Are gamers too entitled?

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Re: Are gamers too entitled?

Post by WrathOskvro »

We're in a generation of self righteous assholes who whine about everything instead of getting off their own ass to do something to make their desolate life right. Personally, I always just look at a game for what it is. Not what it isn't.
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Re: Are gamers too entitled?

Post by MrPopo »

o.pwuaioc wrote:Why is there so animosity against critical and constructive feedback?

What part of the internet are you on that has constructive feedback?
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Re: Are gamers too entitled?

Post by JayJaySut »

I dont think gamers in general are too entitled but it seems to me that typically, entitled people are the loudest in many given situations... So they tend to overshadow the potentially more numerous not-entitled population.

That's pretty much it.
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Re: Are gamers too entitled?

Post by Nemoide »

One of the things that surprised me was the negative attitudes to my game, Unemployment Quest. It was a modest little RPG Maker game that was advertised as such. Among people who actually bought/played it, I've heard pretty much universally positive feedback. Among random peoples on 4-chan and YouTube... NOT SO MUCH.

But then there are people who apparently got all up in arms that a game that didn't appeal to them EXISTS. There were ridiculous "reveals" that the game was made in RPG Maker and that I was somehow disgracing the gamer community and the entire game industry from the game's existence. To me, this attitude goes beyond normal-entitled and becomes on PSYCHO-ENTITLED. A reality in which things you don't like SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO EXIST.
I feel like it's an extension of the sort of people who take personal offense to when people don't like the same things you like. There's a type of nerd who will get up in arms when an anime reviewer gives a bad review to some generic-y fanservice show as if they are personally undermining the fans' very existence.

I'm also reminded of how people would complain about Diablo III being a "bad" game because it was fun for "only" one or two hundred hours.

I think part of the problem is how the internet just allows people to easily bond with one another over the shared dislike of something. It creates an incentive to act like an immature troll, so you can join the club. And if that club finds something that they don't approve of, it can easily be turned into an "us vs. them" conflict in which holding up some mediocre thing as a punching bag can bring members of some community together.

(And even though I'm wording this as if it's some problem that THOSE OTHER PEOPLE IN *THAT* CORNER OF THE INTERNET have, it's kind of universal on the internet.)
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Re: Are gamers too entitled?

Post by Sano »

KDub wrote:People are too entitled on a general basis. It has nothing to do with being a gamer or not.

I agree with this :!:

Re: Are gamers too entitled?

Post by AppleQueso »

Nemoide wrote:I feel like it's an extension of the sort of people who take personal offense to when people don't like the same things you like. There's a type of nerd who will get up in arms when an anime reviewer gives a bad review to some generic-y fanservice show as if they are personally undermining the fans' very existence.

I don't think it's an extension so much as an inversion. These are people who actually get outright offended and genuinely angry when someone likes something that they don't. It's quite a sight to behold.

I don't really think of it as an "entitlement" thing either though. I'm not sure what I would call it.
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Re: Are gamers too entitled?

Post by Gunstar Green »

Nemoide wrote:But then there are people who apparently got all up in arms that a game that didn't appeal to them EXISTS.

It's like how you can go on the forum for any movie on IMDB and see people spending lots of time and energy railing against its fans.

I don't think it's trolling per-se. It's not always just something they're doing to get a rise out of people. I think it's legitimate anger over differing opinions.
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Re: Are gamers too entitled?

Post by oxymoron »

There is a level on entitlement. If you hype your game with amazing trailers and demos you should deliver on the same level. On the other hand if you are humble about your game and don't over valuate the quality, there is a level of understanding as you took a risk influenced only by your own thoughts. Of course there is always the bitchy gamer who finds some insignificant flaw to exploit.
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Re: Are gamers too entitled?

Post by Thierry Henry »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:I complain when games aren't short enough.

I thought I was alone in thinking that way!
You can have more bang for your buck even in a quality shorter length game. Less potential filler, I say.
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