Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by Ziggy »

Sorry to have hogged this thread. :lol: I guess I've been thinking about this for a while and this finally pushed me over the edge.

My new 4K BD player was delivered today. And the 4K TV should be delivered tomorrow.

So I already said that I had a few 4K BDs, despite not owning a 4K TV. Air Force One, Ghostbusters (1, 2 and Afterlife) and Hook. But I realized I also have Planes, Trains and Automobiles. That came out last year IIRC with a shit ton of deleted scenes.

Umm, so I went a little nuts and purchased quite a few 4K BDs. Here's what I got so far, in no particular order...

The Fast and the Furious
The Shining
The Thing (Carpenter's)
The Mummy (1999)
Back to the Future Trilogy
Super Mario Bros. (1993) - https://shop.umbrellaent.com.au/product ... u-ray-1993

Some I got because I love the movie, some I got because the price was good.

Super Mario Bros is a pre-order from an indie distributor. It's really neat how this sort of thing happens these days. Same thing has been happening with music releases. Sorta like Limited Run Games. There's some cherished movie or soundtrack or whatever that the big companies can't be bothered to remaster and release. So these small indie developers get the rights and make the remasters and re-releases happen themselves. It's really cool, but the only downside is they're usually small print runs so if you miss out on it then you usually have to pay an arm and a leg for it on eBay.

Clue at least had a BD release, but I don't believe Super Mario Bros ever did. And Super Mario Bros also includes a "restored workprint in HD," which I think might be that extended cut that was fan released a few years ago.

I'm sure I'll have some thoughts to post after watching a few movies.
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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by Anapan »

I found that a lot of older movies are about the same as the 1080p blurays. Some have so much film grain that it's actually more distracting than previous releases.
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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by Ziggy »

I know what you mean about film grain. I've seen it in some 1080p BDs before, and it can be distracting. I guess that's what makes it kind of a hot button topic though. It seems like some people feel like if a movie was shot on film then there SHOULD be grain. Others don't like seeing the grain, or at least too much of it. And then that's where DNR comes in, to remove some grain. But then people can't agree on how much DNR to use. Use too little and you may still have film grain. Use too much and you end up making things look fake, like waxy skin, which is the main complaint I hear with T2.

I just watched my first 4K UHD BD, the first Ghostbusters. It actually has a LOT of film grain, and it was super distracting at first. But I noticed two things. After a while, I could mostly unsee it. Except for when I intentionally looked for it again. But also, how noticeable the film grain in changes depending on what's in frame. So for example, the walls in the Sedgewick Hotel and Dana's apartment. They are flat white or light grey, and the grain is super noticeable. To a distracting degree. The rest of the movie though, either my brain did a good job of shutting it off or it just isn't as noticeable.

That said, overall, this has to be the best I've ever seen this movie! Ghostbusters is a pretty good example for me to judge 4K with because it's a movie I've seen a zillion times. So many times on VHS and then DVD, then quite a few times on BD. I was even lucky enough to see it in the theater once. It's hard to say for sure because this 4K viewing was the first time I was really trying to notice things, but I'm sure it wasn't complete BS. There were so many small details that just jumped out to me that I never noticed before.


The pitting in that gargoyle I never noticed before. I mean, I'm sure if I pop in the BD I can make it out. But it never jumped out at me before seeing it in 4K.


This shot in the Sedgewick Hotel really jumped out at me too. Overall, there's so many details in the hotel that I noticed. Like the texture of the walls, stone and tiles. I just never noticed it before. But this shot in particular, the blues in those vases (or whatever they are) really jumped out at me. I just never noticed them there before.

Those screens shots are just pics I took on the TV screen, so they're not exactly a true representation of what you see in person. But even still, those colors pop so much more in HDR then ever before. Reading about HDR, I was afraid it would make colors pop in an unnatural way. Like, they made bright colors pop because the human eye is attracted to colorful and shiny things. The colors DO pop, but in a really natural way.

So yeah, the Sony UBP-X800M2 is a really awesome player. Just taking it out of the box and feeling the weight of it, you can tell it's more well built. I went on for a bit in a previous post about drive noise from BD players. It was a few minutes into the movie when I realized, "Oh yeah, how loud is this player?" It's whisper quiet! I paused the movie and listened for the player, and there's very minimal drive noise from it. I believe this was a BD-100 disc, and I experienced no freezing or skipping, so that's good.

The only negative thing so far with this BD player, and I knew this when purchasing it, is that you have to manually turn Dolby Vision on and off. But the next step up from this player is the Panasonic DP-UB820 which I believe can auto set HDR / Dolby Vision, but it's also double the price of the Sony X800. So annoyingly, I watched through Ghostbusters without Dolby Vision turned on. I did go back and watch a few selected scenes with it turned on, and I think it really is a noticeable difference. So it really comes down to a slight annoyance, I have to check and see if a movie has Dolby Vision or not, and then set that option on the player first before starting the movie. AFAIK though the only way to tell (aside from looking it up online) is to check and see if it says Dolby Vision on the back cover. But it's not large and made to stand out, so it's kind of annoying looking for it. If I don't see it, I'm left wondering if I just can't find it or if it's just not there LOL.

But yeah, overall I'm really happy with this player so far. It seems really well built and it's super quiet compared to the BD drives I'm use to hearing.

edit: I just popped in my Ghostbusters 1080p BD to compare. Overall, just focusing on watching the movie and not intentionally looking for details, I'd say they look very similar. But the 4K just ends up popping more, it looks more three dimensional and less flat, if that makes sense. Mostly I'd say, from a casual inspection, that little things tend to pop more and everything seems a little sharper. Like skin pores and facial hair stumble. Oh, and there's just as much film grain noticeable on the BD as on 4K UHD.

Another edit: Yep, it's definitely a movie watching day for me today. I watched The Thing and it was absolutely gorgeous! I can see this being my benchmark for other 4K movies, if it looks better or worse than The Thing. And I just got done watching Ghostbusters II, which is mostly on par with the first Ghostbusters. Only the film grain is way less noticeable, I think just because there's less opportunity to notice it as much.
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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by Ziggy »

OK, so I watched a few more 4K BDs...

Beetlejuice - Wow, this movie looked great! I think it's the best looking 4K BD I've seen so far. I still think The Thing looked really good, but it's hard to compare these two movies. The Thing is really dark, with a lot of the movie taking place at night. But even the day shots (which are gorgeous, and I love them) are in the snow so they're mostly all white. Beetlejuice has a lot of nice colors that really pop. It has some really nice looking day shots. But even the dark scenes often have nice colors.

Trading Places - This one looked really good, but nothing that wowed me. I mean, it didn't look bad. I'm sure if I had the 1080p BD side by side with the 4K BD I'd be able to pick out how the 4K was a little sharper, clearer or whatever. The review for the 4K release on blu-ray.com says that it's a nice improvement over the BD. So maybe it was just that it was later in the day, and I had been watching 4K movies all day long, so I just wasn't appreciating how good it really looked. This might be an odd choice for some people to get on 4K, but it's one of my favorite movies so it was a no-brainer for me.

BTW - Not to be spammy, but I'll probably look to offload some Blu Rays now that I have quite a few duplicates. If anyone is interested.

edit: The Fast and the Furious - I wouldn't compare this movie to The Thing or Beetlejuice (visually). It's just in another league. But what I can say is if you want to test out a home theater system, I don't think you can go wrong with this movie. Especially for the current Amazon price of $9.99. It's just so obviously made to be super loud and flashy. The colors looked amazing. All of the vibrant car colors look fantastic, and explosions, and especially Paul Walker's piercing blue eyes in some scenes. I didn't realize that my new AVR has the ability to have front height speakers. And since I had a spare set of speakers, and since all of these 4K BDs have either DTS:X or Dolby Atmos, I decided to install said front height speakers. I also turned on my sub, which I usually keep off. So I had a 5.1.2 speaker system (I didn't even know that was a thing LOL). I cranked the volume, and this movie was one of the better home theater experiences I've had.
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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by bmoc »

Amazon's having a "3 for $33" promotion on some 4K Blu Rays. https://www.amazon.com/promotion/psp/A122QQOYWLNQPY

Not a huge list but there are some pretty good titles in there.
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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by Ziggy »

Awesome, thanks for the heads up! $11 for a 4K BD is a good price!

Damn, there's a few on that list that I just purchased last week for more than $11. Oh well. There's quite a few on there that I wanted, that are priced well over $11, so I think I'm going to get at least three.

Strangely, there are a few on there priced under $11. So I guess don't get those. :lol:
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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by REPO Man »

Checking terms and... HOT DAMN! That sale will still be going on when I get paid on Wednesday.

Also, to Jagosaurus, welcome to the club!

Granted by the time I got my PS5 nearly six months ago, I already had a few 4Ks from combo packs.

@Ziggy: my current 4KTV was only $200. It's .onn-brand (WalMart's electronics brand). Shop around and you might find something better. Of course, if you live in an area where the nearest Walmart is over an hour away by car (like my local WalMart is), the shipping wasn't too high. And if your TV's still working like gangbusters, you could probably sell it to help cover the cost of the TV, donate it, give it to a family member or just hang onto it if you have room.

Also, The Shining was one of the first 4K Blu-Rays I bought after getting a PS5. I had never seen it before so being able to see it on a GORGEOUS 50" screen in 4K was amazing.

And the term for companies like Shout! Factory is "boutique labels". The same term applies to The Criterion Collection (hopefully I'll be able to snag a 4K of Mildred Pierce during this year's 50% off sale over at Barnes and Noble), Kino Lorber (who put out a 4K of The Monster Squad), Arrow Video (I recently got their 4K Hellraiser boxset from DiabolikDVD for a little less than what Amazon was charging), and so on.

If you like horror, the first two Evil Dead films are on 4K, as is Army of Darkness (but only the theatrical cut is in 4K, while the good cut is Blu-ray only). Same for Zombie (if you like gross AF Italian zombie films), the Demons duology (more gross AF Italian splatter), Dawn of the Dead (which is an import from the UK, as is my Dr Who 4K set and the aforementioned Hellraiser set), the first Friday the 13th (hope Shout! Factory is able to put out a 4K version of their bangin' Blu-Ray box set), Slumber Party Massacre 1-2 (but not 3) and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. And I know I mentioned imports, but the 4K Blu-ray doesn't have region locks, which is just as well since some films might not ever get a US 4K Blu-ray release.

Personally I'm surprised when I go to look for a 4K upgrade to a Blu-ray I own and the title hasn't gotten a 4K release yet.

And like I said, DiabolikDVD has an excellent selection of 4K Blu-rays and sometimes their prices and selection of more obscure and cult films is better than Amazon. And for a two-person operation that's a MAJOR accomplishment.
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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by Ziggy »

I got a 50" TCL, model 50S450F. It was $250 on Amazon. This Saturday I'll have had it for two weeks. Being that it cost about half of what I paid for my 40" 1080p TV about 10 years ago, I'm more than happy with the quality. I know that TCL might still be viewed as a budget brand, but I'm more than happy with it. Especially for the price. The picture completely blows away my old TV. And the glare issue from the older TCLs is no longer a thing.

I ended up picking up six 4K Blu Rays from that sale. Here's what I got...

Inglourious Basterds
The Goonies
The Lost Boys
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Jurassic Park

I'm still waiting for the first three on the above list to ship. Jurassic Park and Jaws are such summer movies, so I'm not sure when I'm gonna watch them. I'll put them at the bottom of the to-watch list for now. I did watch Scott Pilgrim last night and it was fantastic. I'm definitely happy with that one.

After recently watching The Super Mario Bros Movie on NetFlix for the first time, I purchased the BD/DVD combo. But that was just before I decided to purchase a 4K TV. I didn't open it though, so I was able to return it for a full refund. I then purchased the UHD/BD combo, and for less money than what I paid for the BD/DVD. This 4K UHD release is upscaled, which people tend to shun, but I wanted to give it a try. And it definitely looks amazing. I don't know what technical reason stops them from rendering the movie in true 4K. Money, or something else? But I'm sure whatever upscale process a big motion picture company uses is gonna yield better results than whatever upscale capabilities I have at home. And on top of that, it has Dolby Vision / HDR10. So even if the upscale process looks the same as what I could get from a Blu Ray copy, the Blu Ray is still missing Dolby Vision. So the 4K UHD is gonna look better no matter what. And that said, yeah, the movie looked amazing. I especially loved the texture detail in the close up shots. Mario's hat, for example, and other fabrics.

I was able to pick up Terminator 2 on the cheap. The 4K release got absolutely slammed, so I definitely didn't wanna pay full price. But I was curious just how bad it really is. I got a brand new copy for about $10 shipped, so I'm happy with the gamble at that price. I watched it yesterday, and I can definitely see what every one is talking about. For the most part, if you weren't the type of person to really nit pick, the movie looks pretty good. The color differences you would only notice if you were super familiar with the movie or you compared it side by side with the BD or whatever. But easily the worst thing about it is how the skin looks. When I heard "waxy faces" I assumed it was an over exaggeration, but it's not! Close up shots are OK, but faces looks terrible in wide shots. Almost like someone used the smear tool in Photoshop. Some shots really do look like CGI, especially in the steel mill at the end. I'm not one to be hyper critical of video quality, but some shots are really so bad that it's distracting. I think it's bad enough that I would recommend sticking with the Blu Ray.

So True Lies and The Abyss are getting 4K releases. Hopefully those don't suck, but they never got BD releases. I'm looking forward to them, since I love both movies. James Cameron home releases are kind of a bad situation. I heard a rumor that Cameron might oversee a new T2 4K release. That I would really love to see, as would a million other people on the Internet.

I watched through the Back to the Future trilogy. I mean, I sorta watched them because I was really sick the past few days. But they looked good enough. I don't know, maybe I've been watching too many 4K movies and it's losing it's effect on me. I'm sure they look better than the BDs. But I was also like half conscious, so whatever. edit: Actually, I just recalled something. This was the first time I watched BttF that I could clearly make out that the actors were in old makeup in 1985. I mean, I've always known that they were. But this was the first time that it really stuck out to me as something not real. /edit. But I can say this: They sounded fantastic. The new Dolby Atmos soundtrack adds a lot of depth. I especially loved how they incorporated the music and score into surround sound. I never heard that before, at least not in this way. But I could quite clearly hear different instruments in different sound channels. That was really neat.

Which brings me to another thing about 4K UHD Blu Rays... It's not just the visual bump, but I'm also really enjoying the Dolby Atmos and DTS:X soundtracks.
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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by Jagosaurus »

Happy to see you got a new TV & UHD player, Ziggy. RetroTink 4K now inbound! :wink:

Been slacking on the thread I started :lol: IRL got crazy. I have been lurking a bit. I did additionally order:

The Town
Jurassic Park
The Goonies
(From the 3 for $11 each deal! THANKS)

Ghostbusters 2
The Fast & Furious (original 2001)

... regarding the different transfers quality, I've been reading up on each I've bought. Agree, some seem to be better transfers than others. I know that from older analog film, they've even been extracting 8K source as the basis for many 4K transfers. Unfortunately some movies are really "locked" at native 1080p if filmed in early digital HD and are now software base upscales.

... now there are exceptions. The original Fast & Furious is one that lots of folks say is solid, but it's not truly native 4K. Think of some last gen games not running at true 4K resolution, but looking much better on the Xbox Series X/PS5 thanks to the technical magic behind the scenes (especially HDR add & upscaling).

This look up site is interesting to search native vs upscale:
https://www.digiraw.com/DVD-4K-Bluray-r ... e-4K-list/

Then Blu-Ray.com has detailed write ups on all releases I've checked so far:
https://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Jurassic ... ay/200256/

Worth noting, I recall thinking some DVD new releases looked AMAZING while others seemed like digital versions of their VHS counterparts (looking at you live action '90 TMNT).
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Re: Picked Up My First 4K UHD Blu Rays

Post by Ziggy »


Ugh, the RetroTINK 4k !?!?!?! I kinda just bought the 5X. I mentioned that my AVR went out on me earlier this year. The new AVR doesn't support component video, and I knew whenever I upgraded the TV that would likely not support component either. So when I got the AVR, I purchased the RetroTINK 5X. Mainly so I can convert component from my PS2 and Wii to HDMI. Those are currently my only two non-HDMI consoles on this TV (all older consoles I've been using exclusively with CRTs). I had no plans of getting a 4K TV, but now six months later and that has changed LOL. The easy answer would be to just get the TINK 4K, but hot damn they are pricey! They cost as much or more as my new TV, UHD player, and all of the UHD movies I've purchased combined! I don't mind getting those consoles to 1080p and letting the TV scale the rest, but the Wii still looks way too soft. I know I can do something about that with software, but that's a pain in the ass IMO. I was actually thinking about doing an HDMI for both consoles, but there's a cost associated with that as well. I still have my Framemeister, so I was thinking about selling it to fund the HDMI mods. I'd like to get the TINK 4K eventually, but not unless the price comes down or I win lotto or something LOL. How about you? Do you have or plan to get the TINK 4K?

Yeah, DVD definitely varied in quality. There were definitely some budget titles that looked like digitized VHS for sure. But not counting those, I think a good rule of thumb is later DVDs looked significantly better than earlier DVDs. I think they developed better compression methods, and that's one reason if not the main reason. I have some earlier DVDs of big movies that look a bit soft, but then later releases that are significantly sharper. The James Bond franchise comes to mind, the later DVD release were some of the best looking DVD I've ever seen.

The Fast and the Furious was an awesome experience! I don't care if it isn't "real" 4K. And actually, it wasn't even the best looking 4K movie I've seen so far. But the audio and video of that movie was a really fun experience! Speaking of which... What do you have in the way of sound? TV speakers, sound bar, receiver?

I just watched Coppola's Dracula and The Fifth Element, both of those were fantastic looking movies.
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