What was the last movie you've seen?

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Raging Justice
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »

Everything, Everywhere, All At Once


This is one of the weirdest movies I've ever seen...and it may not be for everyone. The concept of a multi-verse with infinite versions of ourselves is not exactly new in sci fi, but man I've not seen the idea handled in quite the crazy, bizarre, way this movie does. There are tons of WTF moments that almost feel like you're on some kind of drug trip. There are moments too that are just utterly ridiculous and feel intentionally so. In fact, the movie actively makes fun of itself at times. A few moments I found kind of fucked up and disturbing, but I don't think everyone necessarily will have the same reaction to them that I did. Honestly, this is sort of like an Asian martial arts movie, mixed with a big budget sci fi movie, mixed with weird art house film.

I'll say this, the movie never gets boring, but like I said it is weird. The person I was watching it with, after I could feel them being annoyed for several minutes, finally said, "This movie is crazy!" and got up and left the room LOL. So take that for what it's worth.

It's compelling sci fi with good performances, a good story (though it can feel a bit confusing at times with all the sci fi mumbo/jumbo going on and you really need to pay attention), a fair amount of comedy that usually hits the mark, and action scenes that are pretty great, but also bat shit insane. There's a lot of interesting philosophical and spiritual themes and symbolism here mixed in with all the sci fi craziness and how people will feel about them is subjective. It is a movie with some heart and it attempts to have a positive message too...though one delivered in the strangest way.

This is one of those movies I don't know if I like, but I certainly don't dislike it either. It's definitely bold, different, shocking, and interesting. It certainly is quite different from a lot of other movies I've seen with Michelle Yeoh, though there is a fair amount of martial arts action that you would expect from a movie featuring her, but like I said the fights can go in some...interesting directions. There are some of the usual multiverse, sci fi tropes, but my god does the movie take them in weird yet interesting directions. The reaction to it from many different circles has been pretty positive, so I'd say it's worth checking out just based on the buzz it's generated. Sometimes art exists to get you thinking about stuff, I'd say this movie falls into that category, while also being pretty engaging and entertaining and also just downright weird and fucked up as well :lol:

Oh, and without getting too spoilery, one aspect of the story kind of reminds me of the animated DC movie Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. If you have seen it and you recall the main villain's reasoning and logic behind his actions, you'll see that echo-ed in this movie as well
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Golgo 14 »

I liked Everything, Everywhere, All at Once, but I felt like it was at least 30 minutes, and maybe even 45 minutes too long. It feels like it's driven much more by its concept than by its characters or plot, and imo those kind of movies are best when they come in about 90 minutes. I wasn't ever bored, but I did think it overstayed its welcome.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by RCBH928 »

Jingle All The Way . Its one of those movies forgotten in history. I like those feel good movie from the 80s and 90s.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »

Top Gun: Maverick


There seems to be two approaches to nostalgia based movies and shows these days. One, is to try and stay true to the classic originals and treat them with reverence. Two, is the cynical, jaded approach. To take the old, iconic characters from these movies, and try to break them down or deconstruct them in some way. Basically, presenting them as outdated relics, or pointing out that they were never the great characters or heroes that we thought they were. Or simply killing them off and replacing with more "modern" feeling characters.

Top Gun Maverick takes the first approach. It's a sequel that clearly respects the original Top Gun and it feels a lot like that movie, though not quite as cheesy as that movie sometimes was. Many scenes and shots are clearly meant to remind us of the first movie. We even get a flashback to it at one point. Maverick is very much the same character we remember him as, and Tom Cruise looks pretty good for his age, so he very easily slips back into the role. The story kind of deals with Maverick dealing with some baggage he still has from the first movie. If you've seen the first movie, you probably know what that is. You'll see one or two other familiar faces from the first movie as well.


The new characters are pretty cool and have much of the same banter, egos, and competitiveness as the first movie's characters. The action sequences are tense and exciting, and I believe the final set of action scenes out do the first Top Gun. Maverick's story comes to a satisfying end. When you put both movies together, you get a nice character arc for him with a proper beginning and ending.

Top Gun: Maverick doesn't try and re-invent the wheel. It's like the first movie in a lot of ways...but better. There's better action, a little less cheesiness, and a more satisfying ending than the first movie in my opinion. Maverick is every bit the same badass he was in the first movie and it's fun to see Tom Cruise in this role again. It doesn't even feel like so many years have passed since he last played this character

A great movie for fans of the original, or anyone who enjoys a little 80s nostalgia. The movie will give you exactly what you want rather than trying to be subversive or cynical like a lot of other nostalgia based stuff these days.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Top Gun Maverick was awesome. I took the family this past weekend, and we all really liked it. As you noted, it’s a comfort food film that doesn’t do anything daring. It is good comfort food, though, and a real crowd pleaser. Also, the dogfights, viewed on the largest screen available, are exhilarating.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by REPO Man »

Watched the new Chip and Dale movie on Disney+ a couple of nights ago and really enjoyed it.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:Top Gun Maverick was awesome. I took the family this past weekend, and we all really liked it. As you noted, it’s a comfort food film that doesn’t do anything daring. It is good comfort food, though, and a real crowd pleaser. Also, the dogfights, viewed on the largest screen available, are exhilarating.

I agree. It's a great movie. I find the reaction it's getting from some people kind of funny though. Everyone's praising it for being this "patriotic" movie. I don't get it. Yes, the story revolves around people who are part of the US military, on a mission that involves fighting members of a foreign nation, but the way people keep screaming at the top of their lungs about how "patriotic" it is would have you believe that every five minutes someone in that movie is waiving around a big, American flag and chanting, "USA! USA! USA!!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

People can be so strange. I've even seen people say it's an American propaganda piece to get people to enlist, and I'm thinking, "Dude. It's just a fun movie where you get to see jet fighters do cool stuff on a big screen"

I'm not saying movies can't be used as tools for any kind of propaganda, but some movies are just meant to entertain. Some people are really over thinking what is a pretty simple movie in Top Gun: Maverick
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

Calling it propaganda could be a bit far-fetched, but the US military usually only allows use of their equipment and/or locations in exchange for having partial creative control and consultations, so it's not an all out ridiculous claim.

I know it is a political topic, but once again you brought it up in a forum where it's not allowed :P
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Golgo 14 »

I did think it was funny that they spent a whole movie fighting The Enemy.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

I don’t care if it is propaganda. The dogfights were awesome.

It’s one of those movies about which you really, really, really shouldn’t think too hard. There are massive plot holes. The acting is, at times, ridiculous. The melodrama is overblown. But….the dogfights rule, and it is awesome to see fighter jets do awesome things (and to see hot people play sports on the beach). It’s just fun, and it’s OK for something to be just fun.
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