Looking for SOTN Expert

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Looking for SOTN Expert

Post by strangenova »

Ok I've got a burning question that needs to be answered about this game. Like seriously I've dug in wikis and gamefaqs guides to no avail. I've beaten this game a dozen or more times and over my last few playthroughs I've noticed something that's bothered me greatly.

The Holy Sword has a point when it's stats will drop for no reason! I don't know why but I want to. It usually does +26 so I always switch out of Jewel knuckles for it (they do +21). But I've noticed that sometime after getting to the second castle the Holy Sword will be weaker than the knuckles! And I've tried unequiping everything else and I've tried changing locations or casting spells to help, even turned off all the relics...nothing changes it back. Then out of nowhere, the stats will be back to normal....help me....I can't sleep because of this!

If more info is required, I've recently started another playthrough and can provide more information about this peculiar oddity.
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Re: Looking for SOTN Expert

Post by MrPopo »

I've never gone too deep into the mechanics, but I know the game has some time-based effects. It could be something around one of those.
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Re: Looking for SOTN Expert

Post by strangenova »

MrPopo wrote:I've never gone too deep into the mechanics, but I know the game has some time-based effects. It could be something around one of those.

That's something to consider. I will note the times that I acquire, equip, and notice the change and change back in this playthrough.
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Re: Looking for SOTN Expert

Post by strangenova »

Ok holy sword acquired at an in game time of 1:24:47

And I noticed that not only is the holy sword not giving me plus 26 but that the jewel knuckles aren't giving me plus 21...they are giving +19 and +14 respectively. Both seven less than all the wikis and guides combined. So I changed the nature of my question and found one lone forum where it had been answered:

Of further note, weapons have a weird way of being calculated. Basically, if a weapon is "stronger" than your STR capacity for it, you will still get some offense from it, but a reduced amount. Once you hit the correct threshold you will do full damage with it. Sometimes it's better to equip a technically weaker weapon that your STR stat currently supports. This is also why, if you aren't familiar with a weapon's actual offense, it will look scrubby one minute then a few levels later look awesome.

This would explain why the holy sword goes from being stronger than the jewel knuckles, to weaker, then back to stronger. The knuckles have less att power, so they have a lower "threshold". When I continue, I will note here the stats that I had to cross each threshold. Currently my STR is 13
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Re: Looking for SOTN Expert

Post by Sarge »

Well, I've played through the game countless times, and I just learned something new. Thanks for noticing this!
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Re: Looking for SOTN Expert

Post by strangenova »

Sarge wrote:Well, I've played through the game countless times, and I just learned something new. Thanks for noticing this!

Yeah I've played it way too much and I have a thing for numbers so I noticed it. An update though, as I've only had time to play it once since I last mentioned it. I did get my STR up to 14, tied with the boost from the jewel knuckles, not enough to cross the threshold though.

I'll try to get back on it tonight and level up a few times to see when it actually changes.
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