being uncovering the past lore of the setting and finding out why things are so shit right now, this game tells the story of a shinobi as he tries to execute his duty to protect and aid his lord. He is aided in this endeavor thanks to a gift from his lord; the blood of the Dragon's Heir, which grants him a form of immortality. However, this immortality is not without its downsides, so midway through your lord resolves to sever the connection to this immortality, leading to the rest of the game's story.

Because of this higher emphasis on story your character is very bespoke; you always are the same shinobi, and you always get a fixed set of equipment to undertake your mission. While in one sense this is more restrictive than what we saw in previous games, at the same time it allows the game to go much deeper into creating an extremely engaging and skill based combat system. Encounters are balanced knowing exactly what you have (or might have) available, and properly using your tools and skills will make a big difference.

In addition to your main sword, you have your left arm replaced with a mechanical arm known as the shinobi prosthetic. At its base it has a grappling hook which is utilized to create a ton of verticality in the game. Some bosses also make use of this; you can grapple onto them mid fight after certain moves, giving you an opportunity to get in some damage. You can also fit it with a bunch of different tools; shuriken, axes, firecrackers, and the like. These require the usage of spirit emblems, which are sometimes dropped by enemies and can be found in the world, so you can't just spam them. But proper use of them is essentially for getting through the game. They can be used to cut through enemy shields, poison enemies, counter flying enemies, or block fire damage. The other major piece of character building is the skill trees. After acquiring enough experience you gain a skill point, and you can spend skill points to unlock benefits in the skill trees. These come in three forms. The first is raw passives, such as taking less damage from sword wielding enemies. The second is additional techniques which can be performed at the right time; one of the early ones is the ability to do a slide to get into cover faster. The third are sword techniques which can only have one equipped at a time; these each can be extremely powerful in the right circumstances, such as the whirlwind slash which clears space around you.

Combat in Sekiro is From's most technical yet. You and every enemy have both a vitality bar (health) and a posture bar. The latter fills up when you are hit or block attacks (blocking fills it more slowly), and when it is filled up you or your enemy will be vulnerable to a deathblow; this is an instant kill attack. Posture regenerates over time, and regenerates slower when vitality is low. Posture can also be damaged by parrying, which is blocking at the right instant, as well as certain skills which counter enemy attacks (Mikiri counter being the big one) and certain sword techniques which do high posture damage. Performing a deathblow gives you a period of invincibility, so landing them is very important when there are multiple enemies on screen. Different enemies are easier or harder to posture break; while the easy enemies you can mash sword on a few times to deathblow others will require you to perform several parries. Naturally, this extends to bosses. Unlike regular enemies, bosses will block most of your attacks, and have high posture regeneration. So the fights involve a lot of chipping down their health in moments of vulnerability and parrying their attacks to build posture. Bosses and mini bosses all have multiple health bars; death blowing one will trigger the second health bar, which usually involves a change in tactics for bosses (mini bosses don't care).

Another tool in your arsenal is the stealth system. Stealth in Sekiro is in the form of "see how many dudes you can kill before they notice you" stealth, rather than "don't be seen or you get killed" stealth of other games. When you sneak up on an enemy unawares you can immediately deathblow them; this also is true for minibosses (though you still have to deal with their second health bar). Sneaking through tall grass and approaching from on high out of sight are both effective for taking out your targets, and properly utilizing it serves to even the odds against you (as, like in any Souls game, the basic enemies can and will kill you if not respected).

The final important tool is the resurrection mechanic. When you die you have the ability to get back up, using a regeneration charge. This restores you to half health and lets you get back in the fight. Regular enemies might have gone back to their patrols, letting you backstab them, while bosses will still be on their guard. However, you can't resurrect willy nilly; you have one charge that is restored when resting at this game's bonfire equivalent and a second charge that is filled when you kill enemies (and you can later earn a third charge that also fills on killing enemies). When you use a charge you are locked out of resurrecting until you deathblow something. This means in a boss fight, even if you come with three charges, you can only die once per phase and still be able to get back up.

Sekiro definitely requires adjustment compared to previous games. Like Bloodborne it rewards aggression, only here you want to be aggressive to bait out enemy counter attacks that you can then parry. Trading actual hits will get you killed. Properly reacting to enemy attacks is more important than ever; while you have a dodge it isn't nearly as good as a Dark Souls roll, and each enemy attack needs to be reacted to in a specific way. Learning these patterns is essential, and once you do the fights go from you getting your ass kicked left and right to you getting through nearly unscathed. It's intensely satisfying to finally have things snap in. But once you get cocky and start hoping enemies will do what you want you'll get murdered. Sekiro is a game of reaction and fight manipulation.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by alienjesus »

Ack wrote:Ohh, ESWAT is on Steam. I may have to pick it up some time.

It's not a perfect game, but it deserves to be remembered more than it is. The music is awesome too.

prfsnl_gmr wrote:Amazing post, AJ. Interesting take on Shinig in the Darkness. If I recall correctly, Bone wasn’t too fond of it, but your review makes me want to give it a shot. (There’s an iPad version that come bundled with Shining Force and Shining Force II. I may pick that up.) totally beat Columns. Nice work!

I might have been more enamoured with Shining in the Darkness than most because I played it shortly after Phantasy Star 2 and Sword of Vermilion, so it felt like a big step up. Compared to mos of the Mega Drive games on the collection I'd played so far too, the presentation felt like a big step up visually compared to most, and had a lot more charm than many of the more western focused titles on the system. Dare I say it, they kinda had a Nintendo-like feel to them. The core gameplay is just a serviceable dungeon crawler, but I did the job. The game felt like someone really cared about it when making it.

Markies wrote:Epic post AJ!

And you are correct. Streets of Rage 2 is probably the best game on the Genesis/Mega Drive.

Also, if you enjoyed Shining in the Darkness, you will LOVE Shining Force!

Not long now, I've got 4 more relatively short games to beat before I play that one. As a Fire Emblem fan I expect I'll either love it for it's gameplay similarities or hate it for it's gameplay differences :lol:

ElkinFencer10 wrote:Holy shit, AJ. That was a hell of a post. Glad to hear Katamari Damacy Reroll was good, though; I've got it sitting on my shelf but haven't played it yet.

I'm not sure if you played the original version of the game or how it compares to that, but I hadn't, and I had a good time. The only Katamari game I'd fully played before this was Touch My Katamari on Vita, which was just OK. This one was much better.

BoneSnapDeez wrote:Hey aj, do you like the Sega Genesis?

Nope, but I quite like the Sega Mega Drive :lol:

Seriously though, actually sitting down and beating all the games on one of these collections has been an interesting insight into the library. Sega games definitely have a feeling of less polish than Nintendo stuff outside of a few select titles, but they often end up having an edge to them because of that that's quite appealing. On the other hand, Nintendo rarely have any stinkers on the level of something like Super Thunder Blade (review coming soon...maybe)

PresidentLeever wrote:Disagree on Kid Chameleon's level design and transformations, those are mostly great. But not the other problems.

Haha, well we'll have to keep disagreeing on that one, because you aren't about to change my mind. My favourite moment of Kid Chameleon was when I got to turn it off and move onto the next game.

prfsnl_gmr wrote:18. Super Fantasy Zone (GEN)

I beat Super Fantasy Zone!!!...on easy...don’t judge me! I also 1CC’ed it!!!...because you have to...there are no continues. :lol: It is another great entry in the series, and it plays just like all the others. (Also, it’s gorgeous.)

It's a shame this one isn't on any of the Sega collections. Maybe there's some Sunsoft licensing issues? I have yet to play this entry in the series, but I've been meaning to get around to it sometime. Glad to hear you like it.

When I'm less lazy I still have another 10 sega reviews to post yet. The thing about playing lots of 2 hour long games is that you end up needing to write a lot in this thread. :lol:
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

1. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary (NDS)
2. Reigns (iOS)
3. Castlevania: The Adventure (GB)
4. Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (GB)
5. Castlevania Legends (GB)
6. Yankai’s Triangle (iOS)
7. Mega Man III (GB)
8. Mega Man IV (GB)
9. Mega Man V (GB)
10. Sin & Punishment (N64)
11. Love You to Bits (iOS)
12. Mega Man Powered Up - Old Style (PSP)
13. Mega Man Powered Up - New Style (PSP)
14. Mario vs. Donkey Kong (GBA)
15. Mario vs. Donkey Kong 2: March of the Minis (NDS)
16. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again! (NDS)
17. Detective Pikachu (3DS)
18. Super Fantasy Zone (GEN)
19. Fantasy Zone Gear (GG)

Fantasy Zone Gear is horrible. It starts out OK, but it quickly becomes a frustrating, glitchy slog. I ultimately ended up using save states between levels to beat it. Life is just too short to do otherwise. First, the game has the usual Fantasy Zone issue. That is, if any of the bosses after the first two or three kills you, you might as well restart the game. I like the series, though, and I can deal with that. Fantasy Zone Gear, however, also has really questionable hit detection - it is one of the few shmups I’ve played where the hit box is larger than the sprite - and the scrolling is horrendous. Specifically, the levels scroll in four directions, but you have to be almost at the edge of the screen, where enemies generate, before the screen will move. This makes for a lot of “blind” flying and unavoidable deaths. Worse, the enemy sprites flicker like crazy, and more than once my shots passed right through them. (The game is a technical marvel with regard to the number of sprites on screen at once, and I suspect the flickering has something to do with this.) The enemy generators in the later levels are also bullet sponges, which makes the levels seem interminable, and many of the bosses can only be defeated by trial and error. Oh, did I mention that the game also random,y glitches out and becomes un-winnable in the last level? That’s also a thing that happens in Fantasy Zone Gear, including when you fight the last boss. (Basically, if you equip a shield and disable one of its attacks - i.e., you are too good at fighting it - the game freezes. Awesome.) I really like this series, but this one put my faith in it to the test. Avoid at all costs unless, like me, you are running the Fantasy Zone series (in which event, don’t spend so much time trying to beat the game legitimately).
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

High IQ post. I lol'ed.

I that game technically supposed to be a port of the original?
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:High IQ post. I lol'ed.

I that game technically supposed to be a port of the original?

Nope! It’s a completely original game. Sega handed development off to Sanritsu, however, and that completely failed to capture that classic, pre-Sonic Sega magic.

I’m playing Fantasy Zone The Maze right now. It’s a single-screen maze game. It’s like Sega said, “You know what we should do for Fantasy Zone 3? Something like we would have made in 1981!” It’s pretty good for what it is, and I feel like you’d really dig it.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by pierrot »

  1. Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure (GEN)
  2. The Revenge of Shinobi (GEN)
  3. Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi (GEN)
  4. Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master (GEN)
  5. Go Go Ackman (SFC)
  6. Super Wagyan Land (SFC)
  7. Super Mario RPG (SFC)
  8. Shin Megami Tensei if... (SFC)
  9. Front Mission: Gun Hazard (SFC)
  10. Steep Slope Sliders (SAT)
  11. Valkyrie Profile (PS1)
  12. Sakura Taisen (SAT)
  13. Shenmue Chapter 1: Yokosuka (DC)
  14. Shinobi (PS2)
  15. Gungrave (PS2)
  16. Assault Suit Leynos 2 (SAT)
  17. Sakura Taisen 2: Kimi, Shinitamoukoto Nakare (SAT)
  18. Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World (PS2)
  19. Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Douchuu (FC)
  20. Ganbare Goemon 2 (FC)
  21. Sakura Taisen 3 ~Paris wa Moeteiru ka~ (DC)

Normally I wouldn't be updating this so soon, but I kind of wanted to talk about Sakura Taisen 3.

First things first, though, I beat the sequel to the original Ganbare Goemon on the Famicom, Ganbare Goemon 2. It was released about three years after the original, so the uptick in visuals, and presentation is quite noticeable. Unfortunately, while the sprites, and backgrounds are a bit more detailed, and the levels are a bit more refined, the feel of the game is very different, and not for the better, generally. The hit detection is way worse, and you have to get right up next to objects that can be jumped over, before you can actually jump over them. This means that you can't just jump diagonally through the stages as much to try to find the hidden staircases, like you could in the original. There are far fewer hidden staircases in each stage this time, but that's both a boon, and a detriment. It might normally mean that candles become more important, but while you can actually see the timer for the candles in Ganbare Goemon 2, they don't appear to last any longer, so hoping to find a staircase while holding the candle is a bit of a crap shoot. This is also partly because the stages are probably a bit bigger, on average, than the previous game. There are fewer stages in total, however.

I did enjoy Ganbare Goemon 2, even though it was probably a bit more frustrating than the first game. I had initially started playing it, had to continue a couple times, and then got a bit tired of it by stage 5, so I thought I would come back to it another day, but I found out that where I stopped was almost halfway through. So I decided to jump back in, and made it through the game without even needing to continue, on that second attempt. Two kind of unpleasant points in the game though were: 1) I don't recall which stage, but one of them seems to require actually buying the checkpoint passes, which was never required in the first game; 2) The final stage has this weird maze that I stumbled into, without knowing about, and I got super stuck, because there doesn't seem to be a way to go back to the point before entering it. I tried following the "correct" path that I looked up in someone else's playthrough, but it didn't really seem to work, until I just ended up out of the maze. I have no idea how.

If one knew nothing about the first two games in the series, and just went straight into Ganbare Goemon 2, it would probably seem pretty great. I find the original game to be just a smidge more playable, after figuring out a lot of the mechanics, so I ultimately prefer that one a little bit more, I think. They're both pretty good games, though.

So the real point of my post is Sakura Taisen 3. I've been really looking forward to playing this game for years now, but put it off because I had wanted to play the first two games in the series beforehand. I had done just that earlier this year, and I really did appreciate having that perspective on the series as a whole, up to the point of Sakura Taisen 3. I do think it enhanced the experience, even though ST3 tries to fill in some of the background information. ST 1 and 2 follow Oogami Ichiro's professional, and romantic exploits, in Taisho Era (1921-1924, specifically) Japan, as he commands the Imperial City's special task force, the Teikoku Kagekidan: Hanagumi. After two successful campaigns, protecting the city from certain doom, there's been interest in Europe of replicating the Hanagumi model in defending against the supernatural invaders that may be popping up outside of Tokyo. A test program is set to launch in Paris at just about the time Oogami is ordered to leave for Paris to "study." Eventually Oogami finds himself leading the Paris Kagekidan: Hanagumi, which comes to comprise of Oogami, and five young women: Erica Fontaine, Glycine Bleumer, Coquelicot, Lobelia Carlini, Kitaouji Hanabi. Erica is an extremely ditzy nun in training, is constantly falling down, running into things, and just messing things up, but she's charming, anyway. Glycine is a Parisian noble, who's very prickly, and serves as the Sumire of this game. Coquelicot is an eleven-year-old Vietnamese girl, who's part of the traveling circus, Cirque du Europe. Lobelia is supposedly (according to the manual) a Transylvanian, but anyway, she's essentially a convict paying down her debt to society by working as a member of the Hanagumi. Hanabi is a half Japanese Parisian, who lives in the Bleumer estate due to her father's connections with the Bleumer family.

One of the most immediately apparent things about Sakura Taisen 3 is the quality. Hiroi Ouji (Wataru, Gulliver Boy, etc), with RED Company, enlists the help of Production I.G. again (as was the case with Sakura Taisen 2), but this time Overworks is also helping out. What results is a pretty fantastic game experience, although not a whole lot has actually changed in terms of game functions, outside of the battles. Most of the VN/Adventure portions of the game are about as they were in the previous two games, but particularly Sakura Taisen 2. The really big change is the adaptation of combat to the ARMS system (which was used in ST 4, 5, and the PS2 remake of the original, as well). The ARMS system is almost like a prototype for the combat in Valkyria Chronicles. The Elemental Gimmick Gear adjacent Koubu F (I assume it's "F" for "France") all have a set amount of action points to move in relatively continuous paths around a 3D environment, as well as take actions like attack, defend, heal, etc. It actually functions almost exactly like Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter's combat, just with a lot more Sakura Taisen-ness to it. Oogami's cover, and tactics options return, as well, although the tactics work a little bit differently by changing how much of the action bar a charge, defend, or heal action consumes, rather than giving as much of a direct stat adjustment. The maps are all very nicely rendered 3D, and I found myself thinking that the team was probably really proud of their modeling of a lot of the land marks in Paris, because they often showed up again as rotating models in faux-computer screens during mission briefings. (A fair amount of the end of the game takes place in and around Notre Dame Cathedral, so it was kind of surreal feeling to hear the news about the fire last night.) The visuals with the combination attacks are nice, but sadly the special attacks aren't quite as nice, because they chose to render them as FMV, which all have some visible compression artifacts.

One of the things about Sakura Taisen 3 that I was just sort of blown away by was the use of the VMU during gameplay. Early on in the game, you're given a handheld kinematron (kinematrons are like steam powered video phones--), which happened to be a VMU that looks exactly like the special VMU I was using while playing the game. You're told to keep it on your person for emergency contact, and it basically ends up working just like a pager, but the first time it actually rang on the VMU, and I could look down at the screen to read a message scrolling along it, I was kind of floored. I've seen some creative in-game uses of the VMU screen before, but this one in particular was just incredible to me--in a way that WiiU gamepad implementation in something like Pikmin 3 just isn't; I found that to be much more gimmicky, and intrusive.

The story, overall, is a little bit mixed, again. There are some things that seem like they aren't really given their due, but I probably enjoyed it more than either of the first two games. One thing I'm a little sad to have potentially missed out on is whatever happens when you load completed save files from the DC versions of the first two games into Sakura Taisen 3, but I don't even know what it would do, so--. I both like, and dislike the Paris Kagekidan members more than their Teikoku counterparts. It feels a bit like I missed out on a lot of backstory for all five of the girls, that I only really saw in the eye-catch intro movie on Disc 1. Maybe I just missed all of those triggers, even though I felt like I had gotten about as many of the event triggers as in the first two games. I ended up picking Hanabi for the heroine of this game, even though she was in my third spot in the trust list. Erica seems like she would just be locked into the first spot, no matter what, unless you actually tried to be a dick to her throughout the game, and Coquelicot is kind of similar. Hanabi was probably my favorite character, of the five, and hits most of my visual trigger buttons, anyway. She ended up having a lot of nice character growth, as the heroine, too. She starts out being this really submissive girl, who is basically trying to emulate like Heian period Japanese women, which is initially a little off putting. I thought Erica was a pretty endearing character, but I just have a hard time interacting with someone who is regularly professing her love for God. Not to denounce anyone's faith at all, it's just rare that I ever want to talk with anyone about her faith. The only real downside is that while the "love" aspect of the relationship between Oogami and the heroine felt like it was amplified in ST 3--making the end of the game kind of brutal, and forcing me into reminiscing--she's also mostly absent from a lot of the final chapter, which is really different from first two games, and especially the original.

So, that's basically Sakura Taisen 3. I still don't know that I could recommend it to people who would just be put off by semi-dating sim/VN gameplay, even though it's quite a good game, just because the ratio of combat sections, to everything else, is still pretty low. I'm a little surprised that I've been able to not just tolerate, but actually enjoy these games, though, so maybe they would work for a wider audience than I'm giving them credit for. Would still be a bit of a hesitant recommendation, though.

I'm probably going to head right into Sakura Taisen 4, because it's only one disc, and I believe it's only supposed to be a few chapters long. I think it ends up being more like a fan disc/expansion, but at this point, I may as well finish out what I have for the series.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by pook99 »

I have to quickly jump in and say that kid chameleon is one of my least favorite games of all time. Although the idea is sound and is oozing with potential it is so poorly executed and completely unfun to play. Although this may sound like hyperbole, I genuinely enjoyed shaq-fu on genesis far more than kid chameleon. Having said that, I think if they remade kid chameleon in 2019 with modern game conventions it has some potential to be pretty amazing.

39. New Super mario bros deluxe(switch)
40. Mechstermination Force (switch)
41. Pewdipie: legend of the brofist

39. New Super Mario dx

Nothing much to say here, its Mario, its awesome and would have everything you would expect from a mario game. If you haven't played it yet and enjoy platformers than it is a must play, if you are one of those weirdos who don't like Mario this is not going to be the game that changes your mind.

40. Mechstermination force (switch)

My new 2nd favorite switch game!!!! Seriously this game is simply amazing and every person on this forum should be playing it. The premise is simple, it is a contra style game only instead of run n gun levels the game is entirely focused on boss fights. There are 14 levels, each level consists of a single boss, beat the boss and move on from there.

Sounds Simple?? It's not, every boss has multiple phases, tons of different attack patterns, tons of different weak points to destroy, and these things are huge. Most reviewers say that this game is contra meets shadow of the colossus, and this is largely accurate. You are one tiny person fighting mechs that take up the entire screen(and in some cases more than the entire screen). Most of these mechs require you to climb on them as you dodge their attacks and make your way towards their weak points.

Each mech is extremely tough(outside of the cake walk tutorial boss) and presents its own very unique challenge. No 2 levels are similar which makes every boss fight exhilarating. Trying to find all the bosses weak points and figure out how to destroy them is challenging, but once you figure it out, actually executing your plan without dying is where the real challenge is. There was not a single boss that was not fun to fight, nor was there a boss that was easy. I think every boss is very well balanced, and while every single boss is tough, none of them feel cheap and there is a great sense of satisfaction as you take down these huge mechanical behemoths.

If you are into run n gun style games than this is an absolute must play, the bosses here are some of the best I have ever seen and it is an absolute blast from start to finish.

41. Pewdipie: legend of the brofist (steam)

I'm not a fan of Pewdipie but this game looked like a fun retro themed platformer and it was a good time. It doesn't offer much in the way of innovation but the level design is solid and it nails the fundamentals enough to warrant a playthrough. If you are into youtube gamers you may get a kick out of the various cameos and unlockable characters here (markiplier, cryaotic and some others) complete with their own voice overs. While certainly not a must play game, if you saw this on sale it definitely would be worth picking up.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by MrPopo »

I actually picked up Mechstermination Force last night. The one sentence description is it's Contra meets Shadow of the Colossus. My main complaint so far is that the flamethrower is a bit of a trap early on; one of the two bosses available when you first get it is extremely hard to do the last phase with using the flamethrower.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by pook99 »

MrPopo wrote:I actually picked up Mechstermination Force last night. The one sentence description is it's Contra meets Shadow of the Colossus. My main complaint so far is that the flamethrower is a bit of a trap early on; one of the two bosses available when you first get it is extremely hard to do the last phase with using the flamethrower.

I didnt start buying weapons until I beat several bosses, the standard machine gun is pretty solid on its own and I wanted to focus on buying life upgrades before I moved on to buying weapons. The only weapons I bought were the flamethrower and the spread, both served different functions, but switching between weapons on the fly is key. If the flamethrower is not working for you just swap out to the standard machine gun and that should be sufficient.

Also if your stuck farm the first boss a bunch of times, he is super easy and you will wind up beating him in less than a minute and earn between 2-3k each run, this will quickly add up to give you early game life upgrades which will make the early game bosses a tad more manageable.
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