Games You Gave Up On 2021

Anything that is gaming related that doesn't fit well anywhere else
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Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Markies »

(I don't like being the one starting this topic every year. It means that I was first to give up on a game and play a bad game first.)

These are the games you wouldn't or couldn't beat.
Games that you gave up on and moved onto another game.
Games you removed from your Backlog or sold to a local store.


I gave up on Bionic Commando for the NES!

This one hurt quite a bit as I was really looking forward to playing this game this year.

I heard several people praise the game, so I wanted to give it a chance myself. I think the grappling mechanic is a neat idea, but damn do I wish I had a jump button. Even the smallest little jumps or platforms take a while to navigate. Also, for being hindered so much, I was expecting a little less amount of dudes. It is just an onslaught of guys coming after you and it is so easy to loose a ton of health.

So, after playing the game for more than 5 hours, the furthest I could get was Level 2 and I didn't even reach the boss. It came to me that I then had to beat the game with only 3 Lives, No Continues, No Saves and No Passwords. There are extra guys you can collect, but that is it. That task seemed to daunting considering my skill level at the game.

It's an interesting game and one that would be fun to Master. However, the learning curve for the game is quite steep and a hill I wasn't willing to climb.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Oh no! I love that game. It does take s9me getting used to, though. Please don’t get rid of it. Once you get the hang of it, it’s actually pretty great,
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by alienjesus »

Markies wrote:(I don't like being the one starting this topic every year. It means that I was first to give up on a game and play a bad game first.)

These are the games you wouldn't or couldn't beat.
Games that you gave up on and moved onto another game.
Games you removed from your Backlog or sold to a local store.


I gave up on Bionic Commando for the NES!

This one hurt quite a bit as I was really looking forward to playing this game this year.

I heard several people praise the game, so I wanted to give it a chance myself. I think the grappling mechanic is a neat idea, but damn do I wish I had a jump button. Even the smallest little jumps or platforms take a while to navigate. Also, for being hindered so much, I was expecting a little less amount of dudes. It is just an onslaught of guys coming after you and it is so easy to loose a ton of health.

So, after playing the game for more than 5 hours, the furthest I could get was Level 2 and I didn't even reach the boss. It came to me that I then had to beat the game with only 3 Lives, No Continues, No Saves and No Passwords. There are extra guys you can collect, but that is it. That task seemed to daunting considering my skill level at the game.

It's an interesting game and one that would be fun to Master. However, the learning curve for the game is quite steep and a hill I wasn't willing to climb.

Do you know how to extend your health bar on this? If you do, this game actually is very manageable.

Enemies drop bullets when defeated. Sit in level 1 (probably the section where enemies parachute in in the underground tunnels) farming them for a while, as after a certain number you gain an extra point of health. The number increases (you need 5 for the first and a total of 300 for the last) but you can get like 9 health points maximum this way.

Also, the top down stages are fairly easy to blast through and all contain 2 continues to find - you can quickly rack up 9 extra continues once you get to these levels - and if you're ever scared about game overs after that point it's no trouble to come back and play the overhead stages a few times again for more.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Markies »

I knew that my health was slowly growing, but I had no idea about the grinding aspect. That would have been helpful, especially in the beginning. But, I had absolutely no idea about the Continue trick. That would have also helped tremendously.

One day, I may go back to it as the game is at least interesting. With the hints and knowing what I am doing, maybe I could get a little farther.

Thanks for the tips and the encouragement!
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Markies »


I removed Top Gear Rally 2 for the Nintendo 64.

The original Top Gear Rally was a hidden gem racing game on the N64. It had fantastic music, great controls and different weather variations that made the game a joy to play. There wasn't much there, but it was still a blast to play.

For Top Gear Rally 2, they changed developers and engines as the game is nothing like the first at all. They try to incorporate realistic racing aspects, such as car tuning that you would find in Gran Turismo. But, the parts can break during your race and they do so constantly. And once they do, you are at a severe disadvantage as you hope to limp across the finish line.

So, instead of driving at break neck speeds taking jumps and driving through water, you are terrified of your tires popping, your computer short circuiting or your drive train breaking. They found a way to take the fun out of rally racing. So, you have to do the same cups over and over again to get reliable parts in a game that's racing feeling isn't all that great in the first place.

I never really had fun playing it and I don't want to spend my time playing a game that isn't fun.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

A broken racing game about racing cars that break? Yikes. That sounds awful, Markies.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by opa »

I've got a couple of games:

Star Wars: KOTOR 2 - Not really sure why this is so highly-regarded on steam/gog ratings. I've played the first game and loved it back in the day. Now I'm finally checking out the sequel but it has such an uncompelling story I cannot continue. The mysterious old lady is a hateful hag to this game's stand-in for Carth for... no real reason that I can gather. She keeps telling you "you're the last jedi" despite having jedi tendencies herself. Heck, her status screen calls her a "jedi counselor" so not sure if this is explained later. You'd think she'd be grateful that you saved her rear end from an exploding space mine but nope.

When you do escape you are immediately arrested and your ship is impounded. Somehow - don't know how - the Republic knew you had something to do with the mine explosion that happened literally 30 seconds prior to jumping into hyperspace. If they're that good then why is there any crime in the galaxy? Moving on... From the story threads I've gone through so far there doesn't seem to be much of a "light side" option. In the first game you could solve most situations through peaceful means if you're going the good jedi route. Here everything I've done so far ends in a melee with ten people- even if I was desperately using the most peaceful dialog options.

It just feels weird. This should be a good game but it's not. If you compare the time I put into 2 with what my progress would have been in the first game, I would have already made it to Dantooine more than likely. And that is sad because KOTOR 1 is so rich and full of character interactions with conflict that makes sense. KOTOR 2 is just bumbling along, not sure what to do with its own story.

Resident Evil 7 - Two popular games in one day? I promise I'm not being contrarian. Thankfully I borrowed this one so I'm not out any money at least.

I'd consider myself a fan of the series but this game really has nothing in common with the rest of the games. You're not some action hero gunning down waves of monsters with a shotgun and rocket launcher. You're James Sunderla- I mean, Ethan Something looking for your missing wife who just so happened to send you a letter- I mean - email after being gone for three years. She's "waiting for you" in some backwoods dump in a Louisiana swamp. Naturally he goes in blind, unarmed, and alone. Why call the police? That makes too much sense of course! They can't handle a missing persons case, but Ethan Something can!

You go into the Spooky House, crap goes down, and then you have to avoid "the family" as you try to get out. I will spoiler tag the rest just because the game is still somewhat new. Though I won't be spoiling much since I'm giving up a little past the first "boss fight".

This is more of a rant, tbh. In bullet-point form!

-The Family is stupid and makes me laugh. Seriously. Every time they appear and start spouting their nonsense I bust a gut. I'm assuming they're supposed to be unsettling but I am not affected. They'd probably be more effective if they said nothing as they stalk the halls.

-Torture porn is not scary or horror. It's just gross-out material. Not my thing and not really a substitute for building genuine suspense and atmosphere.

-Stapling a hand back on won't fix it. Actually, even better! Pouring rubbing alcohol on a stab wound won't seal it up. I know its a game but c'mon. They could've had him bind his wounds with gauze or something.

-The part you play as MIa: she gets caught at the end anyway. Why does it matter if I get caught ten miles or ten inches before the cutscene trigger if the end result is the same?

-The cop is a big plot hole. They introduced a character that can make real change in the story. He has the capacity to call in back up once he realizes that "hey, the spooky manor has a guy trapped inside and he's told me he's being chased by crazy people." What does the officer do? He says, "Meet me around back in the garage. You know, an isolated spot in the spooky house with crazy people." Cause that's smart. He flat out tells you there's been multiple missing people in the area. Call in back up, doofus!

-Why the eff does Bubba or whatever his name is shoot himself in the head? He could've killed me. That's what he's trying to do, right? Just more meaningless violence to shock the viewer.

I guess if I want horror-action I've got all the previous six mainline games to play (and spin-offs). If I want pure survival horror I've got Silent Hill/Siren. I don't like the overly scripted, haunted hay ride approach.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by Raging Justice »

I have some games that I've actively stopped playing, but I wouldn't say I've given up on them. They're just in the backlog for now. The only game I started this year, that I don't feel inclined to go back to is Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl. I just found it to be a very bland, uninteresting, beat 'em up. I probably won't finish it.
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

I tried, but Summer Carnival ‘92 Recca is just too awesome for me. As awesome as I think it is, I don’t see myself ever beating it without seriously abusing save states. I’m just not in the mood for that right now; so, I’m going to put that game to the side.

I will write a bit more about it in the TR thread, though!
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Re: Games You Gave Up On 2021

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

I think I'm gonna have to put one here due to the TR as well ^^;

I'll write a bit more about it in the TR thread, but Little Ralph's Big Adventure is a bit too difficult for what I'm looking for right now. Perhaps someday I shall conquer it, but not anytime soon XP
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