My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

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My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by Ziggy »

A tale of two Dreamcasts...


I've had some bad luck with various Dreamcasts over the years. I decided to make a thread to sort of blog about the restoring and modding I plan to do.

I remember when the Dreamcast was discontinued, shortly after you could get the hardware and most games for super cheap from second hand game stores such as Funco Land. That's how I got my first Dreamcast, and I had an absolute blast with it. But the optical drive started acting up. It had trouble reading discs, and it became more and more frequent. I eventually traded all of my Dreamcast stuff back to Funco Land. This was back when I was a dumb young person, and I eventually regretted it. So I bought another Dreamcast off eBay, and I still have that one today.

That Dreamcast that I got off eBay, for many years it sat on a shelf by a window that got very strong and direct sunlight for most of the day. So if you haven't guessed, it's the really REALLY yellow one in the above picture. It got so fantastically yellow from being in the sun. I once had a friend as me, "What's wrong with your Dreamcast?!" LOL. When I was in high school, I just didn't care. But since then, I've really come to detest how it looks. I moved it to my basement AV setup where I wouldn't have to look at it all the time. And because of that, I really haven't done much Dreamcasting over the years since then.

When I was primarily doing my retro gaming on consumer CRTs, I really wanted to get an S-Video cable for the Dreamcast but I just wasn't happy with the options available. So I decided to add an S-Video jack to my Dreamcast so I could use a standard S-Video cable.


At some point, I scored another Dreamcast on the cheap from eBay. I found an auction that had a bare console listed as "needs repair." The seller said the console turns on but the controllers do not work. It looked really clean, and I was sure the only problem was the fuse on the controller daughter board (very common problem) so I took a chance on it. And it turns out that, yes, it was only the fuse. But as it turned out, as good as it looked in the pictures, it is very slightly yellowed. Otherwise it's in great condition though. Except for one thing...

So I'm sure most of you have heard me say this a number of time, but, for quite a few years I wasn't able to use my CRTs. During this time, I had to retro game on my HDTV with a Framemeister. So for the Dreamcast, I decided to build an AV cable that makes use of the VGA mode.


So naturally, I wanted to use my second Dreamcast because it's way less yellow. Up to this point, I've only ever used composite cables with it. So when I built the above RGB cable, I discovered an issue with this Dreamcast. It doesn't output the green video signal I posted about it here, and wow, that was in August of 2015 LOL. I think there's something wrong with the video encoder IC. I was just so annoyed. I could have used my first Dreamcast, since it works fine with that cable, but I just hate how yellow it is. So I continued to not play the Dreamcast.

So after this, I was able to score two VA1 revision Dreamcast motherboards off eBay. They were listed as working, but I never actually tested them. I figured I could try and just swap the entire board in, but if the boards were dead maybe I could just transplant the video encoder. Between the two of them, hopefully at least one of the encoders work. But I lacked motivation, so I went a while longer without touching a Dreamcast.

I finally decided to give Retrobrite a chance. Over the years, I've seen plenty of YouTube videos of people that just use peroxide and UV light. I wanted to do some tests, so I got some 12% peroxide from Amazon and two UV lamps. But when the peroxide came in, this happened...


I've read that when the bottle expands like that it's because it was heated up and it's no longer good. But I decided to give it a try anyway. I took apart just the modem, being that it's a small part, and fully submerged it in straight 12% peroxide (no water added).


I left it like that for many hours, and got absolutely no change at all. I'm sure because of the peroxide.

But not to be discouraged, I got some more peroxide products. I got a couple of quarts of 12% and a gallon of that 40 volume cream stuff. I took apart the entire Dreamcast and submerged all of the parts in the 12% peroxide, but I had to dilute it with some water. As far as I can tell, diluting it just makes the process take longer. I would had preferred to leave it full strength, but I didn't have enough of it to fully submerge the parts.

After a full 24 hours under both UV lamps, the parts had de-yellowed but not nearly as much as I had hoped. So I decided to use the creme stuff instead. I put all the parts into zip lock bags with the cream product and left them under the UV lights for several more hours. I would occasionally check on them and re-disperse the cream in the bags. The results were pretty good. See for yourself...



But it wasn't actually 100% de-yellowed. If you look inside the disc tray, you can compare the inside grey to the outside. It's still slightly yellowed.


Also, the Dreamcast emblem annoyingly stayed yellow. I was very happy with the results though, compared to how awful it looked. But fast forward a few months, and it started to yellow again. Here it is next to the other Dreamcast...


Just after the Retrobriting, it was about on par with the second Dreamcast. Now it's clearly more yellow again. I've read that this can happen. Since my Dreamcast was very, VERY yellow, it might take several Retrobritings to fully get rid of it all. I'm just not sure if I want to Retrobrite my Dreamcast once a month for who knows how long.

Before my Retrobriting, I pulled out both Dreamcasts for the first time in years. And MORE bad news. Neither one of them would boot any discs. Very frustrating. So I cleaned the lens in both units and I was finally able to get my yellow Dreamcast to boot games. But the other one, the one with the dead green signal, will not read discs anymore. Oh, what else can go wrong with my Dreamcasts?

I've kept an eye on various ODE projects over the years, but I never felt strongly about any of them. I remember when those serial devices first came out, I just didn't like the compatibility that they had. Then eventually the GDEMU came out, but I was never fully satisfied by its features. Then the MODE came out, and it seemed perfect, albeit a little expensive. But I decided I want to get a MODE, now that one drive is apparently completely dead. I decided to wait for Black Friday to see if there would be any deals on one. And there was, sort of. Stone Age Gamer had a bundle offer, a MODE plus either a Saturn or Dreamcast controller. The way the bundle price worked out, basically you pay full price for the MODE then like $5 for the controller. At least that's how I looked at it. So I decided to get the MODE, and I got it with the Retro Fighters Striker DC controller.


Personally, I don't mind the stock controllers. I never would have paid full price for the Striker DC. I'm sure it's a fine controller, there's just no problem that it fixes for me over the stock controller. But getting it at a bargain price, I'm happy to try it out. I'm actually waiting for Retro-Bit's DC controller that they announced. There's been no more talk from them on it, but I'm really hoping it still comes out. It has a 6-button layout which I think is an important option to have on the DC. I'll definitely buy one if it ever comes out.


So I got myself backed up with the work I want to do on my Dreamcasts. I decided to get the MODE because of the sale. So now I have the MODE, I should test it. But I never got the chance to do more Retrobriting or figure out the story with the other Dreamcast with the dead green signal. But I have to test the MODE, so I went ahead and installed it.

Laser Bear Industries ( had a Black Friday sale, 15% off of most items, so I decided to pickup the SD card mount for the MODE. The way the MODE is, you pretty much need an SD card mount if you plan on taking out the SD card often. I also went ahead and got the fan mount for a Noctura fan. My stock fans still work (for now) but damn are they loud. I use to put up with loud fines without any issue, but I've grown use to quiet fans now. Now the fans in early 2000's consoles annoy me LOL.

I decided to install the MODE in the second Dreamcast, the one with the broken green signal. Although I very much want RGB output because I plan to use it on my PVM, this was the one with the broken optical drive. I could have swapped parts between both consoles, but I don't feel like Frankensteining them up just yet. The yellow Dreamcast has the S-Video jack, so it wouldn't be so straight forward to mix and match them.

Since I was taking it apart, I figured I would finally try out those two motherboards...


I swapped them both in, one at a time. The console powered on, LED light and fan, but no audio or video. Both boards were like that. Sheesh. So I put the original motherboard back in and... same thing. Then I realized, I broke the solder pads for the fan header. I remember reading that if the fan is disconnected the screen will go black. It just sort of figures, I'm use to having nothing but problems with my Dreamcasts LOL.


The solder pads completely broke off, but it was easy enough to fix anyway. It's 3 pins, I'm guessing ground, power and signal. Well ground and power had nice large planes. So I scraped away some of the mask and bent each of those pins in opposite directions. Now that short of locks it in there nice and tight, even before soldering them. Then for the signal wire, I just followed the trace and used a jumper wire.

I had the fan mod briefly installed. The Noctua fan is super quiet compared to the stock one. The kit from Laser Bear comes with an adapter for a solderless installation, but I don't like how bulky the connector is and also the wires is much longer than you need it to be.


You can see the wire length and the big bulky connector in that pic. I'm thinking when I get everything else figured out I'll splice the cable to the appropriate size. But for now, I just put the stock fan back in.

Then I got the MODE installed with the Laser Bear bracket, and it's awesome!



You can see in that pic how yellowed that Dreamcast actually is, when compared to the inside of the disc tray. And remember, this was the LESS yellow Dreamcast!

I briefly tested out the MODE and it works great!

Now I just have to decide what I'm going to do next. I'm really not happy with how yellow either of them are. Although I love the way the stock grey Dreamcast looks, I'm thinking about getting a black replacement shell (replacement shells are currently available in many colors, but not in stock grey for some reason). That's actually why I got the Striker DC controller in black, I figured if I decided to get the black console shell then the controller will match. I don't know if I feel like doing multiple Retrobritings, but those replacement shells aren't especially cheap. I'm kind of leaning toward getting the black shell just so I can finally be done with this Dreamcast nonsense!

I had a thought that if I was willing to use a black replacement shell, I could just spray one of my current shells black and get a black emblem off eBay to match. But if I get a replacement shell, then I could Retrobrite the yellow one at my leisure. Maybe I Retrobrite it every few months and eventually it's completely de-yellowed and then I could switch back to it.

Other things on the to-do list...

I still have to figure out the busted green signal thing. I'll have to retest those two spare motherboards, since the original tested was done when the fan header was broken. If one of them works, then great! But if neither work, then I'll have to swap the encoder and see if that does the trick.

Speaking of using RGB, I'll need a Dreamcast RGB SCART cable to use with my PVM. I have that RGB cable that I built, but it's for use with the Framemeister and its non-standard video signal wont work with my PVM. I could rewire it so it's just a straight 480i RGB cable, but I'd like to keep it in cause I ever need or want to use the Framemeister again. Retro Gaming Cables makes a Dreamcast SCART cable, but it's 480p so I can't use that either. Dreamcast RGB SCART cables are easy to find, but they all look cheap to me. So I decided to make my own. I bought a Dreamcast AV connector, and a SCART connector, and now I just have to put it all together. Building cables is kind of annoying in a tedious way though, so I've been putting it off.

I think I'm going to re-cap at least the power board on the Dreamcast that the MODE is in. There's not many caps at all, so no big deal. I'm also thinking about doing the caps on the main board while I'm at it, but I haven't decided yet. Also, I need to replace the RTC battery. But that's cheap and easy to do, at least. And I think I want to finally get a tremor pack, I've never had one.

So there it is, my frustations with my Dreamcasts. Really, I could have had these problems fixed by now. I guess it's just a lack of motivation (or a lack of time due to life and other hobbies that took priority). I'm hoping that blogging about it will help me stay on track and finally get to a point that I'm happy with. Although it might be weeks or months.
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Re: My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by marurun »

I have learned a bunch of things about aging Dreamcasts I didn’t know because I haven’t hooked up my own in over 5 years. Epic post.
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Re: My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by Jagosaurus »

Good post. I had a DC at launch & played it long after death, so have a soft spot for it. Have you checked out the Beharbros VGA, SCART, & HDMI products for the DC? They have a handful of them (scroll through products) for different use cases:

Also, thread a reminder for me that ODEs and emulation will get more important as times goes on. ... as I currently eye PSOne "slims" for newer PSX lasers :lol:

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Re: My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by Melek-Ric »

Hopefully one of these days HD Retrovision will release their DC component cables. I have their SNES cables and they're awesome.
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Re: My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by hobbes_182 »

Awesome read! I've been looking into GDEMU myself. Wouldn't mind playing some Phantasy Star as I never played it in it's prime. Huge fan of Dreamcastic channel's streams.

I have both the original gray and black SEGA Sports. I need to show the SEGA sports some more love, played most of my DC games on the old gray box.

Hopefully I can get my hand on a black broadband adaptor :D

Those small Japanese keyboards would be nice as well (if compatible with a NA DC)
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Re: My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by stickem »

Speaking of dreamcast, a couple shmups got ported over by Jprod recently if anyone was looking for new dreamcast releases.
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Re: My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by Ziggy »

I started to put together my RGB SCART cable...



I got the DC multi AV connector from Console5, and IIRC that's also where I got the SCART connector. Then I got a PCB from OSH Park that makes soldering to the SCART connector a lot easier. So instead of having to wire up those pins by hand, with floating passive components, you just solder everything to this little PCB that fits inside the SCART connector casing. This particular one I'm using allows you to use series caps and/or resistors. It doesn't allow for any pull-down passives though, but there are other PCBs floating around for different purposes. This one happens to work perfectly for the DC.

I'm reusing an old VGA cable. VGA cables are kind of perfect for this. The R, G and B signals are all individually shielded, and then the entire cable is shielded. So your RGB signal is properly shielded from cross-talk, and the audio signals will be shielded from outside interference but not from cross-talk. So not entirely perfect for audiophiles, but I've had no problems with it in the past. There's lots of spare wires for other signals. And if you're like me, you've accumulated tons of spare VGA cables over the years LOL.

Multi AV connector: ... epair.html

SCART connector: ... shell.html


Jagosaurus wrote:Have you checked out the Beharbros VGA, SCART, & HDMI products for the DC? They have a handful of them (scroll through products) for different use cases:

Yes, the Toro box. It's kind of expensive, though. I mean, I'm not knocking the price. I understand how small production runs go. But Sometimes you can build yourself and save some money, and this is one of those times.

Posted above, when I was using the Framemeister, I built that SCART box thing. It takes the DC's VGA signal, converts the H and V sync into composite sync and outputs a non-standard 31 khz 480p signal, but the Framemeister has no problem dealing with this off spec signal. It also has a switch that controls the output mode. So it's either 480p, or 240p/480i for those games that can't be forced to use VGA mode. But it's still the 31 khz signal. I suppose I could rebuild it to switch to the 15 khz signal, but I decided it would be easier to just build a true RGB SCART cable instead. And also, this way I'll have both cables in case I ever want to switch to using the DC on my HDTV for some reason.

hobbes_182 wrote:Hopefully I can get my hand on a black broadband adaptor

Or just spray one black. :D

stickem wrote:Speaking of dreamcast, a couple shmups got ported over by Jprod recently if anyone was looking for new dreamcast releases.

Nice! Got any links handy?
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Re: My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by stickem »

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Re: My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by Ziggy »

So I've made some purchases...

I decided, I do want to get a replacement shell. I want to get a black replacement shell now, then I'll retrobrite the yellowed ones at my leisure. The problem is that black is always the first color to sell out everywhere. So taking everything into account, shipping and tax and all that, I decided to order one from Stone Age Gamer. They've been out of stock of the black, so I was about to buy the opaque black but then that went out of stock too. But I realized I had a ton of credit and coupons for Stone Age Gamer. I had a $20 gift card that I got for my Black Friday purchase. I had enough points to redeem another $20 credit. And then they offered a $10 coupon code for this weekend. And I was able to stack all three of them for $50 off. And I have a bottle of Krylon Fusion flat black on hand, so I decided to just order whatever color LOL.

I was about to get the clear one but then changed my mind to the blue opaque at the last minute. Maybe I'll enjoy it as blue for a short while, or maybe the first thing I'll do is spray it black. I haven't decided yet. I have used Krylon Fusion flat black on stuff in the past and it comes out looking like factory black. I've made SNES cart shells black that looked just like a Killer Instinct cart. I once made an indigo Gamecube black and it looked like the real deal as well. So I have no problem spraying this replacement shell black since this color option was unavailable at this price point.

I also ordered some stuff from Console5. I got a cap kit for the PSU, which will be easy and fast to do. Hmm, maybe I should have just got 2 kits so I can do both. I plan on recapping the PSU for the one that'll use the ODE. I'm not going to bother recapping the mainboard, at least not yet. Mostly because I don't feel like doing that right now, but also because I still have to figure out which mainboard I'll be using (the one in the console has a video issue and I have 2 spares that need to be tested). I also got a battery holder and a new rechargeable 2032. Hmm, I should have gotten 2 battery holders as well, now that I'm thinking about it. Oh well.

I'll post pics when everything comes in.
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Re: My poor, poor Dreamcast. Will you ever be OK?

Post by Ziggy »

Funny enough, everything that I ordered was delivered on the same day.


The replacement shell comes in a really nice box (I wasn't expecting that) and looks much better in person than it does in the pics that I've seen.


I was thinking about spraying it black right away, but I might leave it blue for now. It's a really dark blue, and it kind of looks black in low light levels.

I wasn't really happy with the way I wired the RGB cable, so I decided to re-do it...


I got the proprietary DC plug wired up, which is super annoying. And I added a ferrite choke. It came out looking decent.


BUT! It's not working for some strange reason. My PVM reports "no sync" and the image is bouncing like crazy. I can see the colors look correct, so the rest of the cable appears to be correct. I had originally wired composite video as sync, which is what the official cable does. But after having this issue, I rewired it to use csync instead, but I still got the same issue. I triple checked that it was wired correctly, so I'm really not sure what the problem is. Just for the hell of it, I decided to try my "Framemeister" cable on my PVM (the one pictured in the first post) and to my surprise it actually works perfectly. This cable combines the 31 Khz H and V sync signals to output a non-standard 480p over RGB SCART, which shouldn't be compatible with an SD CRT, but I've included a switch so that it can also output 240p/480i (mainly for the games that don't support VGA). Strangely, my PVM displays the image perfectly, no matter which mode the cable is set to. I'm not sure what's going on, why the cable that SHOULD work doesn't and the one that I didn't think would work DOES, but at least I got something working LOL. I bet it's something that I'll feel stupid after discovery the reason, but I wish I knew what it was now.

With all this annoyance surrounding getting RGB to work, for the past few days I was considered just using composite or S-Video for the DC on my PVM and be done with it. That would also solve the problem of the short list of games that aren't compatible with RGB or VGA modes. But now that I finally saw the Dreamcast output RGB on my PVM, it looks really nice and sharp! All of these headaches to get RGB working will be worth it.

But yeah, now that I've got a working RGB cable for my PVM, I can finally test the replacement motherboards and verify if RGB works. I'm just not looking forward to it because my work bench is in the basement and currently the only display that I have that supports RGB is upstairs, so I'll have to run up and down the stairs to test it. Not my favorite thing to do.
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