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Post by bawitback »

I remember seeing theses around, has anyone ever owned one?
looks fun to play with Streets of Rage, not too sure how other games would benefit form it.
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Post by lordofduct »

a buddy of mine had one of these back in the day (he also was the only kid on the block to have a 32X the prick). Either way the thing sounded AWESOME... but in implimentation it sucked my fat testicles. Like the commercial states, waving your hands over each beam is merely a button on the controller, you'll find yourself not doing a spin kick to pull off a spin kick, but instead waving your arms and legs over different panels to do it.

It turns into a really sadistic game of twister controlled by a blind and deaf judge. The sensors were awful... "hold your hand parallel to the ground" my ass. How about having giant ogre hands and slowly swiping them over the sensor at 1mm per second and possibly get a reaction from the stupid thing.

And how about annoying combos like in Mortal Kombat to pull of Scorpions fatality (block up up). Ok so I have to lean back with my arms straight out behind me and kick to the forward? But wait, you aren't near the guy so you have to hold your right arm right until you get close enough to him, maybe hold out your left hand a couple times because you moved to close, THEN you do the lean back and kick forward repeatedly... but the sensor isn't recognizing your kicks forward so you end up doing it like 5 times and then fall on your ass and don't even get to watch Scorpion rip off his mask and toast your opponent.

and that was just to pull off the EASIEST fatality in that entire game!

If the games were coded with the activator in mind it may have been cooler, but no it just emulates button pushes. And those that were didn't really utilize it all to well, it was more or less thrown in as a second thought and hardly debugged. Unlike the Wii which has it's games developed with the controller in mind from the get go.
Last edited by lordofduct on Thu Nov 16, 2006 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total. - check out my blog

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Post by Mozgus »

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Post by Zalphier »

It's obvious this never worked out. They could of made some games specifically for this, you know, sorta like ddr, except break dancing :) with your arms and legs flailing everywhere, what's not fun about it?
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Post by ImportBoy »

I picked up one of these things for $10 a few years ago. Interesting concept - but it just plain sucks as lordofduct put so well. I played Galaxy Force II with this thing - and it worked better with THAT then games like Streets of Rage and Mortal Kombat. I would suggest only picking one up for the sake of collecting.

I do recall reading in the manual I think that you could hook up two of these things? Might be entertaining for 10 minutes with a friend in some games.
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