Rate the series - Home consoles

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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by pook99 »

Ack wrote:Can we talk about side games like Mega Man Legends, which is an old love of mine? I realize it's not in the scope of the main series, but some of the side games have contributed heavily to my love of the franchise.

we can talk about anything we want!

I remember loving mega man legends, was about 20 hours in and then my memory card got deleted so I never finished it. I have always been meaning to play it at some point but havent yet, maybe if they ever announce legends 3 it will inspire me to finally give it another go.
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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by prfsnl_gmr »


I’m glad you enjoyed my recommendations! Mega Man is one of my favorite series, and I am trying to run it. Unfortunately, the only games I have left to beat are the bad ones...oh well...I’m not a true fan until I’ve beaten the DOS games! :lol:
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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by Dikdikvandik »

Ok how about Mega Man fan games/rom Hacks?

I love the Endless mode Hacks of 2-5

Mega Man Unlimited however I feel like they just don't get Mega Man.

Sonic fans seem to get what makes Sonic,Sonic.Mega Man fans however just seem to want to make hard for the sake of hard with horrible level design.

But there are good Mega Man rom Hacks and fan games (8 bit 7 and 8,x Street fighter, and the Endless hacks)
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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by Ack »

pook99 wrote:
Ack wrote:Can we talk about side games like Mega Man Legends, which is an old love of mine? I realize it's not in the scope of the main series, but some of the side games have contributed heavily to my love of the franchise.

we can talk about anything we want!

I remember loving mega man legends, was about 20 hours in and then my memory card got deleted so I never finished it. I have always been meaning to play it at some point but havent yet, maybe if they ever announce legends 3 it will inspire me to finally give it another go.

Oh, you gotta go back to it! Don't even worry about Legends 3, just grab yourself a copy of this and sit down with it again. It's well worth returning to. Heck, for a while I'd just go back to play Legends for the fun of it even though I'd beaten it several times and had a save at the end of the game with everything unlocked. It was my PS1 comfort food alongside Final Fantasy Tactics.
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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by Sarge »

Rockman 7 FC is splendid. I don't think MM7 is terrible, of course, but the demake improves it substantially.
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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by pook99 »

@prfsnl_gamer: I'm with you on loving mega man, it is definitely one of my all time favorite game series and one of the only series I would put on the same level as Mario. If you want my advice, skip the crummy dos games and start diving into some fan games, you will love them and be much better off.

@dikdikvandik: I love mega man fan games and the ones I have played have not been overwhelmingly difficult, I did play mega man cx which was just stupid hard/trolly and hated it but there have been some really great ones as well:

Mega Man Super fighting robots is a great game with fair difficulty

Mega Man Rock force is another one that is alot of fun and presents a fair challenge, this one also lets you play as some boss robots like knight man, dive man, and cutsman, definitely worth a playthrough

You mentioned mega man unlimited which is amazing but difficult and Mega man x Street fighter which is one of my favorites thematically

I've also heard good things about day in the limelight which is a mega man fan game that has you playing as various robot masters, havent played it myself but seems worth a playthrough.

@ack: yeah, I definitely should. I still own it(although I will play it on emulator anyway) and it always haunts me as one of 2 games that I got screwed on due to a memory card issue, the other being psi-ops which I eventually did go back and beat a year or 2 ago.

@presidentleever and sarge: I didn't love the rockman 7 demake, I was super excited for it but there was something about it that was just underwhelming. I've heard good things about rokko chan though and will probably check it out at some point.

Another thing that might be worth talking about is mega man indie clones, it seems that mega man has more indie games that pay homage to him than any other classic series, some of the ones I've played and enjoyed

1. Azure striker series (plays more like X than classic mega man, its what mighty no 9 should have been)
2. Rozenkreustillette: Very good homage to classic mega man, replaces robots with angels and demons
3. 20XX-roguleike Mega Man x clone, very good and has coop
4. A.R.E.S
5. AVGN adventures: more of a parody but does feel like an obscenely difficult mega man, worth a playthrough if you enjoy the angry video game nerd, hard games, and classic parodies
6. Mighty no 9: not as bad as people say, I enjoyed it but it is not on par with 11 for sure
7. Mighty gunvolt burst: an 8 bit style game that plays like classic mega man, only on switch but a lot of fun
8. Dr. Green: a mega man style game with an environmentally friendly message
9. giga girl: don't really remember much about it other than its short and plays like mega man
10. invasher: an ok mega man game with the annoying mechanic of having to buy weapons after defeating their equivalent of robot masters
11. Legend of dark witch 1 and 2: easyish mega man games
12. Magnetta: interesting game where most of the boss weapons help you navigate levels more than they help you fight

I could go on but those are just a handful of decent - great mega man clones
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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by Xeogred »

Wily Wars is pure torture to me. Everything about it is just so insanely wrong.

I do wish Capcom would have made some kind of X styled Mega Man from the ground up on Genesis though. At least Konami gave us Bloodlines and Hard Corps.
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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by pierrot »

Eh, they worked better than the NES versions, for me, anyway. Also, it has the Wily Tower, which I think is more fun than the first game.
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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by Dikdikvandik »

pook99 wrote:@prfsnl_gamer:

1. Azure striker series (plays more like X than classic mega man, its what mighty no 9 should have been)
2. Rozenkreustillette: Very good homage to classic mega man, replaces robots with angels and demons
3. 20XX-roguleike Mega Man x clone, very good and has coop
4. A.R.E.S
5. AVGN adventures: more of a parody but does feel like an obscenely difficult mega man, worth a playthrough if you enjoy the angry video game nerd, hard games, and classic parodies
6. Mighty no 9: not as bad as people say, I enjoyed it but it is not on par with 11 for sure
7. Mighty gunvolt burst: an 8 bit style game that plays like classic mega man, only on switch but a lot of fun
8. Dr. Green: a mega man style game with an environmentally friendly message
9. giga girl: don't really remember much about it other than its short and plays like mega man
10. invasher: an ok mega man game with the annoying mechanic of having to buy weapons after defeating their equivalent of robot masters
11. Legend of dark witch 1 and 2: easyish mega man games
12. Magnetta: interesting game where most of the boss weapons help you navigate levels more than they help you fight

I've played a few of these.

Azure striker series - inconsistent difficulty. The most recent one starring Copen only gave me trouble twice, an early boss fight and the final boss. The first gunvolt is too hard the second has Copen so...not as bad...

Rozenkreustillette- I like that it used the Mega Man 4 password system. The music in this one is excellent

20XX- I'm going to grab it for Switch or which ever system I get all the Legacy collection games (As of now I'm leaning towards XBOX even though I have 11 on Switch) on.

A.R.E.S- BARELY played the demo on XBOX 360.

Mighty no 9- Mega Man Xel? I don't think it's as bad as people say it is either. This is one game benefited by the refresh consoles, It plays much better on XBOX One X than it did on PS4. I actually think it had better music than Mega Man 11.

Mighty gunvolt burst- It's on PS4 as well not just switch. But I have the Swtich version and all DLC Characters. There's one boss near the end I find unbeatable but I do all in all feel like this is what Might no 9 should have been.
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Re: Rate the series - Mega Man

Post by Gunstar Green »

Megaman, woof. Here we go. I'll have to split things up. Not going to include remakes and such. I'll probably also contradict earlier posts because my opinions are fluid on some of these.

Classic: 9 > 2 > 3 > 6 > 4 > 11 > 10 > 7 > 5 > 8 > 1 > R&F

I love them all so I wouldn't necessarily call it Mega Man 8 "hate," more like, "not loved quite as much." I just prefer the 8-bit games for the most part. 9 had some of the best weapon balance of the entire series. 2 and 3 are classics and I'm biased by how incredible they were at the time and also their music. 6 I almost put above 3 because it's a more polished game with lots of fun gimmicks. 4 is an underrated gem as well. 11 was fun but I feel like it needs something more to be truly special. 10 just feels like it was riding on 9's coattails with new features jammed in for the sake of it without the core game being as good.

On the back end, 7 is a fun game but the graphics and sound feel off and the game feels sluggish, partially due to the different sprite to screen ratio that makes it more akin to the GB titles. 5 is too easy and has very lazy level designs save for Gravity Man but it's maybe a good beginner Mega Man. 8's style and music just doesn't jive with me as part of the series though I do think much of the design is great when it's not being forced scrolling BS slide slide jump jump. 1 and R&F both have some design problems, with 1 being a little more forgivable for being the first attempt before any of the series staples were cemented. I still enjoy giving them a go now and then.

Classic Game Boy: 4 > 5 > 3 > 1 > 2

Yes you read that right I like 4 more than 5. It's such a great polished game with fantastic cutscenes for the gameboy and the 8-bit series in general, better level designs arguably than its NES counterparts at the time and actual risk involved in shooting your charged Megabuster because it had recoil! 5 is also a must play game for classic series fans however, one of the more unique titles for sure. The rest are for the most part just scaled down mish-mash versions of the NES games though they're certainly not bad. 2 is probably the lowest quality classic series game period. Grating music, zero difficulty, bizarre levels and most kids probably beat it on the car ride home from the mall.

X: 1 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 5 > 8 > 7 > 6

The X series lacks the near unconditional love I have for the classic games because when X goes low, it goes really low. X1 and X4 are two of my favorite games in the entire franchise but then things start to diminish.

5 is where things start looking worrisome and it has a few awful levels and stupid parts system as well as what ending you get being governed by random chance! I still sort of enjoy it, and like they were trying to put a cap on the series. I can't say the same for X6 which was a rushed, poorly programmed mess in nearly all ways. A few cool ideas just don't save it from the dung heap for me. I go back and forth on whether or not X6 or X7 is worse, as X7 is one of those 3D-transition dumpster fires of the era, but at least X7 failed ambitiously. X8 is loved in some circles but it's only really good in the context of the previous two games but everything about it is bland to me and its levels are legitimately awful (Mighty No. 9 is worlds better than this game, fight me).

Where do the two GBC games fall? I don't know. They're kind of forgettable, especially the first one. Probably hovering somewhere around X8 in this nebulous, "playable if I didn't have any other options" zone. GBC just didn't have the screen real estate to be doing dash-heavy Mega Man X games (See: Mega Man Game Gear and Mega Man & Bass GBA as well for why you should design your levels to fit your screen) though the second at least tries to accommodate it better.

Zero: 3 > 4 > 2 > 1

Not much to say here, the Zero series is one of the most solid and consistent. The cyber elf gimmick is a little rough at first but improves throughout. In a rare occurrence the series seems to improve with every entry excepting that Zero 3 was a truly epic game and Z4 only loses points because it felt a bit unnecessary. I could lump ZX and ZXA in here but they feel different enough for me to not want to. For the record I really enjoyed both of them and thought ZXA was an improvement of the first in most ways.
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