DRM-free for me

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DRM-free for me

Post by ZRofel »

Hey folks. So, recently I picked up a GPD Win MAX from the IndieGoGo campaign, and it's great. I've owned a few GPD systems in the past and generally liked them quite a bit, but the nice thing about this new one is that it's more than just an emulation machine. Being Windows-based and fairly beefy (for a handheld), it actually makes a pretty good home for a lot of PC games as well. I'm definitely more of a console gamer than a PC gamer, but I've accumulated a good sized library of PC games over the years, mostly via G.O.G. As someone who hates DRM, I like the fact that G.O.G. lets me do what I want with my games and trusts me not to do anything illegal. What are some other sources of reasonably priced, DRM free games on the web? I don't want to have to maintain an internet connection (the GPD Win MAX is a handheld, so I want to use it on the go). I don't want to have to sign into some service every time I want to play. I just want to be able to purchase a game, put it on my device, and play whenever I want.

I've also purchased a handful of games and bundles from the Humble Store, which isn't bad, but most other places I've found seem to have strings attached in some way or another.
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Re: DRM-free for me

Post by Anapan »

I recently bought a GPD Win 2. For my needs the pocketability outweighs the limitations. I love that I can use a miniscule USB3 thumb drive to stream intensive games that the internal can't handle.
Of course you need to have your purchased games away from your wifi. Different groups have fixes that separate your legally purchased games from the online check. I have had a lot of success using the Goldberg fix.
PM me if you need help.
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