Have you given up on buying SNES?/Cheap SFC recommendations

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Have you given up on buying SNES?/Cheap SFC recommendations

Post by Betagam7 »

Apologies if it's been discussed elsewhere but I wondered if anyone else has simply given upon SNES collecting due to the ludicrous price boom that's gone on over the past few years?

I have a Super UFO that I can use to emulate but I do like the sentimental feel of an actual cartridge that I can pull off a shelf and can be saved to where necessary. I'd like to buy original carts but I'm sickened by current ebay prices (especially considering what I foolishly sold some of mine for before this whole price hike). I've started picking up cheaper SFC carts where language isn't a barrier and buying repros of fan translated stuff that was never originally available. Still I'm not prepared to engage in the current mainstream SNES buyers market which seems like an unsustainable bubble....but a bubble that shows no signs of bursting.

Is anyone here actually paying these current prices or are we looking at a false economy that will ultimately disintegrate?

I'd be interested to read some thoughts on this and reading about cheap obscure games or SFC alternatives to the overblown SNES market.
Last edited by Betagam7 on Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Have you given up on buying SNES games?

Post by Exhuminator »

I gave up SNES collecting in 1997 when ZSNES came out.
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Re: Have you given up on buying SNES games?

Post by Betagam7 »

Exhuminator wrote:I gave up SNES collecting in 1997 when ZSNES came out.

I've never gotten on with emulators for some reason. After the initial excitement I just find myself unable to settle on anything.
The only game I've ever beaten on an emulator was Terranigma and I managed that because I know that somewhere back in England I own the actual cartridge and it was something I'd always regretted never beating.

I've gone through several periods where I thing emulation or digital (in the case of Nintendo's Virtual Console) is the clean way forward...but I always go back to wanting a hunk of plastic for some reason.
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Re: Have you given up on buying SNES games?

Post by Exhuminator »

Getting something like this helps:

http://www.amazon.com/Buffalo-Classic-U ... B002B9XB0E

Also playing the games using CRT filters or actually using a CRT TV as the monitor.

But hey nothing wrong with the real thing if that's what floats your boat.
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Re: Have you given up on buying SNES games?

Post by Ack »

For the most part, yeah. I haven't stopped, but I've slowed to only a handful of SNES games a year. Admittedly this is also exacerbated by space concerns and so much stuff I want to play getting released on GOG, and I admit that I already have a sizable SNES collection, so it's not like I'm hurting for games or anything.
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Re: Have you given up on buying SNES games?

Post by strangenova »

I haven't stopped buying games for the snes, but my personal rule is to never spend more on a game than the cost of a new game. So basically a sixty dollar limit on any given cart, and even then I have to really want it.

There's just too many good affordable games for other systems for me to blow it all on the snes, as great of a system as it may be.
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Re: Have you given up on buying SNES games?

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

I'm fortunate enough to own most any game I'd want for it. Anything else I'd want like Demon's Crest or something of that ilk are up there in ludicrous prices. I've taken to collecting for DS lately, because there're just so many great, cheap games still out there for it.
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Re: Have you given up on buying SNES games?

Post by MrPopo »

PartridgeSenpai wrote:I'm fortunate enough to own most any game I'd want for it. Anything else I'd want like Demon's Crest or something of that ilk are up there in ludicrous prices. I've taken to collecting for DS lately, because there're just so many great, cheap games still out there for it.

I think I've got one SNES game left that I would be interested in owning (Robotrek) and it's not a huge interest, so I just wait to see if anyone here is selling it.
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Re: Have you given up on buying SNES games?

Post by Tanooki »

I've gave up 3 years ago on NES and SNES game buying online because the prices are inflated garbage by troublemakers. I've since only bought 1 game on this site (Civilization CIB as the price was good) but otherwise only local and just 4 games. Ultimately only kept the CIB Mario Paint. Wolfenstein I tired of, Zombies I still ended up not liking much, and Bust-A-Move I'm selling only because i have the MVS cart for my Neo Geo cabinet.

My attitude is I don't need more than what I have. Sure I could want something, but for where it's at I don't want a damn thing to do with it anymore. I'm no fool though, I find someone doing classic pricing as recent as say 5 years ago or more and it's something I'd enjoy I'd be all over it but I don't make it a choice, a mission, or any kind of an effort as it's not worth the time so it will be a thing I just bump into and smile over and that's it.

The one game I'd really like to have back and this is going back years is Aerofighters, but anyone thinking that game is rationally worth $400 can suck it. I had that one in the 90s and early 00s damn near complete (minus box) for $10 and only sold it as I had to (circumstances like much my long sold collection was.) It's a neat game since it randomizes the enemy craft, but it's not amazing otherwise, fairly average. The sequels are better which I do have recently on Neo Geo.
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Re: Have you given up on buying SNES games?

Post by Brendand »

For the most part since some of the harder to get games i was after at the time i started are now multiple times the price since 10 years back that being said i won't completely give up on snes just yet! still feel unfinished but some games i once wanted are too expensive for me to care these days
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