What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by REPO Man »

You'd think there's more solutions than I let on. There really isn't. If there was I'd have tried it. And if I didn't bring up its success, clearly it failed. Trust me when I say I don't have as much pull with my family as you'd think.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by marurun »

REPO Man wrote:You'd think there's more solutions than I let on. There really isn't. If there was I'd have tried it. And if I didn't bring up its success, clearly it failed. Trust me when I say I don't have as much pull with my family as you'd think.

Or you simply haven’t thought of it. You keep presenting things as if nobody could possibly have anything useful to add, that you’ve obviously thought of everything. Be open. If you decide there’s nothing because you’ve tried everything, you render yourself correct. Self-fulfilling prophesies tend to do that.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by REPO Man »

I've been making memes lately. Regardless of whether or not you get the references, I'd love some feedback.

EDIT: Nevermind. The way I linked them apparent doesn't work anymore.

I've been posting them on a couple of Facebook groups I'm a part of, and the Simpsons/REPO one got over 100 reacts.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by Ack »

PretentiousHipster wrote:As someone who can enjoy the highest (or lowest) of high art, I gotta say culture does not necessarily mean they're into that stuff and wear haute couture. The whole lack of art = lack of intelligence thing does piss me off too. Southern rock and bluegrass is culture, and can be seen as high art to some eyes (I particularly love bluegrass myself).

That being said, please keep writing. Look at my youtube channel. The first few videos are the biggest embarrassment ever, but I still leave them on there because it shows firsthand the type of progress I've made. If after a few months you don't hate your initial bodies of work, then you are not improving and you are doing it wrong.

Shit, you should see the mess that was my directorial debut.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by Golgo 14 »

Re: most of the previous two pages

I know it’s not what you’re going for, but this is something of a brilliant absurdist comedy. A man loathes his community and dreams of leaving each day, but he believes his escape can only begin in a Greyhound bus station - a station which has never been built, and will likely never be constructed. Possibly he could drive himself, but he is not licensed, having never reached the final stage of the driving test a decade ago. And so on.

The fact that these situations frustrate and test the patience of audience members who have seen the production countless times speaks to their power. If performed publicly, the entire cast would almost certainly be murdered.
marurun wrote: We’re not going to rubber stamp your horrible decisions.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by marurun »

So, Waiting for Godot by way of Kevin Smith?
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

marurun wrote:So, Waiting for Godot by way of Kevin Smith?

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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

I should also mention that this idea of romanticizing something that much will only lead to disappointment. It happens to older virgins with their first time, and I've seen this exact thing happen to someone except London instead of New York. After like a decade she finally moved there. The cost of living was so high and she didn't get her dream job of being hired in a store that sells Beatles merchandise, so she worked for McDonald's. Got fired for calling in sick, and she had no choice but to go back to her parents at the other side of the world. But you know what, she discovered her place in life and she's happy now, even if not in her dream city.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by REPO Man »

My style varies from project to project.

One concept I have is about an indie director who rents a bus and drags his cast and crew on a road tour across the country, doing a mix of four-walling and the film festival circuit. They style would evoke '70s John Waters and '90s Gregg Araki, particularly The Doom Generation.

One could say I wear my influences on my sleeve.
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Re: What Made you Smile/What Ticked you off Today?

Post by marurun »

REPO Man wrote:One concept I have is about an indie director who rents a bus and drags his cast and crew on a road tour across the country, doing a mix of four-walling and the film festival circuit.

For something like that to land successfully you'll want to have had some relevant experience, like having taken a road tour across the country. It's very hard to make a successful film like that based on influences alone. Because then your entire story is effectively a third-hand take on fictionalized accounts of something that might have honest origins. But you're so far removed from any kind of "truth" at that point, your story will ring hollow.
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