Ideas For Group Blog?

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Ideas For Group Blog?

Post by racketboy »

I've got a couple of forum members interested in helping me out with the promising-but-slow RoomPlay blog, but I was toying around with the idea of starting another blog that a bunch of us could all contribute on.

I plan on keeping RetroGaming to posts only by me, but I thought it might be cool to have a gaming/media/lifestyle blog that like 5-10 of us could just post to when we felt like it and see what happens.

I don't want it to be a blog that just reposts stuff from Joystiq, Kotaku, or Digg, but something that kinda ties into what we talk about here already, but is something fairly fresh that could get more people reading stuff here.

Any ideas on topics and/or people who would like to join?

Some random ideas from me (lemme know if you would write about any of them)
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Post by Clockwork »

i`d like to join such a blog :-) if i`m allowed to...

everyone has different interests and is looking from another position on gaming/... , so i`m really looking forward to see, what it brings out :-)

some guys and me are planning on doing a series with vgames in the real world (not new, i know...), but all together and at the time we`re still on brainstorming all ideas for a script. if i write an article about it, maybe others will have good ideas, too and i could tell about the progress. just for example ;-)
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Post by ravenmgs »

The only thing I could think of for a group blog would probbaly be a 4-5 person blog that would write game reviews from differnt prespectives. Mabey devide it up based on fan boyism, i.e. fighting game lover, shump lover, rpg lover, ect.. all give their insight on games.
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