Arcade Game Overview Project (Input Appreciated)

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Arcade Game Overview Project (Input Appreciated)

Post by MrNash »

For the last little bit, I've started putting together brief videos with overviews of various arcade games. They're meant to only be a couple of minutes long with gameplay footage and brief notes in text popping up explaining what the game is all about and some trivia when possible.

I just figured it's an area of retro gaming that has a ton of stuff in it and can get pretty nebulous what with all of the different games, some of them being quite obscure. The hope is that the videos can be a useful tool for people interest in classic arcade games, but maybe aren't familiar with this or that title. This way they can hop into a quick video, learn a bit out the game, and maybe fire up MAME after if they want to try it out.

There are other videos of arcade games out there, but they're a lot longer and either just have gameplay footage without explanation or assume people viewing it are familiar with the game, so these would be meant more as quick, informative pieces more for those who may not know much about the game or need their memory jogged a bit.

Also, I'm wondering if I should add some sort of chime or a different audio cue whenever a new bit of text comes on the screen so that viewers know it's there. With the gameplay ding it's thing I'm not sure if something like that would be helpful in reminding viewers to check for the text or just wind up being a distraction.

Anywho, thanks if you managed to read through all of this. I hope you guys find the videos useful and would appreciate your thoughts. :D ... AmDyAC4hQg
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Re: Arcade Game Overview Project (Input Appreciated)

Post by flash1987 »

Interesting idea. I think covering shmups and beat em ups isn't the best idea as most people are fairly familiar with them. Also how useful is the name of the people behind it. I would concentrate on more unusual games and explain the mechanics and maybe some quick tips.

Reminds me of vh1 pop up video.
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Re: Arcade Game Overview Project (Input Appreciated)

Post by MrNash »

Thanks for the feedback. I'll dig up some more unusual games to add as well. There are plenty of those out there, that's for sure. =D I'm not sure how often I'll mention the folks behind the games. Mostly I'm adding it a bit right now if they happened to have worked on other popular series. It's just something I find interesting, especially if it's someone who went on to create something particularly popular since we can get a glimpse of some of their earlier work. =)
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