BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Discussion of game backup, reproduction, burning, and ripping. Covers ROM backup, cartridge reproduction, optical disc ripping, burning, and storage. Focus on archival purposes and not deceptive selling.
Ages Naturs
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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by Ages Naturs »

Hi Ziggy!

I have a problem with SRP.
The guy in tehnical thread had the same (the one who wanted to play Radiant Silvergun):).
It just won't work.First it was some error 0000...etc., then I installed the .NET framework v1.1 like it says in the readme file but then I get another error:(


Tell me this...
Am I crazy to think that no matter what or how I burn the games I still won't be able to play them unless I obtain a mod chip for Saturn. :shock: :oops: :) :mrgreen:

Thanx! :)
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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by Ziggy »

Ages Naturs wrote:Tell me this...
Am I crazy to think that no matter what or how I burn the games I still won't be able to play them unless I obtain a mod chip for Saturn. :shock: :oops: :) :mrgreen:

Right, the Saturn (like most consoles with optical drives) has a copy protection to prevent you from playing games burned to a CD-R. The mod chip allows you to play burned games. There's also the swap trick (Google/YouTube search it) but I wouldn't recommend doing that since it puts a lot more wear and tear on the console.

Ages Naturs wrote:I have a problem with SRP.
The guy in tehnical thread had the same (the one who wanted to play Radiant Silvergun):).
It just won't work.First it was some error 0000...etc., then I installed the .NET framework v1.1 like it says in the readme file but then I get another error:(

I'm not sure if we should hijack this thread for this problem. Feel free to post a thread in the Tech Help forum if you want. You might want to include more details (like what operating system you're running and the exact error message it gives you) so people can help you better.
Ages Naturs
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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by Ages Naturs »

Thank you :)
I completely forgot about the chip :roll:
My bad...

As far as SRP is concered, problem is fixed.

I have Windows XP (service pack 2).
As I mentioned before, first I got an error message 0000...(don't know what number was at the end anymore, sorry) .
Then I found in the readme file where it says
Developed in VB.NET so you need the .NET Framework v1.1 installed
So I installed it. :arrow:
Then when I launched it again I got another error message saying
To run this application, you must first install one of the following versions of the .NET Framework: v2.0.50727
I was off to bed and just didn't have the nerves anymore.
Today I downloaded it and it worked! :)

Hint: if you go to Microsoft Download Center and enter in the search bar .NET Framework: v2.0.50727 you will get "Sorry, no results were found" message.
Go through Google instead :?:

Anyway, burning is not a problem for me, but I have to get me some of that mod chip to be able to play some of the greatest games in the history :)

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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by samson »

Thank you for your tutorial
But I still can’t use my burned CD to play in Saturn successfully

I have just downloaded the CD image for many times from different sources
including .iso // .bin / .cue // .mdf / .mds etc.
I just know my CD image may be multi track, but not simgle track

How can I burn it successfully?
I really want to play this game, and it’s called Sonic Jam

Can anybody help me?

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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by Ziggy »

Just to get all of the small stuff out of the way...

Are you trying to boot this CD-R using the swap trick or an installed mod chip? If so, have you been able to play other CD-Rs on your console before?

The game image that you've downloaded, have you tried playing it in an emulator to confirm that it works?

Have you loaded the image in Saturn Region Patcher to make sure it's set to the same region as your console?

Are you using a good brand CD-R? Are you burning at a low speed?
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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by samson »

I have asked someone who is good at installing mod chip
He said that because I've tried to play another Saturn game copied from the original one, so it is not necessary to install mod chip(i.e. It may have already installed)

I haven't tried swap trick since I doubt if anyone can help me to repair it after I do this

I have downloaded the emulator, but I don't know how to use it= =(please don't be shocked, I'm a stupid guy). The emulator is satourne v2.0 Beta 3

I have loaded the image in Saturn Region Patcher (actually I still can't usderstand what is its function cos it contains only one language[North America])

Also I have burned it in 8x speed(because you say that)

Lastly, I think my CD's quality is quite good(CD name: Elite Data), I can't find SONY CD temporarily

Noted that my Saturn in made in Japan

When I play my burned, it shows the statement in Japanese that my CD is not a Sega Saturn CD for playing (something like that since I don't really know Japanese)
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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by Ziggy »

samson wrote:I have asked someone who is good at installing mod chip
He said that because I've tried to play another Saturn game copied from the original one, so it is not necessary to install mod chip(i.e. It may have already installed)

I haven't tried swap trick since I doubt if anyone can help me to repair it after I do this

You cannot just play burned games on your Saturn, you need a way to boot them. The Saturn has a security check to prevent you from playing burned games. You either need a mod chip installed (which will let you play burned games) or use the swap trick (search "saturn swap trick" on YouTube). If you are not using one of these methods, then it is no wonder you can't play your burned game.

samson wrote:I have loaded the image in Saturn Region Patcher (actually I still can't usderstand what is its function cos it contains only one language[North America])

Saturn Region Patcher you will allow you to check to see what region the game image is set to, and will allow you to change it to a region that matches your console. This is very important because even if you have a mod chip installed you still can't play games that don't match the region of the console.

samson wrote:When I play my burned, it shows the statement in Japanese that my CD is not a Sega Saturn CD for playing (something like that since I don't really know Japanese)

So you probably have a Japanese Saturn then? Maybe some one changed the language setting. It's important to know what region the console is because like I said, you have to set the game image (using Saturn Region Patcher) to match the region of the console you want to play it on.
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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by samson »

It seems that the game is not readable by my Japan Saturn, not the problems of mod chip or CD type

But anyway, thank you for your tutorial. It teaches my how to burn BIN/CUE.

Thank you so much~

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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by Ziggy »

samson wrote:It seems that the game is not readable by my Japan Saturn, not the problems of mod chip or CD type

Most likely the regions don't match. You have to load the game image into Saturn Region Patcher and change the region setting to JPN (or whatever matches you console) in order to play it.
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Re: BURNING GUIDE for all images using only free software

Post by samson »

I've changed it and I can play the game now

Thank you for your help~

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