Question about Raiden Difficulty

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Question about Raiden Difficulty

Post by Spyke »


Ok, I'm a big Raiden fan.

That doesn't mean I'm a big Raiden "Expert" - just that I love the games. I enjoy them.

I'm particularly into Raiden III just now, in a big way. I'm making considerable progress on "Easy", getting to the point where I'm beginning to look forward to the 1cc (famous last words - I know!). But - when I switch the difficulty to "Normal" I find myself way back at the "struggling" level of play. I find the "normal" setting to be quite hard.

Is this just me, or is Raiden III considered a "hard" game? Go on - be honest...

Having just acquired a Japanese Xbox 360 I'm naturally looking at Raiden IV as well. Online vids of game play on "Normal" level for that game look about on a par with Raiden III's "Easy" setting. Any comments?


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Re: Question about Raiden Difficulty

Post by dunpeal2064 »

It somewhat depends on what shmups you are already familiar with, but overall I would say Raiden III is a pretty challenging shmup. Bullets are lightning fast, and by stage 4 you pretty much have to know what is coming up in advance.

Keep at it though! :)

Edit: To me, Raiden IV feels tougher than III. I believe I was playing on "Arcade" difficulty though. Raiden IV also feels tougher because it has just a tiny bit of a scoring system.
Last edited by dunpeal2064 on Sun Jan 26, 2014 11:48 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Question about Raiden Difficulty

Post by Spyke »

dunpeal2064 wrote: Bullets are lightning fast

Was that a pun? ;)

I agree - it's not the patterns that are difficult, it's the speed they arrive at!

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