Random Gaming Thoughts

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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by PretentiousHipster »

When I played it recently it didn't seem as bad. They do provide some sense of direction, but maybe it's cause I played the older Sierra games and this is so much easier in comparison lol.

Reminds me, gotta film for my Myst 4 series soon.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Ack »

Yeah, I need to hit up Myst 5 and Uru at some point.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Limewater »

PretentiousHipster wrote:When I played it recently it didn't seem as bad. They do provide some sense of direction, but maybe it's cause I played the older Sierra games and this is so much easier in comparison lol.

Reminds me, gotta film for my Myst 4 series soon.

I played the game in 1996 on a Pentium 100 with 4x CDROM drive, so it was better for me than folks playing in 1993.

I also beat it without help and did not find the puzzles to be particularly difficult. I haven't beaten any further Myst games. I have Riven and Exile, but lost interest in Riven after a while.

I DID brute-force the maze.

I was playing with sound off or low and didn't notice that there were audio cues for it.

I also had played some of the older Sierra games, as well as several LucasArts graphic adventures by this point. I agree that Myst was easier. It took me months to beat Maniac Mansion on NES. That's not a dig at Myst-- I appreciated that the puzzles were significantly less "random" than other adventure games of the time. I think there was only one "find the pixel" puzzle, and I never had to use two seemingly random things together to fashion a new tool I would never have imagined myself.

After the LucasArts games in particular, I found Myst to be really underwhelming. I much preferred their living, detailed, dynamic worlds to Myst's more beautiful but sterile world. Myst was also really short in comparison to what I was used to.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

Did you guys beat it in like a reasonable time or you spent like a year with trial and error until you figured how to work things out? I actually played Myst III but between the loading, traveling, and difficulty by the mid of it I probably just read a tutorial and walked through it to see the end of the game.

If its reasonable and does not have illogical puzzles like other Point-and-click (ex. mix butter + fly it becames a butterfly that flies and opens a cage with a key) or absurd things like pushing a button on the other end of the map to open a door somewhere on the other side of the map I might give it a shot. Is there a Myst version that has the original graphics but fast travel and no/less loading the slideshow ?

Limewater wrote:After the LucasArts games in particular, I found Myst to be really underwhelming. I much preferred their living, detailed, dynamic worlds to Myst's more beautiful but sterile world. Myst was also really short in comparison to what I was used to.

I understand that LucasArt games had a livelier world and more fun atmosphere, but in retrospect I think we are forgetting how impossibly beautiful Myst was for the year 1993 and I think the art of it and its slow pace serves its purpose of "mystery world" perfectly! In fact, imagine Myst was done in pixel art 2D style it will lose all what it makes it a significant game. Just look at that attached image!

I never understood people who are into point and click, its can be fun gameplay but the puzzle part is off putting especially at that time where find an answer to solve the problem was near impossible except with paying extra money to get the guide.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Limewater »

I beat Myst in six days. I remember that because other people I knew at the time and considered to be intelligent took about a week as well. I don't really remember, but I probably played a couple of hours a day.

Yes, Myst was beautiful for its time, and it still looks very nice, but I have never had a great appreciation for beautiful, still images. I was mostly still playing NES in 1996 when I played Myst.

I have always enjoyed graphic adventures. I really like the exploration and discovery aspects. I appreciate that I am unlikely to encounter situations that exceed my frustration tolerance. I always got a lot more frustrated at having to replay twenty minutes of a game I found difficult just to die once again on a new boss without much chance to learn the proper strategy.

I also just really like puzzles.

I mentioned before that Maniac Mansion took me about a year. I remembe dreaming about finding secrets in that game. I didn't actually play it for a year straight-- I took several months off. Coming at it fresh, I was able to figure out my problem.

I couldn't rotate the telescope in the observatory because I didn't notice that the buttons on it were discrete clickable objects at the top level.

Today I am an electrical engineer. I spend a lot of time debugging software and hardware, solving mysteries and making discoveries and bashing my head against the same problem for days. The sense of satisfaction when you finally figure out why something isn't working is great.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Limewater »

I neglected to mention another thing I enjoy about adventure games, and that is the variety of things that you can do in them.
Compared to most other genres, the amount of stuff you can do in an adventure game is very broad. They're usually performed using a relatively limited parser or highly simplified interface, but typically you can try all sorts of strange things that a more traditional game won't allow. Things have changed a bit with more open-world games, though.
For example, I might play a shooter with a city as its background, but I can't really interact with the city. If I'm lucky I may be able to stop in a shop to buy something, but that's it. In an adventure game I might be able to use a phone booth, sneak backstage at a performance, get into a fistfight, enter a beauty pageant, buy a newspaper, check under a doormat for a house key, break into a house and microwave their hamster, and drive to the airport and fly somewhere else.
In reality, this level of interactivity is still quite limited, but the illusion is nice.

And that brings me back to my disappointment with Myst. It's beautiful, but the level of interactivity was pretty low compared to what I had come to expect. I could push buttons, pull levers, read books, open doors, walk around, and that was about it.
Systems: TI-99/4a, Commodore Vic-20, Atari 2600, NES, SMS, GB, Neo Geo MVS (Big Red 4-slot), Genesis, SNES, 3DO, PS1, N64, DC, PS2, GBA, GCN, NDSi, Wii
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Markies »

I have 11 games left on 11 different systems to beat my Backlog!

It is time for...The Final Countdown!!

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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Markies wrote:I have 11 games left on 11 different systems to beat my Backlog!

It is time for...The Final Countdown!!


That’s awesome, Markies! I’m rooting for you. If you conquer your backlog, you will be <literally> the only gamer ever to accomplish this feat. It is the ultimate achievement, and the reward is…you need to buy more games. :lol:
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by alienjesus »

I'm pleased to announce that I only have.... three hundred and sixteen games left for .... thirty-nine consoles on my backloggery!

I might need a longer countdown...

Best of luck Markies, and well done on having more self-control then me with your purchasing habits :lol:
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Markies »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:That’s awesome, Markies! I’m rooting for you. If you conquer your backlog, you will be <literally> the only gamer ever to accomplish this feat. It is the ultimate achievement, and the reward is…you need to buy more games. :lol:

alienjesus wrote:Best of luck Markies, and well done on having more self-control then me with your purchasing habits :lol:

Thank You Both!!

And trust me, I've just been able to bottle that self control.
When Mike Tyson goes down for the 3 Count, it will explode and I will go on a HUGE game shopping spree.

I just want to reach this accomplishment once and then I can go back to buying games.
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