Good modern anime? And where to watch?

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Raging Justice
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Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by Raging Justice »

So I used to be big into anime years ago, then kind of fell off of it. Recently, I've been trying to get back into it. I don't watch as much TV as I used to, nowadays I just watch a small amount of streaming shows most of which are on hiatus right now (Cobra Kai, The Expanse, The Witcher, The Mandalorian, etc.). Because of this, I feel like I have a lot more time for watching anime

I've recently watched season 1 of One Punch Man and all of Demon Slayer. I loved season 1 of One Punch Man, can't seem to find anywhere to watch season 2. I tried Hulu, but like half of the episodes were missing. I've heard mixed things about season 2, but I kind of want to see it myself.

My thoughts on Demon Slayer, without getting too spoiler-ish, the antics of Inosuke and Zenitsu (ESPECIALLY Zenitsu) can get REALLY tiresome at times, but overall I still enjoy the show. Tanjiro is easy to like and his sister is adorable. The movie was epic, particularly in its portrayal of Rengoku. Loved this awesome moment right here:

That's about all I've seen of modern anime, along with a little bit of Dragonball Super. Vegeta is literally the only thing keeping me interested in Dragonball though to be honest. The new Broly movie was pretty epic. I keep up a bit with the manga too, again, really just to see what's going on with Vegeta

Beyond that, I've not watched anything popular in anime in like, the past decade?

Any recommendations? How or where do you watch your anime? Cheap or free ways to watch would be appreciated, I should also note I'm not generally a fan of dubs.

I'm open to just about anything in terms of genre, though I particularly like anything with action, comedy, and sci fi, or fantasy. As far as older anime goes, I loved, loved, LOVED, Cowboy Bebop. That was no. 1 for me. I also really liked Rurouni Kenshin (I LOVED the live action movies and have read ALL of the manga). I remember also having fun with Gunsmith Cats. I never watched Berserk (R.I.P its creator), but it looked interesting to me, same goes for The Big O. I never liked stuff like Neon Genesis Evangelion or Serial Experiments Lain though. Stuff like that just feels kind of boring and pretentious to me.

I've heard Death Note is interesting. I've also heard a lot about Attack on Titan, but I've also heard it has a lousy ending
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Re: Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by bmoc »

If you like Cowboy Bepop, I highly recommend Megalo Box. I liked Death Note pretty well. It is worth a watch.

As for where to watch, there's Crunchyroll and Funimation for the new stuff. They are under the same parent company now so they may merge at some point. For older stuff, I use Retro Crush. The above all have free tiers.

For paid stuff, Netflix does alright and they have some good exclusives like Castlevania. HBOMax has Studio Ghibli films.
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Re: Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by Anapan »

I don't know how modern they all are, and I still prefer 90s stuff to most, but I enjoyed these series as much as I enjoyed all the ones you mentioned:
Attack on Titan (only watched most of 1st season)
Cells at Work
Darker than Black
Fullmetal Alchemist (either series are good, both are too much)
Ghost in the Shell: SAC - season 2 is also good, tho I think Arise missed the mark.
Hellsing Ultimate (the original series is almost better - music was so much better)
Made in Abyss
Samurai Champloo
Space Dandy
Trigun (well, this isn't modern at all?)
edit: also not anywhere modern: Gungrave sounds up your alley. Try Read or Die (The 3-part OAV) too.

Speaking or Rurouni Kenshin, a new thing just came out today - It's like a live-action first part of a movie series.
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Re: Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by Note »

Appreciate all the suggestions in this thread. I've struggled to get into newer anime, as I'm also mostly a bigger fan of the animation style used in the late 80's and 90's. However, I'm going to give a few things mentioned here a shot.

A modern anime I enjoyed was the first season of Psycho-Pass. It's very influenced by cyberpunk and sci-fi. The basic plot revolves around these scanners located around the city which can detect people's propensity for crime. Based on those results, inspectors have to go out to apprehend certain individuals.

It's worth a watch IMO, and I think it's available on Crunchyroll and Funimation for stream.
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Re: Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by Raging Justice »

Anapan wrote:
Speaking or Rurouni Kenshin, a new thing just came out today - It's like a live-action first part of a movie series.

Holy crap!

I thought I had seen all of the Kenshin movies but I didn't know about this one


I just found about it after reading your comment and doing a google search. If my memory is right, this is the final story arc from the manga. They just released this on Netflix! I have to watch it! I'm so happy right now

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Re: Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Watch Steins;Gate playa.

But play the game first.
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Re: Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by Raging Justice »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:Watch Steins;Gate playa.

But play the game first.

That sounds familiar

Is it a visual novel type game about time travel?
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Re: Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

That's the one!
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Re: Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by terrysmithh54 »

I honestly just started watching Demon Slayer yesterday and I'm already finished season one. It's such a good anime and I'm absolutely in love with it, so I'm incredibly excited for this!
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Re: Good modern anime? And where to watch?

Post by RCBH928 »

Is this the official Anime thread? I am looking for recommendations. (Will look into Anapan's suggestions)

I am looking for anime aimed for adults (not hentai :P ) with a serious tone and a story arch. Think of like American TV series but in anime. Something like Grave of the Fireflies. I recently picked on Death Note and its the kind of thing I like, please someone tell me I am not waiting for a silly ending and that the show is worth it.

Last thing I want to see is an anime where I follow the daily life of a certain character or something over the top silly and wild exaggerations, I know the Japanese taste can be quirky.

Previously I saw:

One Piece: I kind of like the idea of the sea adventure but after a little I noticed the repetitive formula and they will repeat it to death to milk the customers for money, no I will not see a 1000 episode show.

Berserk: Long time ago, I do not remember it now but all I remember I was very upset by the ending I thought there was more episodes.

Ghost in The Shell: It seemed like exactly what I like but in the end it was lacking, it felt like there is a seriously good story behind it but nothing happened. Lots of talk about ideas and thoughts. Not my cup fo tea.

Naruto : Just 1 episode if IIRC , had a good story and probably be a fan if I was like 10 but I am too old for this. Maybe I should give it a chance.

Howl's Moving Castle and My Neighbor Totoro: I am just not into magic worlds mixed with social conflict with children. Not my thing.
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