Games Beaten 2020

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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by Markies »

Note wrote:Markies, I just want to give you credit for beating this game. I was playing it again last night while testing the 8bitdo Genesis controllers I got recently and this game still kicks my ass. I've only been able to beat it using a lives cheat. I really wish they didn't remove the three health bars from the US version. The game is action packed and I like it a lot, but damn it's tough.

Why Thank You!

I would say that Contra: Hard Corps is probably the hardest game on the 8Bit/16Bit systems. So, beating this was quite a challenge.

Though, to be fair, I did the cheesiest and quickest ending to the game. I didn't do all the levels because I wasn't ready for that frustration. It's still a very learnable game, but it is really tough!
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by REPO Man »

Not "beaten", but I got the Platinum Trophy for Metagal for PS4, which is a Cross-Buy with the Vita version. It's basically a dimestore mockbuster of Mega Man, and it shows in spades. But it's an easy game to Platinum. But if a few trophies don't trigger, just delete your save. You'll get a quick and easy Platinum either way.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by Juan Aguacate »

Ninja Gaiden Shadow - Gameboy (Played on MasterBoy v2.02 emulator on my Sony PSP 2000)


Since the whole country is quarantined right now, I find myself spending more time at home now so I've been doing more gaming as I'm sure many people are doing worldwide right now. I have rediscovered the joys of emulation on my old PSP 2000 and this is one of the many games I've been playing.


Shadow gets a lot of things right. It plays like Ninja Gaiden. It looks like Ninja Gaiden. It even has the quality music you expect, some actually taken from the NES games. Lastly, it has a cool grappling hook mechanic that is fun to use. I actually would have enjoyed seeing this mechanic incorporated into the NES trilogy in some way


On the negative side of things, the gameplay moves a tad slower than the NES games. Also, you only get one sub weapon attack, that magic that sends the flames in a diagonal, upward arc. The overall difficulty of the game is not as brutal as the NES trilogy, though some parts get pretty close. There are vertical scrolling sections where you are moving upward to avoid instant death from the rising bottom of the screen that ticked me off a bit and the game's final level gets a bit challenging. I quite enjoyed that final level. The game is fairly short at about five levels. Lastly, it's not big on story like the series is known for so don't expect tons of dialog and cut scenes. The most you'll get is in the game's intro and there are no more that I could recall for the rest of the game...well, except after you beat the final boss. Actually, the short cut scene at the end is funny as it looks like something you'd expect to see in a Castlevania game.

It's definitely Ninja Gaiden "Lite", but that's not such a bad thing. In fact, some people might appreciate a simpler, less brutal, 2d Gaiden game. I enjoyed it, as someone who loved the NES trilogy. It gets a thumbs up from me. Recommended for any fan of the NES trilogy. Then go play The Messenger and see the evolution of 2d Ninja Gaiden.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by pook99 »

@partridgesenpai: your review perfectly sums up why I don't play the x series, although I have beaten every game in the series (except x8 which I never played) the pacing and backtrackin required just suck the fun out of them for me, they are still good games and I may play one randomnly soon, but they completely pale in comparison to the original games which I replay constantly and always am seeking new fan games and romhacks for.

@note: hard corps is definitely tough, it is one of those annoying examples of a company making the US version 100x harder than its japanese counterpart. The jap version has a health bar and unlimited continues and really should be played as it is far more fun for those reasons. I did beat the US version at some point, but nowadays I default to the import as it is just a lot more fun and IMO it is the way developers intended it to be played.

@Juan: fun fact, ninja gaiden shadow was originally a part of the shadow of the ninja series (hence the grappling hook), it definitely is a fun game and much simpler than the console counterparts, try ninja gaiden on game gear when your done, it is also an original title which is pretty solid and much easier than the NES games
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

Games Beaten in 2020 - 8
* denotes a replay

January (1 Game Beaten)
1. Pokemon Sun - 3DS - January 14*

February (2 Games Beaten)
2. Star Wars: Jedi - Fallen Order - Xbox One - February 15
3. Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee! - Switch - February 29*

March (5 Games Beaten)
4. Pokemon Shield - Switch - March 1*
5. Doom [1993] - Switch - March 6*
6. SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays - PS4 - March 6
7. Lego DC Super Villains - Switch - March 19
8. Doom II: Hell on Earth - Switch - March 19

8. Doom II: Hell on Earth - Switch - March 19


Doom II picks up right after the end of the first game and, in a lot of ways, plays more like an expansion than a sequel. After defeating the demons on Mars, Doomguy arrives back home on Earth only to discover that the forces of Hell have invaded Earth. As the Earth's population evacuates the planet, Doomguy takes it upon himself to single handedly attempt to drive the demons off of Earth before venturing into Hell itself to destroy the demons at their source.


As far as gameplay is concerned, nothing really has changed since the first game. The only really noteworthy difference is the addition of the Super Shotgun. It uses the same ammo as the regular shotgun, but it expends two shells at once in exchange for vastly improved firepower. Naturally, being a shotgun whore, it was my weapon of choice throughout the game. Otherwise, it plays just like the first game. You run around in a primitive 3D environment blasting enemies while the game auto-aims along the Y axis. The levels are just as massive and mazelike as in the first game, sometimes more so. You're still hunting down various colored keys, switches, and hidden doors to progress through the level, and there are still par times that I'm almost always too shitty a player to meet.


For the most part, you'll face the same enemies as in the first game although there are a few new demons, most frustratingly the Pain Elemental and the Arch-Vile. The Pain Elemental looks a lot like the Cacodemon except that it constantly spawns Lost Souls, making it EXTREMELY annoying to first. The Arch-Vile looks a bit like a wendigo, reanimated killed enemies, has an absurd amount of HP, and deals a ton of damage. Basically it's a terrifying pain in the ass. The level designs and puzzles, while all resembling what the first game had to offer, feel a lot more polished and well planned in my opinion.


Overall, Doom II is more of the same from the original game, but the small additions here and there and the added polish make it feel like a wholly superior product all around. It doesn't change the formula so much as refine it. The Switch port that I played also has some officially supported add-ons that can be downloaded to add dozens of additional levels if you find yourself wanting more after finishing the campaign. There's also the addition of multiplayer that I wasn't able to try out. Hopefully I'll find someone who wants to play a video game old enough to be in the US House of Representatives with me and get to try this mode out at some point. Either way, though, Doom II is a cheap download on Switch that runs smoothly and is an absolute masterpiece of early 3D game design. If you're not turned off by early 90s visuals, definitely check this one out. The graphics haven't aged well at all, the gameplay is still as fun and addicting as ever.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by Note »

1. Streets of Rage 2 (Sega Genesis Mini)
2. The Ninja Warriors (Super Nintendo) [3x]
3. TMNT IV: Turtles in Time (Super Nintendo)
4. Golden Axe (Sega Genesis Mini) [3x]
5. Beyond Oasis (Sega Genesis Mini)
6. Super Double Dragon (Super Nintendo)
7. Shenmue II (Sega Dreamcast)
8. Shining Force 2 (Sega Genesis)
9. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island (Super Nintendo)


10. ActRaiser (Super Nintendo)

ActRaiser is a game I never owned when I was younger. My cousins had it, and I have good memories watching them play it. Recently, I picked up a copy and started playing it earlier in the week. This afternoon when I turned on the game, I realized my save file vanished -- the battery in the cartridge must have just died. Normally, I would be dismayed but due to being stuck inside while NYC is under a lockdown, I figured what the hell, I can try to finish it in one sitting.

I like that the game is a blend of two totally different styles. After each platforming level, you also have to complete a section of the simulation mode, which consists of building a town and helping the inhabitants with any number of issues. You'll also have to use your powers to adjust the landscape and protect the town from monsters. The simulation mode is not too in-depth, and I think that works well in this game. It's a nice balance between the simulation and the platforming, and the creators did a great job of integrating the two together, and having the simulation mode affect the main character's stats in the platforming areas.

The music in this game is great, and it's definitely one of my favorite soundtracks on the system. This might also be my second favorite work from Yuzo Koshiro, outside of Streets of Rage 2. The music for each platforming level sounds great, and the first level especially starts off with a good music score. The music for the simulation sections is relaxing, which fits well, and is a nice change from the platforming levels, which consist of pretty tense compositions.

My only major critique is the inclusion of the boss rush. It feels thrown in at the end. This took me a lot of tries to complete, and I definitely needed some luck to get through it. However, if you're able to get down the patterns for the bosses and can manage your magic correctly, so that it's only used on the more difficult battles, you can make it through.

Overall, this is a great game, the mechanics hold up really well after all this time. I highly recommend it! Eventually, I'd like to replace the battery in this cart and play through it again, at a more relaxed pace.
Last edited by Note on Sun Mar 22, 2020 8:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by Juan Aguacate »

Batman The Animated Series - Gameboy

What an awful game, some of the most obnoxious and cheap bosses I have ever seen in a Batman game, and the levels themselves aren't much better with irritating design. The Catwoman fight is basically the designers telling you to go fuck yourself. This is the kind of game that makes me hope there is a very special circle in hell for game designers.

Given what a masterpiece The Adventures of Batman and Robin is on the SNES, this game should be ashamed to even exist.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by pook99 »

@Note: Actraiser is easily in my top 5 SNES games, the soundtrack really is stupendous and was a great showcase of the amazing audio difference between the SNES and genesis.

@Jaun: Batman for GB is definitely a trash game

41. Pitfall: big adventure (wii)
42. Sin and Punishment: star successor (wii)
43. Final Fight One (gba)

41. Pitfall: the big adventure

This is a wii port of Pitfall the Mayan adventure under a different name, I discovered this game through a MetalJesus Rocks wii hidden gems video. Although I wouldn't call it a hidden gem, it is a competant and decently fun 3d platformer.

The biggest gripe most people have about the wii is forced motion controls and I think this game is a prime example of that. It basically took a game designed for a controller and added in hyper sensitive motion controls which hinder gameplay far more than they help it.

The biggest offender here is the attack, by shaking the wiimote you attack, the attack is a pretty exaggerated dash punch, the problem is that the wii mote is hyper sensitive and you will randomnly attack for no reason, this is extremely problematic for a few reasons. First off you have a double jump, but if you attack while airborne you cannot execute the 2nd jump, because of the sensitivity you will just randomnly attack, messing up your jumps, and often leading to replaying platforming sections. The 2nd big gripe is very often you will land and just randomnly attack, given the dash nature of the attacks this could completely ruin precision platforming for you.

Those are the 2 most glaring problems with the motion controls but there are a handful of others including having to tilt the wiimote up to drink from the canteen, which could suddenly become unresponsive and you cant heal in critical times, to a run controlled by shaking the nunchuck which, like the attack, seems to have a mind of its own.

If you can get past all that, this is a fun adventure style 3d platformer. The platforming here is responsive and fun when the wiimote is behaving, you get a lot of cool gadgets which help the game function as more of a metroidvania than a mario, and the story is so cheesily bad you will laugh at its ridiculousness.

I would recommend this game to fans of 3d platformers but you will be far better served playing through one of its other iterations with a regular controller

42. Sin and Punishment: star successor

If pitfall represents everything wrong with wiimotion controls this game represents everything right with them. This is a game built from the ground up to utilize the wii's unique capabilities, it works extremely well, and I cannot imagine playing this game with a classic controller, although the game does give you that option if you so choose.

S and P is a on rails shooter where you have complete control of your character. Think of something like wild guns but instead of being forced to stay on the ground you can fly and dash anywhere on your plane. The controls here are simple and extremely responsive, nunchuck analog moves you, C + a direction gives you an invunerable dash, B shoots and A locks on/charges a mega shot which is devastating and requires a cooldown. The wii pointer is used to aim and the speed and precision offered by this is absolutely necessary.

The game is broken into 7 levels, you auto scroll through the stages, blasting tons of stuff, and then stop to fight a boss and repeat until the level is over, every level has multiple bosses and they are the centerpiece of this game, not really surprising given it is made by treasure. The bosses here are huge, with long life bars, many attacks, and they typically grow harder as the battle progresses.

This is a hard game, it starts out simple enough, but by the end it gets absolutely insane with bullets and enemies everywhere and extremely difficult bosses, TBH I can't even believe i beat it because the last boss was just nuts and I think I just got lucky on my final run. Luckily the wii mote offers the speed necessary to keep up with all the craziness, IMO one of the biggest virtues of the wii is the way aiming is handled by the wii mote, it is just so much better than a dual analog set up, and this game models that more so than anything. Simply put, I could not imagine beating this game with a dual analog set up.

As hard as it is the game is tremendously rewarding, you cannot spam your way to victory here, you have to learn boss patterns, learn how to dodge their attacks, and learn when to hit them, but when you do and finally take down a boss that has been whooping you for a while you will feel like a total bad ass. There are also frequent checkpoints and you can save at any of them.

I could say pretty confidently that sin and punishment: star successor is the best rail shooter i have ever played and has skyrocketed into my wii top 10, it still is pretty cheap(I think I bought it about a month ago for 20 bucks) so if you do not own it get it while you can, this is the kind of game that will probably rise in price sometime in the future and is definitely one of wii's best games
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

Games Beaten in 2020 - 9
* denotes a replay

January (1 Game Beaten)
1. Pokemon Sun - 3DS - January 14*

February (2 Games Beaten)
2. Star Wars: Jedi - Fallen Order - Xbox One - February 15
3. Pokemon: Let's Go, Eevee! - Switch - February 29*

March (6 Games Beaten)
4. Pokemon Shield - Switch - March 1*
5. Doom [1993] - Switch - March 6*
6. SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays - PS4 - March 6
7. Lego DC Super Villains - Switch - March 19
8. Doom II: Hell on Earth - Switch - March 19
9. Doom 3 - Switch - March 20

9. Doom 3 - Switch - March 20


Back in 2004, seven years after the release of Doom 64 and eight years after the release of Doom II, id decided that it was time to try to reboot the Doom series. As the original Doom used some pretty advanced visuals (for 1993, anyway), Doom 3 was similarly cutting edge visually for the time. The graphics definitely look dated 16 years later, but it was an impressive game for the time, and this is a pretty solid port of it. To have Doom 3 on the handheld is definitely exciting.


Doom 3 marked a pretty big shift for the series as it took a step away from the pedal-to-the-metal badass action and a shift towards a distinct horror vibe. I, personally, dig the horror vibe as I'm a huge fan of horror games in general, but it's unfortunately not implemented here as well as I had hoped. The basic premise is that you're a marine escorting some government bigwig on some inspection of a UAC research facility on Mars when someone screws up and unleashes the forces of Hell on the planet. Instead of kicking ass and taking names like you did in Doom and Doom II, though, you're almost constantly outgunned, and instead of leaping out from every corner with guns blazing, you'll find yourself creeping around each corner and trying to conserve your ammo for the inevitable next demon you don't *quite* have the firepower to tackle confidently.


My first disappointment with the game was the implementation of the horror theme. Don't get me wrong; the game is definitely creepy, and it keeps you on your toes, but it's not a Resident Evil or a Silent Hill tier horror experience. My second and bigger disappointment was the feel of the gunplay in the game. The shotgun feels inaccurate at all ranges (as opposed to killing whatever is in its general direction at close range), the assault rifle feels like a rubber band gun, and the rocket launcher just doesn't have the oomph that you'd expect. The only weapon that feels better in Doom 3 than it did in Doom or Doom II is the chainsaw. The chainsaw was really disappointing in my opinion in the first two games, but it kicks ass in Doom 3. Unfortunately that improvement comes at the expense of every other weapon.


Doom 3 is pretty widely disliked (or at least liked less) among the Doom fanbase, and while I definitely enjoyed the game, it's not hard to see why. Doom did gore and action REALLY well; Doom 3 traded that for a mediocre horror experience. Had it been an incredible horror experience, it would have been a good trade, I think, but they traded greatness for mediocrity in my opinion. Releasing originally in 2004, too, and coming off the heels of Medal of Honor's and Halo's huge market successes, it felt a little bit like just another shooter. It's a lot more than that, but it definitely isn't nearly as unique or noteworthy as its predecessors were.


Doom 3 is a good horror game. It's a good supernatural shooter. It's not, however, a "great" anything. It's got a list price of $10 on the Switch eShop, and honestly, I think that's a bit steep. $7 would be good, I think, because it does include the Resurrection of Evil and Lost Missions expansions, but expansions for a "pretty good" game are still not going to add up to "great." If you see it on sale like I did (I got it for $3), then absolutely give it a download because it truly is a fun experience. It's just not an exceptional experience.
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Re: Games Beaten 2020

Post by Ack »

Meanwhile, the dual-bladed DOOM 64 chainsaw snags on enemies and basically begs you to murderlize them. I love it.
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