What was the last movie you've seen?

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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

Ninjamaster wrote:Re-watched Suspiria and Phenomena, I'm a fan of Dario Argento! :)

I don't like Argento at all, but can see his potential. Have you ever watched the films of Mario Bava?
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »

The Tomorrow War


So this movie reminded me a bit of Edge of Tomorrow, which is a good thing. I loved Edge of Tomorrow and I really enjoyed this movie too. You've seen Chris Platt in plenty of stuff by now, he nails the leading man role. Yvonne Strhovsky I remember from Mass Effect and Chuck, she's right at home playing the badass female in this movie. Great casting choices, you also have James Jonah Jameson from the old Toby McGuire Spider-Man movies here too.

This is just an epic, sci fi movie with plenty of action, plenty of heart, and some good comedy too. I don't really want to spoil too much about the story, but it's basically your save the world from aliens type of movie. If you loved Independence Day or Edge of Tomorrow, you'll probably like this. I never saw Starship Troopers, but I guess you can compare it to that too. It's a good popcorn flick, maybe not super original in any way, but everything is just very competently done here and I never lost interest in this movie and enjoyed it right up until the end credits, unlike...say, Snyder's Army of the Dead. I never finished that movie as it just lost my interest. Snyder's kind of a hit or miss director to me. The Tomorrow War is directed by Chris McKay, the same guy who apparently did The Lego Batman movie. I hear he's also working on a Nightwing movie, I think I will definitely check that out

If you have an Amazon Prime subscription, you can go watch this right now for free like I just did
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Ninjamaster »

PretentiousHipster wrote:
Ninjamaster wrote:Re-watched Suspiria and Phenomena, I'm a fan of Dario Argento! :)

I don't like Argento at all, but can see his potential. Have you ever watched the films of Mario Bava?

I watched a couple of films : Diabolik and Mask of Satan/Black Sunday a classic.

I liked Diabolik really Pop :lol:
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Michi »

New write-up of the week:



Weird sort of pseudo-documentary following a group of scientists who head off into "Bigfoot country" (yes, they say that as if it's an actual place) in search of the titular Sasquatch. Except Bigfoot in general almost feels like a secondary focus, what with all the nature footage the movie shows instead. It's actually a very chill experience if you enjoy animals and scenic vistas. Hell, there might even be enough Bigfoot for Bigfoot fans, as they do pull of a couple of effective and creepy reenactments of some famous Bigfoot sightings. It's just that if you're looking for horror, you're going to be disappointed, cause that ain't what this is.

Fun fact: the same people who made this movie would go on to make Buffalo Rider, another pseudo-docudrama outing that's so cheesy the guys at Rifftrax picked it up.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by fastbilly1 »

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Valérian et Laureline is one of the foundations of modern scifi, despite not getting much credit outside of France. It was first published in 1967 and has been referenced as inspiration for Blade Runner and Fifth Element - George Lucas has never given a straight answer on Star Wars and Valerian. When making Fifth Element, director Luc Besson brought in Valerian creator Jean-Claude Mézières to do art, who famously told him that "this is shit why dont we make Valerian." Well luckily for Jean-Claude, Luc got to make the film two decades later. If you want a solid scifi romp, pickup the comic omnibus's.

As for the film, it is eye candy first and foremost. The plot, though now somewhat cliche, is fairly solid. It follows one of the comic stories about a space station that is built by all races over all time. Valerian and Laureline are pretty much intergalactic cops tracking down a stolen asset. There is a overarching story about how a war destroyed a native people that is interwoven with the rest of the sub plots of political powergrabs. But I wont go into detail since you can read it on wikipedia.

It does however have some bad notes. It is obviously a late 2010's film because it has its "for 3d" scenes. Sadly the lead, Dane DeHaan has trouble pulling off the roguish smarminess of the Valerian character, but he handles himself acceptably well. Laureline is portrayed by Cara Delevingne who was a bit tough to watch at the beginning, but she falls into the character. The surprise best character is played by Rhianna, who is a shapeshifter for an adult club and serves as a comic foil for a bit.

I recommend it if you enjoy action scifi or just want eyecandy scenes. I started it on a friends plex server then bought the bluray and watched it on my projector with surround sound. Its not perfect, but it is alot of fun.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Raging Justice »

Ack wrote:Dynasty Warriors was a primarily Chinese film production from HMV Digital China after a producer secured the film rights from Koei around 2013 or so.

Now if you want another over-the-top live action film based on an anime, I recommend Blade of the Immortal.

Interesting tidbit about Dynasty Warriors.

I will definitely check out Blade of the Immortal, that trailer was awesome!
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by RCBH928 »


What I like about it is that it has that 80s/90s family film vibe where you would watch it when you are younger and will forever stick in your mind. You certainly can't mix it up with another movie
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Note »

Raging Justice wrote:The Tomorrow War

Also watched The Tomorrow War on Friday night. It was fun, action heavy, sci-fi flick. It definitely reminded me of Starship Troopers a bit, as it had it's comedic moments too. My partner loves movies where fighting aliens is involved, so that this was on her radar. I liked it a lot actually and would watch it again. I don't wanna give away much of the plot either, but to anyone that enjoys sci-fi and is in the mood for something that isn't too deep, I'd recommend it!

Saturday night, we watched Marvel's Black Widow. I'm a fan of the Marvel movies, so I was looking forward to this one. Really enjoyed this movie too. It's another heavy action flick, and while Black Widow isn't one of my favorite Marvel Comics characters, it was still cool to get an idea of her origin story. Also, I liked the casting for the main characters, I especially thought David Harbour and Florence Pugh were good in their roles. Florence Pugh plays Natasha Romanoff's sister in the movie, Yelena -- she was pretty badass. Lol. To anyone that's also a fan of the MCU, check it out!
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Gunpowder Milkshake (2021) - Now streaming on Netflix!

Very fun, female-led, John Wick -inspired action film that dials up the silliness (and the gore). It isn’t very original, but it has a great cast. Karen Gillian is the lead, and Lena Heady plays her mother. Angela Basset, Carla Gugino, and Michelle Yeoh play a trio of weapons-dealing librarians. All are expert killers. The soundtrack is pretty great; the movie has a surreal mid-century setting, similar to Streets of Fire; and the action scenes are a lot of fun. I really liked it, and my wife loved it. (Basically, it’s some badass women tearing down a patriarchal crime syndicate in the bloodiest way possible. :lol:) Highly recommended.
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Re: What was the last movie you've seen?

Post by Michi »

I forgot to post last week....



After her father's suspicious death, a young woman thinks her mom may have had a hand in killing him. But the truth ends up being a lot stranger and bizarrely simple, and it all leads back to the local mortuary.

This is a slasher that initially tries to pawn itself off as a ghost story, adding in a handful of occult meetings and some faulty wiring, before it realizes "wow, we suck at this" and then reverts back to being a slasher. Except its a bit of an early slasher, so they stupidly show us the killer's face half way through, which sort of cuts into the suspense. But it has Bill Paxton in it, and he's just a delight, no matter how goofy he's being, so it doesn't end up too bad. I liked it. I just wish they'd nixed their poor attempt at a supernatural angle.
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