Ys. The ideal Utopia.

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Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by Segata »


Sorry if there already is a Ys topic I could not find. besides, never hurts to create new topics.

This topic is ALL things Ys. Newcomers and vets alike. Some heard Bone talk this series up for a while. Count me as one of them who is a massive fan of this series.
Some videos on the series. Give you an idea.

Reviews and some history on the series.

I discovered the series through Happy Console Gamer in 2010. So I was late to the party. WHen I ran my YouTube channel I made a Ys video detailing what Ys meant to me as a gamer and as a fan. It changed me entirely. While I kinda collected sorta before Ys. It wasn't until after I played Ys on DS that made me realize. This game has been around since 1986 and I never heard of it. How many more games am I missing? I need to play more. So yes I had close to 200 games then and retro consoles but I wasn't that serious about it. Ys made it serious for me as a collector. It made me live collecting. I have since played multiple versions of the first Ys game. Yes, I have many games in the series and multip versions. I have merch and OSTs and T shirts and all that as well. I have the CE pre-ordered for Ys VIII this September.

I made my own Adol in 3D Dot Game Heroes.

This pic is about 7 years old. Wii no longer tracks your games. (Xenoblade would later have 600 hours into it) Ys was the first I can remember having 300 hours into it. Don't ask me how I put 300 into a 12-hour game. Ok, it's because I kept replaying the game over and over. I did the same when I got it on other systems.

Just for fun.

This thread isn't really about me tho. It's for everything Ys. I was just briefly showing my fandom. Show your love for the ideal Utopia of a series!
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Re: Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

So, yeah, I suppose I'm a fan.

My humble Ys collection, so far:

This is the best ARPG series, with Ys Book I & II (PCE version, of course) being the best singular ARPG ever conceived. The whole series crushes it, but Book I & II in particular is staggeringly brilliant. The perfect blend of bump system action, amazing redbook audio music, hand-drawn anime, and a fully-realized mythological world. It never gets old.

Ys IV (PCE) and Ys Origin are my next couple of favorites. The latter should be played by anyone who has a PC.

As far as the future of the series goes, I'm not jazzed about modern games generally speaking, but VIII has me pumped. Is a Vita or 3DS Book I & II too much to ask as well? Come on Falcom.
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Re: Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by Segata »


As a reminder, Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA will be released on Tuesday, September 12th 2017! Please note that we will begin the billing process for Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA on August 29th


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Re: Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by marlowe221 »

I own the PC versions of several of he Ys games. But I haven’t gotten around to playing most of them.

What’s the recommended order for tackling this series?
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Re: Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Well, what do you have? Assuming you mean the stuff released on GOG.com and Steam go,

Ys I & II Chronicles

Generally I find it's always better to go chronologically by release date. The "story" may not be in perfect order this way (it goes 1, 2, 6, 3, 0, 7) but each game's tale is largely self-contained (and written in the semi-coherent JRPG fashion) anyway.
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Re: Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by marurun »

I think most people consider Ys Origin the most accessible entry point to the series, because it's easy to play and lays out some of the early elements of the story. If you don't mind somewhat older-style combat, Ys I & II on PCE is really the bomb.
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Re: Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by isiolia »

Is Origin tuned better/differently combat-wise? I think I recall playing that a bit on some FFXI patch day and just not getting back to it. Attempts to play Ys I (via Steam) have not gone well.
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Re: Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by marlowe221 »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:Well, what do you have? Assuming you mean the stuff released on GOG.com and Steam go,

Ys I & II Chronicles

Generally I find it's always better to go chronologically by release date. The "story" may not be in perfect order this way (it goes 1, 2, 6, 3, 0, 7) but each game's tale is largely self-contained (and written in the semi-coherent JRPG fashion) anyway.

Yep, those are the ones I mean.

I actually own Ys I & II, Felghana, and Origin at the moment.

I'm not sure I own any other Ys-capable hardware actually, so PC all the way for me!

Edit - Well, crap. The ones I don't own yet are on sale on the Humble Store.... :shock:
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Re: Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by SpikeSlania »

It was Happy Console Gamer and Game Sack that got me into the Ys series. I even bought a PC Engine Duo just to play Books 1 & 2. Think the only other games I have for my pc engine is Ys 3, Puyo Puyo, and a couple of Bomberman games. Even had my pc engine duo modded with component. Otherwise only other Ys game I played so far is Ys 4 for psvita. I like 1 & 2 more, but it has that feel Falcom has with it's modern JRPGs that I like. I do own Origins and 8 for ps4, even got a physical copy from Limited Runs for Origins but I haven't even played them yet :P I'm semi waiting for that patch NIS said they would do with 8 to fix their shabby localization. No idea why Falcom went with NIS over XSeed this time. But I semi want to get a PSP again just to collect the Ys games for it :P

Edit: Also own Konami's localization of 6 for the ps2, haven't played it, but saw how good the Japanese opening was compared to what we got state side from Konami.
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Re: Ys. The ideal Utopia.

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

Get VI on GOG.com, skip the PS2.
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