What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

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What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by MrEco »

I was searching around for a thread like this and was surprised to find that it didn't exist. So I'm starting it. Hope no one minds.

Currently I'm "watching" 5 different anime. I tend to get easily distracted with anime. I love it, I really do, but I often get partway into one only to find out about something else that looks good and I'll start watching it before I've finished the first one. I have the same problem with video games but to a smaller extent.

Anyways the 5 anime I'm currently trying to get through are:
Kaichou wa Maid-sama!
2 episodes in. A fun comedy/romance anime about a sexist girl (Named Misaki) with a secret job at a maid cafe that she has to have in order to support her family. Quite soon however the most popular boy in her school (Named Usui - Who also happens to have a crush on her) finds out about her job. Very good from what I've seen so far.
Kasimasi Girl Meets Girl
8 episodes in. A romance anime about a boy (Named Hazumu) who gets transformed into a girl by aliens. I don't recommend this one. It's pretty low quality in general and the characters are really annoying.
Princess Princess
9 episodes in. A very funny comedy anime about an all boys school where "pretty boys" are forced to dress up as women with makeup and everything. Very good.
Special A
4 episodes in. A pretty good action/romance anime about a girl (Named Hikari) who is always second-best to some guy (Named Kei). She devotes her life to trying to beat him at anything even going so far as to join the same schools and clubs as him. Secretly however, he is in love with her. Quite good from what I've seen.
Strawberry Panic
18 episodes in. An extremely good romance anime following the story of Nagisa Aoi as she joins an all girls school. As literally everyone in the school is completely without question a lesbian yuri fans should take notice of this. However don't mistake this for a fanservice heavy throwaway. It actually has very little fanservice and an extremely good (And moving) story. Highly recommended.

Anyways, thank you to anyone who takes the time out time contribute to this thread. I look forward to some cool anime discussions.
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Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by Czernobog »

I've never been a huge fan of anime to the extent that many others are but I'm in the early stages of learning Japanese so anime is a valuable resource since it's very abundant online and I can usually watch it in Japanese.

I do watch Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood in English and really enjoy it. I've also enjoyed Death Note, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun over the years.

I've been watching Baccano! and Rurouni Kenshin in Japanese. I'm really enjoying Baccano!, but I'm having trouble getting into Rurouni Kenshin. I'm less than ten episodes in though so I'm going to give it more of a chance.
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Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by Xeogred »

I'm mainly watching El Hazard: The Wanderers right now after finishing up the OVA's before it. Made by a lot of the same staff that did Tenchi, so it's been pretty fun/comical stuff with that awesome 90's vibe.

Picked up Fairy Tail and Toriko recently, good times.

Finished up Flame of Recca a few days ago, wasn't too bad. I think I liked it enough to possibly pickup the manga someday and finish the rest of the story.

I'm caught up on One Piece now so I'm going through all the movies and specials, just watched the 4th movie Dead End and it was pretty damn good.
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Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by Rurouni_Fencer »

Czernobog wrote: I'm having trouble getting into Rurouni Kenshin. I'm less than ten episodes in though so I'm going to give it more of a chance.

It does start off slow, but really picks up once they introduce Shinomori Aoshi. From there on, the plot starts to tug at your heart-strings..
Also, did you happen to catch the OVA Samurai X? If you are finding the series to be a chore starting out, the movie is way more serious. Not a kid's movie! But it explains where Kenshin came from..

Now for some recommendations (some involving rurouni's and some fencer's):

Samurai Deeper Kyo - Relatively short, but sweet! More feudal samurai ass-kicking action, (for those who like the Kenshin series, give it a try.) Plot involves a medicine vendor who has the soul of a bloodthirsty killer trapped within him. Thus, he becomes the target for bounty hunters everywhere, but don't piss him off - or the killer will come out!

Baki the Grappler - Only a couple episodes in, but interesting so far. Involves almost an MMA setting.

Chrno Crusade - Vampire hunting religious sect dedicating to protecting humanity from the hordes of evil. Interesting dynamic with the protagonist, as her lifeforce is connected with that of her partner, (who is also a monster, himself - bet you didn't see that coming!) When her partner needs to unleash his power and get the duo out of a jam, the protagonist loses years off of her life.

Vampire Hunter D - D is a vampire hunter. He's also a Dampiel, (half-human, half-vampire - born of a vampire overlord and a human woman.) Rumor has it the character of Castlevania's Alucard was based off of the character 'D'. (Unlikely, as there was reference to an 'Alucard' in the older, Hammer Dracula films.) Regardless, many parallels can be drawn between this film and the Castlevania series.

Trigun - If you haven't checked out this short-but-sweet series yet, you can NOT call yourself a fan of Anime...

Naruto - I know, I know.. But after giving it a chance, I fell in love! I consider it the 'Harry Potter' of Anime series. Begins very juvenile-like, but as time forges on, it matures along with the viewer. Pretty soon, you'll find at least one character you identify with, and before you know it - you're hooked! Highly recommended for fans of 'coming-of-age' stories!

Le Chavelier D'eon - The setting this time is in Renaissance France. Our young protagonist is coping with the death of his sister, and becomes possessed by her spirit. Oh, and she just so happened to be the most talented fencer in all of France. I highly recommend this series! Think Rurouni Kenshin, but with a supernatural twist in post-Medieval France..

Samurai Champloo - Hip-hop samurai tale not starring Samuel Jackson, and helmed by the creator of Cowboy Bebop.. Very stylish, and incredibly entertaining!
B/S/T Thread *Updated 7/30/11*
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Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by Czernobog »

Rurouni_Fencer wrote:
Czernobog wrote: I'm having trouble getting into Rurouni Kenshin. I'm less than ten episodes in though so I'm going to give it more of a chance.

It does start off slow, but really picks up once they introduce Shinomori Aoshi. From there on, the plot starts to tug at your heart-strings..
Also, did you happen to catch the OVA Samurai X? If you are finding the series to be a chore starting out, the movie is way more serious. Not a kid's movie! But it explains where Kenshin came from..

I've heard of it but didn't know they were related, I'll check it out since I find the more serious moments in Rurouni Kenshin the most enjoyable to watch.
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Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by MrPopo »

Based upon what you're watching, here's some more shows I've really enjoyed:

K-ON! & K-ON!! - No show more epitomizes moe than this one. The setting is the high school light music club but not as much music goes on as some of the members would like. All of the characters are instantly likable and it has some really great music.

Kamen no Maid Guy - The granddaughter of a local rich guy is about to come of age for her inheritance, and in order to keep her safe her grandfather assigns her the services of two maids. The first is your standard maid, but the second is the titular maid guy; think every anime strong guy you've seen in a maid outfit. Schenanigans ensue.

B Gata H Kei - Now that she's in high school, our heroine has a goal: to get 100 sex friends. She sets her sights on a one of her classmates to give her virginity to, but her enthusiasm comes at odds with her inexperience and her unexpected shyness. I dare you to watch and not laugh.
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Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by Sideroller »

I just finished watching Durarara! not too long ago.

It was surprisingly good! I was a bit put off by it at first because it was sort of on the verge cutesy/cliche - but it's actually quite clever and has one of the most interesting and entertaining caste of characters. There are perhaps a bit too many because at times it feels like some characters become rather useless only to show up once or twice and are quizzically forgotten. Non-the-less, it has plenty of action and drama and what not. I'd recommend giving the first 5 or 6 episodes a try. It took me a bit to get into it - but once you do it grows on you.

I'd further recommend Samurai Champloo and Trigun. They're both great series, and Champloo is a must if you're a fan of Cowboy Bebop.

Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by AppleQueso »

I like a fair bit of anime, but I haven't watched anything all the way through in a while.

Most recent show I've sat down with was the first season of Slayers. Still a great classic. Apparently at one point Fox Kids had the broadcast rights to show it, but for whatever reason they didn't do anythign with them. It's a shame too, because I could really imagine that show would've fit in well next to Digimon and the like, or even on Toonami.

But yeah, I've been too busy with rewatching The Powerpuff Girls and Space Ghost Coast to Coast. Hmm... maybe I'll get around to checkign out Powerpuff Girls Z.
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Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by Gamerforlife »

Czernobog wrote:
Rurouni_Fencer wrote:
Czernobog wrote: I'm having trouble getting into Rurouni Kenshin. I'm less than ten episodes in though so I'm going to give it more of a chance.

It does start off slow, but really picks up once they introduce Shinomori Aoshi. From there on, the plot starts to tug at your heart-strings..
Also, did you happen to catch the OVA Samurai X? If you are finding the series to be a chore starting out, the movie is way more serious. Not a kid's movie! But it explains where Kenshin came from..

I've heard of it but didn't know they were related, I'll check it out since I find the more serious moments in Rurouni Kenshin the most enjoyable to watch.

Kenshin is worth sticking with at least up to the end of the Kyoto Arc, which is really, really good. After that, you can just stop watching as the series veers off from the original manga. Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal(stupid, Americanized name)is very, very emotionally powerful as well as extremely violent. It shows a VASTLY different Kenshin than the one in the tv series. You really have to watch it to get a true sense of who Kenshin is as a character. It makes you see him in a very different way. Don't every watch Samurai X:Reflection though which tries to give the anime series an ending by butchering and changing story elements from the manga. It's awful and ends the series on a very different note than the manga did

Also, watch it in japanese. Not knocking the english dub, but Kenshin's unique character and way of speaking are captured better by the japanese voice actress who played him
RyaNtheSlayA wrote:
Seriously. Screw you Shao Kahn I'm gonna play Animal Crossing.
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Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?/Anime Recommendations

Post by MrEco »

Rurouni_Fencer wrote:Samurai Deeper Kyo - Relatively short, but sweet! More feudal samurai ass-kicking action, (for those who like the Kenshin series, give it a try.) Plot involves a medicine vendor who has the soul of a bloodthirsty killer trapped within him. Thus, he becomes the target for bounty hunters everywhere, but don't piss him off - or the killer will come out!

Chrno Crusade - Vampire hunting religious sect dedicating to protecting humanity from the hordes of evil. Interesting dynamic with the protagonist, as her lifeforce is connected with that of her partner, (who is also a monster, himself - bet you didn't see that coming!) When her partner needs to unleash his power and get the duo out of a jam, the protagonist loses years off of her life.

Le Chavelier D'eon - The setting this time is in Renaissance France. Our young protagonist is coping with the death of his sister, and becomes possessed by her spirit. Oh, and she just so happened to be the most talented fencer in all of France. I highly recommend this series! Think Rurouni Kenshin, but with a supernatural twist in post-Medieval France..

I'm usually not a big fan of action anime, but those sound very interesting. I mean just the irony of a medicine vendor with the mind of a murder is enough to get me interested.

Rurouni_Fencer wrote:Trigun - If you haven't checked out this short-but-sweet series yet, you can NOT call yourself a fan of Anime...

Oh shit. Another anime I started and haven't finished. Thanks for reminding me. :lol:
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