Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by Nemoide »

I got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine earlier this week! I drove 2+ hours for it which was kind of a fun adventure in itself, I used to routinely go for long drives to visit new places but since the pandemic started I've been going out as little as possible.

I've been living like a super-hermit for the past year and I'm eager to do things like go to restaurants and visit friends after my second dose! It seems like it's finally easier for qualified folks to get appointments for the vaccine in NY, which is good.
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

It's probably just my anxiety but I'm still paranoid as hell even when I'm vaccinated. The crowds for buses are getting larger now because the weather is slowly getting warmer which doesn't help.

I'm sure it'll calm down once the general population gets vaccinated, but if that's not until the fall then that's gonna be fun.
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by Note »

bmoc wrote:I know NC doesn't seem to care if out of state people get vaccinated here as long as they meet the other criteria. I have several friends in GA that got their vaccines in NC. I don't know anyone that has been turned away. Are there any surrounding states where you might be able to get an appointment sooner? I hope you have a good doctor in your corner and get some relief for that foot!

It'd be great to get an earlier appointment, and I'll be on the lookout in case any other vaccination sites open up, but since I'm working from home and mostly stuck staying in, I'm fine waiting until then.

Seems like I had a stress fracture in an area that's really uncommon, so most of the doctors I've seen so far have been unfamiliar with the injury. Something's up with my heel since I got out of the walking boot in late December too. I have an appointment with a doctor that's the head of foot trauma at a top hospital here in NYC, so I'm hoping he'll be able to have a better understanding of what's going on and the next steps. Appreciate the well wishes!
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by Markies »

One of my best friends tested positive.

I saw him on Saturday and his brother and kids came over to visit him and his Mom on Sunday. On Tuesday/Wednesday, they started showing symptoms and she got tested and she is positive. He is betting that he is positive. They have very mild symptoms, no loss of anything. They have a running nose, cough and feeling tired.

I got both of my vaccine shots about a month ago because I work at a Hospital. I'm showing no symptoms and I feel perfectly fine. I am almost positive I don't have it, but I don't like it being so close to home. Also, I hate that he got it.
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by opa »

I've had both of mine. Second shot sucked (flu-like symptoms for a day) but I'm good.
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by bmoc »

opa wrote:I've had both of mine. Second shot sucked (flu-like symptoms for a day) but I'm good.

Getting my second on April 1st. I didn't have any side effects from the first one other than a little soreness at the injection site but I went ahead and put in for a sick day just in case. April 2nd is Good Friday so I have the day off anyway.
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by Ack »

Just got my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine!
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by opa »

Cool! Hope you do well with it. The first wasnt too bad for me
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by Note »

Glad to see that a lot of RB'ers have been able to get vaccinated. I received my first shot of the Moderna vaccine this past Saturday afternoon.

I felt fine in the afternoon but by the evening I had a mild fever and fatigue. On Sunday, I was totally out of it. Similar symptoms but I was in and out of napping all day. Monday, I felt mostly better, but a little out of it and exhausted. Tuesday, I was finally feeling normal.

Looking forward to receiving the second shot at the end of April, but not looking forward to the side effects.
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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Post by Nemoide »

I had my second dose of Pfizer on Tuesday. That night my arm hurt and the following day I was tired and achy with my arm really hurting. But by Wednesday night I was feeling pretty close to normal. For me the side effects were about equal for both shots. I'm glad I took an extra day off work for each shot so I could recover (I'm drowning in unused sick time anyway).

I'm glad to be done with both shots and am looking forward to being able to feel comfortable going out into the world a little more regularly again. Unfortunately cases are on the rise in NY and my county is actually the worst in the state per capita, so things aren't actually all that great for the area as a whole. But I'm glad I'll be at full immunity soon and I'm fine even double-masking for the foreseeable future.