Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by opa »

My (mostly SNES) list:

Donkey Kong Country - I have beaten DKC2 a couple of times but never really tackled the first game. Well... I do have the GBC port but I am not feeling it right now; I'd rather play the SNES version. I remember liking the snow levels but never made it too far past that. I'd like to cross it off the list!

Final Fantasy III - To my shame, I've gotten past the World of Balance but then gave up. This situation needs to be rectified! And yes, I still think of FFVI as "number 3".

Super Mario World - I have beaten the GBA version but I want to get the original over and done with. I'm a few stages from beating it as I type. Not my favorite Mario but it's on the bucket list.

Pokemon Yellow - I am gonna kind of cheat a bit with this one. I've owned the game since release but I'm going to play the "151" rom hack that does one thing I care about: Pikachu knows "surf" at the beginning of the game. No need to buy pokemon stadium to play the minigame. Thank goodness. I didn't want to buy any other carts to collect dust.

I think two RPG's and two platformers are enough to commit to for the moment. If I add more I'll consider it a bonus as I work a lot in the summer.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by SpaceBooger »

1. Grandia (Sat)
2. Dragon Warrior II (GBC)
3. Shantae (GBC from LimitedRun Games)
4. Dragon Warrior III (GBC) ​

I beat Dragon Warrior II tonight. The end game grinding was tough. I entered Rhone with my main character at level 20 and was killed more often than I survived the random battles. Slow and steady I ground it out healing and saving after each battle to work my main character was level 30 before I took on the final boss. I found an easy way to make it through the final castle: three bosses before the final boss' two forms. If you beat the three bosses and leave the castle to heal and save they will stay defeated until you turn off the system. Using this method, I beat the three bosses and then went back to the final castle to take on the final boss healed and full of MP.

Still looking to find a platformer or something less RPG for my 5th game this summer.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by alienjesus »

I jumped into Command & Conquer: Red Alert tonight as the first game for my summer challenge.

I'm playing the Soviet campaign, mainly because I loved the Tesla Coils when I played this as a kid. I haven't actually been able to use them yet though, as the tech is limited in these earlier missions.

Just in case you might have had any doubts that you are the bad games, stage 1 of the Soviet campaign is a mission to crush a small rebellion, destory the village it was taking place in and kill all the civilians.

Stage 2 had be guarding a base, but in reality it was just an intro to base building, and the main objective was to go blow up the other guys as you might expect.

Stage 3 mixes things up with a mission to chase down and kill a spy before he escapes. You start the mission with only a pack of 5 attack dogs, and it's a bit of a puzzle mission in a way. The spy quickly escapes past an enemy pillbox which obliterates the dogs, but if you take a different path you can kill an enemy soldier guarding a building to release some riflemen to your side. They can shoot some explosive barrels to detonate the pillbox at range, allowing you to chase the spy. There's more tricks and traps as you progress - the spy enters a village where reinforcements attack you as you draw near, then escapes via across water via a carrier to a guarded and fenced off portion of the map you need grenadiers to attack. I eventuallu cleared the map with only a couple riflemen left over.

Stage 4 is a standard destory the base scenario, but mission 5 added some complications - you start on a landmass on the west of the map, and the enmy has a base in the centre north. There's also a large island in the loer right of the mpa the enemy has units on - you need to capture an enemy radar dome in their north base with an engineer and then clear all units from the island. I took too long seizing the north base though because the computer set up a second base on the island which made assaulting it way harder as I was limited to a few units at a time being dropped off by landing craft. I eventually set up a solid base of my own on the island too but then tragedy struck. I paused the game to go get some food, came back and found that ...I had not paused the game. The computer had destroyed my entire island base, and to boot I had no resources left on the main island to buy more stuff! Not ideal. Luckily, I had destroyed all the computers ore trucks and they were also out of money, so I still had the upper hand. I sold enough buildings to buy a new ore refinery, slowly worked enough money back up to buy 5 tanks and 5 V2 rockets, and stormed the island. I needed the rockets for the allied navy, as they were guarding the shores of the base. It was an ordeal, but I made it.

I'm having fun so far, looking forward to playing more. One thing I've noticed about the PS1 port is that it doesn't seem to contain brancinh missions like the PC version - there's only 1 version of each mission, even though the map in the FMV sequences often shows multiple options like the original game did. It's kind of weird, seeing as Command & Conquer 1 on PS1 managed to fit this mechanic in just fine, but not a deal breaker really - I'd only get to play one version of each mission in a single playthrough either way!
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by Note »

I plan on participating this summer too! I usually don't get a chance to game as much in the summer as in the colder months, as I like to try to take advantage of being out and about when the weather's nicer here but there's a few classics I'd like to scratch off my list.

1. Chrono Trigger (SNES): Yup, I've never finished this one. I've started it up multiple times and got about 20-30 hours in a few times but never played it through to completion to see one of the several endings. Hopefully I can do it this summer!

2. Resident Evil 3 (PS1): I actually didn't own this one back in the day, but I played the first RE a ton. I finally finished RE2 last fall, and now I'd like to tackle the third game in the series. I have the RE3 demo that came with Dino Crisis, and I was pretty hooked on the demo, so I'm looking forward to finally trying to get through this one.

3. Radiant Silvergun (SAT): I was on a shmup binge earlier this year and always wanted to get into this release from Treasure. I know this is a longer game for a shmup, but I'm going to try to finish it.

4. Donkey Kong Country 2 (SNES): I've played a ton of the first game when I was young but never owned the second game and didn't play it much at friend's places. I'd like to track down a copy of the cart this summer and give it a go.

5. Shining the Holy Ark (SAT): I started this game up earlier in the year and got about 25 hours in, but took a break from it. I'd like to pick it back up and finish it off!
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

You played Chrono Trigger for 20-30 hours without finishing it. :shock:
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by alienjesus »

I've been playing more Command & Conquer: Red Alert this weekend.

I picked up on Mission 6, and I've played through to mission 12. Most maps were fairly standard, but there were some complications - I had to do another puzzley level where I had to inflitrate a nuclear reactor that was gonna blow. This mission was tough, and I got in a bad situation at the end. The enemy commando Tanya is in the mission and is able to quickly kill any of your units at range. You're meant to re-enable the reactor defense system to cause flame towers to appear and kill her - but Tanya actually blew up the towers, and no more spawned. Because of this, I sent in all of my soldiers to try and kill her, and luckily a dog managed to get through her enormous range and kill her - which caused the flame towers to appear again and kill her army. I think the issue was she was standing on the spot they spawn in after blowing one up, so I just needed to get her to move.

Another tough mission had me escorting a convoy of trucks across a map with a small handful of tanks and planes as an escort. The trick was alternating between the tanks and planes to push forward though, as the tanks need to take out anti-air turrets to let the planes clean up, but sometimes ground defences prevent them progressing. It took a few tries to get throigh this, mostly due to not knowing what's coming next the first few times.

The missions now are very much falling into a habit of being based on islands, with the enemies main base across the water from me. This makes it harder to rush in with a ton of tanks as you have to make use of landers to slowly drop your army across the water. Enemy helicopters tend to pick them off as you land and your counterplay options as Soviet are quite limited. You can send your planes in ahead of time to shoot down helicopters, but unfortunately the enemy tends to have a lot of Anti-air guns and rocket soldiers, which do a number on your air force. Planes are real space hogs too, as you need to put down an airfield for each planes causing your base to grow dreastically.

Anyway, 3 missions to go on the Soviet side. Hoping to finish this one up this week.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by Note »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:You played Chrono Trigger for 20-30 hours without finishing it. :shock:

This was a bad habit of mine, where I'd get really far into games but still manage to not finish them. I've been a lot better about it the past few years, but this one's still eluded me!
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

I like to work TR games into my summer games challenge. Here are the TR games I have on tap for this month:

Avenging Spirit
Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Summer Carnival ‘92 Recca

Do you think any of these are “classic” enough for the challenge?
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by marurun »

Recca definitely is.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2021- Lets play games!

Post by alienjesus »

I'm not convinced. Recca is super obscure, incredibly rare and a game I genuinely hadn't heard of before it's Virtual Console release. I think they all might be a bit too obscure for this personally.
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