Popular shows/movies you've never seen.

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Popular shows/movies you've never seen.

Post by VG_Addict »

Title is self-explanatory. What are some popular/critically-acclaimed shows/movies you’ve never seen?

I’ve never seen a single episode of X-Files, and I’ve never seen The Godfather, any Tarantino movie, Forrest Gump, or The Shawshank Redemption.
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Re: Popular shows/movies you've never seen.

Post by Ziggy »

Maybe it's because I'm a 90's kid, but I love the X-Files. I mean, when it was airing new episodes, you really couldn't get away from that show. I watched random episodes back then, sometimes just fragments of episodes (as was the norm with live TV). But I finally watched through the entire series when it became available on streaming. I still haven't seen the latest season that came out a few years ago, but that's because I kind of want to rewatch every season first.

I've actually never seen any of the Godfather movies, but I know enough about them to get all the references.

I feel like Tarantino films are polarizing, people tend to love them or hate them. And by that I mean, you don't love or hate ALL of his films, it's on a per film basis. What I can say though is, if you consider yourself a movie kind of guy, you really should watch at least some of his films. I feel like when a movie is extremely quotable, it just can't be bad. Many of his movies are very quotable.

For popular shows I haven't seen, since it's October The Walking Dead comes to mind. IMDB has a list of the 250 most popular TV shows. I just took a quick look at it, and I haven't seen MANY of the shows on there LOL.

IMDB top rated shows: https://www.imdb.com/chart/toptv/

As for movies, there's actually quite a lot of insanely popular "must watch" movies that I haven't seen (yet). But I also wager that there's tons of obscure movies I've seen that the average person hasn't. Or lots of old movies I've seen that most people my age haven't. Just to pick one at random, I haven't seen any of The Lord of the Rings. Well, I watched about half of the first one before falling asleep. And speaking of that, since both movie series were insanely popular at the same time, I haven't seen any of the Harry Potter movies.

IMDB top rated movies: https://www.imdb.com/chart/top/
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Re: Popular shows/movies you've never seen.

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Virtually any popular television show released these past twenty years.

I have cable. I watch sports, Forensic Files, Law & Order marathons, and Seinfeld reruns.
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