Desert Island Consoles Game

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Desert Island Consoles Game

Post by o.pwuaioc »

We've had a number of "desert island" threads and posts over the years (grittykitty bringing it up as early as 2008), but I haven't seen one quite like this before.

Imagine you were forced into exile and you could take all your consoles except one. Which would you leave behind? What do you get to keep? What about two? Three? Finally you'll get to where you could only take one. For those with 25+, perhaps we could start the number there? So only 25 consoles, then only 24, etc. In what order do consoles keeps making the cut? Feel free to include consoles that you know you will buy, but just haven't yet.

A couple rules on this: there is no internet on this island, so all digital-only games, like those on the PSN and Wii VC, are right out, even if you already have them on your console. Computers aren't allowed so you can't emulate a console either. Region controls do apply, but region-free and backwards-compatibility devices are permitted. So if you specify the Genesis, you can bring the Power Base Converter, or if you say the NES, you can also bring a Famicom pin adapter. Basic mods, like removing the tabs on the Super Nintendo, are allowed, but anything more complex than soldering a chip is out. (Not sure what that would look like; just thinking pro-actively.)

This is a little different from "rank your consoles," since the backwards compatibility is taken into account. Someone might like the PS1 more than the PS2, but they would choose the PS1 to be cut first since the PS2 can play most of those games.

Also, feel free to start off with a few (or even one) console to be cut first if you need more time to think about it! I'll chime in a bit with a separate post.
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Golgo 14
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Re: Desert Island Consoles Game

Post by Golgo 14 »

I haven't been threatened with deportation to a desert island yet, but I've weeded my collection over the years. The first to go were the 5th generation systems (N64 & Saturn) which never appealed to me. I sold them around ten years ago, so I got pretty much nothing for the N64 stuff. I probably made money overall selling my Saturn stuff, but I'm sure it's gone way up in price since then. I don't regret it, though. It's a pleasure not to own stuff that I don't want.

I also sold a TG-16. No regrets there either. It's kind of a cool system, but I'm fine with playing the games emulated on my Wii.

I currently have a Sega Master System boxed up and ready to go on eBay. I bought a Genesis Everdrive, so I can just play SMS games with that.

My Atari Jaguar might be next after that. Someone finally came out with a flash cart for it and I was considering buying it, but maybe it's just time to let it go.

I have a feeling that if I were to whittle down my collection to one system, it'd probably be the Super Nintendo that remains standing.
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Re: Desert Island Consoles Game

Post by Nemoide »

I'm not *completely* sure I get what were's doing... making a list of consoles in the order of what we'd give up first with what we'd give up last at the bottom?

Do handhelds count as consoles? Do different iterations of the same system (eg Nintendo DS and DSi XL) count as the same console? Does the Analogue Pocket count? If so here's the order in which I'd get rid of things:
DMG Game Boy
Sega Genesis model 2
Game Boy Advance SP
Nintendo DS (original)
Game Boy Color
Game Gear
Playstation 2 (slim - American)
Playstation 2 (slim - Japanese)
Sega Master System
=====================<---point where I start losing the ability to play games
Sega 32X
original Xbox
Nintendo Switch
Sega Mega Drive (Japanese)
Sega CD
PS Vita
Xbox 360
Nintendo Wii
Sega Genesis model 1 (featuring Power Base Mini FM to play SMS games)
Nintendo DSi XL
Playstation 4
Sega Saturn
Analogue Pocket (my opinion might change but I'm still in my honeymoon phase with this thing)
Playstation 2 (fat - American but I have a swap tool to play imports)

PS2 wins! It's not necessarily my favorite but it can play many of my favorite games and Beatmania IIDX would be my focus on a desert island life.
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Re: Desert Island Consoles Game

Post by o.pwuaioc »

Nemoide: Exactly right. Feel free to add some commentary. It'd be neat to see why you ordered them in some way or another.

For me, not including consoles already sold, it would probably be:

Game Boy: Why have one when I have a modded GBC?

PS1 (modded): There are just too few JP import games for the PS1, and so the PS2 can do double duty here. What this means though is that if I give up the PS2 at all, I give up 2 console libraries.

Wii: Same as above, but with the PS2 in the running, I can give up the Wii and the GCN libraries.

Colecovision: Though its games for the most part look better than the 2600's versions, I could downgrade the ones I wanted to keep if I had to. The sheer size would take up precious room on a cramped desert island!

Dreamcast: I was very close to getting rid of this already, but getting a bunch of racers for the system revitalized my interest in it, and now I'm hard-pressed to relinquish it. But alas, it goes.

NGPC: Neat little system, but a GBA with its combined triple library just has it beat. Speaking of which:

GBC (modded with backlight): I much prefer a GBC in my hands to a GBA, but the latter's backwards-compatibility is what seals the deal. Plus, the NES and SNES ports make it attractive in the end game.

7800: Also giving up two libraries, but compilation discs exists for enough of its games that it's not a complete loss.

Saturn: I think I have enough shooters on my other systems that I could live without the Saturn, which is primarily what I'm keeping it for. Losing light gun games would be hard, though. I just hope there's an arcade on this island.

N64: At this point, I was really only keeping it for the handful of great multiplayer nostalgia, chiefly Mario Kart 64, GoldenEye, and Perfect Dark. It's been so long since playing it, though, that I it would have to be next. I personally enjoy my Saturn more, so putting this above the Saturn is mostly for other people's sake. (Plus, it gives me a little longer to play the best RPG of all time: Ogre Battle 64.)

Turbo Duo: I have fewer games for this than the others, otherwise it's a really tough pick. I will really miss the shooters and a few choice other games, but I also have no nostalgia for this system, so it's a bit easier to do.

PS2: I have so much affinity for the 8/16 bit gen I grew up with that the PS2 is the one that has to go, and with it the PS1's library. This one is super tough to choose, and I think more than anything the ugliness of these two gens pushes it to be next on the chopping block.

SNES: This is the death of me, but I'm granted solace with the 40 SNES games that got ported to the GBA, including a few of my favorites.

Genesis: Now I'm truly depressed. I love my Genesis to bits (all 16 of them), and I feel my gaming experience would be so poor without it. I think legitimately if I had to sell my Genesis, I might as well just sell everything (almost) and emulate. But back to dumb desert games:

GBC: I used to play this all the time when I commuted by train or subway. But I don't do much of that anymore, and the downtime I do have is often spent reading the news. Woe is me. I almost chose this as the overall winner, because so many games from the NES and SNES were ported to it, but ultimately I'd rather play in front of a TV than a small screen.

So the NES is the winner. I'm comfortable with this because it has a large library of some of the most classic games, many of which I absolutely adore. The lack of polished shooters will be the real pain for me. It's no coincidence that I often proclaim the NES the greatest console of all time, but it would be fairer to say it sit comfortably in a triumvirate seated next to the Genesis and the Super Nintendo.

I'm not actually thinking of paring it down to only the NES, but if I absolutely had to, I think that's the order it would take.
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Re: Desert Island Consoles Game

Post by Nemoide »

COMMENTARY POST starting after the point where I have to start giving up games:
N64 - I was never a Nintendo kid, I got this from a coworker who would have put it out by the side of the road. There are some good games, but I don't have much love for this console.
Sega 32X - I have a lot of nostalgia for the 32X since I actually got it back in the 90s. But I have to admit, only a few of the games are actually fun to play and with the exception of Kolibri I could be playing them on other consoles.
NES - The NES is undeniably the home to a lot of classic games that I think still hold up well today, but I was never passionate about it and for the most part would rather play 16 bit games.
3DS - I never liked it all that much. Yes it can play original DS games, but I'd rather play them on a real DS.
PS3 - I got this long after it was current and never deeply explored its catalog. To me, it's library isn't nearly as good as the Xbox 360 and I only have a few games for it anyway.
original Xbox - oXbox is good! I liked it more than PS2 or Gamecube, it felt like a good successor to the Dreamcast in a way. But I also rarely play it nowadays. Most of the games I've played aren't ones I want to revisit.
PSP - I really like the PSP but the screen is a little rough and the loading times can be a pain. Playing PSP games on the Vita is fantastic but since it only works digitally, it can't do it for this game. Not a priority system.
Nintendo Switch - Okay, this is a weird one because part of my choice is just because I only have a small handful of games for it. If I had a larger library, it would probably be higher on the list (at least above the Vita). The Switch doesn't really have its own personality that I can understand, but at least it lets me play games in handheld mode and that's how I like playing things sometimes!
Sega Mega Drive (Japanese) - I have some great MD games, but I have more Genesis games. Into the fire with it!
Dreamcast - I love the Dreamcast but I don't revisit it all that much. Games from that era feel very in-between retro and modern and it's hard for me to feel excited about them.
Sega CD - there are some fantastic games for the Sega CD that I wouldn't mind replaying, but the good/bad ratio just isn't enough for me to rank it any higher
PS Vita - I like handheld games and IMO the Vita still feels like a very modern piece of hardware with a good amount of otaku-trash games that appeal to me.
Xbox 360 - One of my favorite consoles! There are many classic games on this thing and it's a STG player's dream come true, but we' re getting to the point where every console is a tough choice.
Nintendo Wii - Mostly for the Gamecube games! Maybe this should be lower on the list, but it's got such a varied library that I appreciate it!
Sega Genesis model 1 (featuring Power Base Mini FM to play SMS games) - I love me some Sega Genesis games! *AND* the ability to play SMS games with FM audio! I would definitely miss the Genesis.
Nintendo DSi XL - The DS is one of my all-time favorite game playing devices and the DSiXL is typically the best way to play them. The screen is extremely high quality, although some games don't look as good with the larger sized screen. DS is home to many of my favorite RPGs and adventure games, I would miss it.
Playstation 4 - what can I say aside from that it has a huge library of great games? It feels a little boring to rank it so highly but it would keep me very busy. While having to play unpatched games might prove rough, I have a lot on disc including enough Limited Run releases that are already patched to make me not too concerned about that.
Sega Saturn - I love the Saturn and would be sad to part with it! I'm pleased with my collection that spans a multitude of genres. Everything on the Saturn feels like the sweet spot between old and new so that it's almost always interesting. It has ports of some of my favorite arcade games and a good number of exclusive gems.
Analogue Pocket (my opinion might change but I'm still in my honeymoon phase with this thing) - I love handhelds and the Pocket feels like an extremely fancy luxury product of a handheld! Playing original Game Boy games on it is just SO NICE! And it can do GBC, GBA, and Game Gear games, all big bonuses! It does plays them all so well with such nice display options. I love it greatly and would really hate to not have one.
Playstation 2 (fat - American but I have a swap tool to play imports) - BEATMANIA IIDX, MY ULTIMATE DESERT ISLAND GAME! Plus it has a wide array of other games for other genres AND can play PS1 games! It's not my favorite console but it would be my desert island pick.
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Re: Desert Island Consoles Game

Post by Anapan »

Hmm a weird question since I don't play many games. I can and have played most of the "obscure" and "underappreciated" games from most of the unknown consoles.
PC is top. It has the most selection of roguelikes. I prefer action RPGs - specifically Metroidvanias. Action can always take a second seat to strategy.
Oh. My choice is already invalidated as it is not a console.
PS2. I haven't turned mine on except accidentally for a long time. The decision still stands. That game collection is solid. No complaints from any lack of genres. Both the retro ports and modern remakes of my favorite games and all the fully modern 1st and 3rd person 3D games from every genre got fully realized here. I could bring a handheld, but I don't want to. I'll sit on a rock with a CRT from the 90s run off a conveniently placed solar panel with a battery array. My cougar that I gained the trust of by feeding it netted kippers approved of my gaming choice.
edit - note that I didn't read any previous posts - I'm inebriated and don't care about others opinions just now. Checked my own grammar and decided to check others choices - cheers!
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