Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by Michi »

Forlorn Drifter wrote:I've been diving into a ton of YouTube lately and I've seen quite a few things related to Asian horror movies and... whatever Old Boy, I Saw the Devil, and Suicide Club count as. I want to dig into that, but Old Boy and I Saw the Devil are the only ines I've seen so far out of stuff I've seen suggested, and a lot of these videos haven't told me where the stuff they showed came from. Any suggestions on places to start?

Also, a Crow has a nest outside my house now. Crows are really uncommon here, so that's a creepy development.

Hmmm....I haven't watched any Asian horror movies in a while. But I do have a couple on my Watchlist that I've been eyeing: A Bloody Aria, Monster (not related to the anime) and The Truth Beneath.

Like I said, I haven't seen them yet, but you can look them up and see if any of them tickle your fancy.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by prfsnl_gmr »


It’s not horror, but an Asian movie I think you would enjoy thoroughly is Burning (2018). It’s based, somewhat circuitously, on a William Faulkner short story, and it’s excellent. A horror film I think you’d enjoy is The Wailing (2016). It is also excellent.


Tonight, my wife an I watched The Love Witch (2016). We loved it. It is a feminist(?) tribute to 1960s and 1970s erotic occult horror films. (Also...giallo and Hammer Studios horror films.) It is a singular vision, with a director who, in addition to writing and directing the movie, also designed all the costumes and sets, making many of the costumes herself. Oh yeah...she also scored it. Wonderfully. It is beyond self-indulgent, and I loved every minute of it. It definitely isn’t for everyone, and I recommend that those interested in it read some reviews:

https://www.indiewire.com/2016/11/love- ... 201744349/

https://film.avclub.com/the-love-witch- ... 1798189434

Those do the film more justice than I can do it here (with my little smiley face).

prfsnl_gmr’s Halloween Movies 2019 (The Ill-Conceived Reboot)
1. Witchboard - :)
2. Mad Love - :)
3. The Love Witch - :D
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by Ack »

I've been getting recommendations to see The Love Witch lately. Glad to hear it got your seal of approval!

Forlorn, are you looking to check out Asian horror in general, or are you interested in a particular subgenre or country? I could come up with some suggestions if you like.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by Nemoide »

I wanted to like The Love Witch; it has a really dynamite aesthetic that it completely nails. But I found the story to be on the boring side and just couldn't get into it.

Tonight I watched the 1956 Invasion of the Body Snatchers. I had seen a chunk of it on TV when I was a kid, but I can say it's pretty good! I feel like the "bookend sequence" at the very beginning and ending kind of cheapen the effect of the film, but it still does what it does well. The idea that aliens can take the appearance and memories of people you know/care about taps into a fear of betrayal from those close to oneself and so it's easy to see why the movie had the impact it did.

Forlorn: I can recommend some Asian horror, but that's a pretty broad brush... I can strongly recommend Kuroneko (1968) as an older one that's a little off the beaten path but is an extremely effective ghost story.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by stickem »

of course another good asian thriller/disturbing movie would be Audition (1999). That's one of the first ones i was always told to see, back in the day, before the genre got trendy
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by Golgo 14 »

Strangely enough, a group at my work has organized a bunch of lunchtime & after-work screenings of Asian horror films this month. First up today was Out of the Dark, a 1995 Hong Kong horror comedy. It's about... well, I can't really begin to say what it's about and I doubt it matters much, but I had a lot of fun and laughed a lot. It starts out odd and once the main character is introduced 15 minutes in, the movie gets even odder and takes on the frenetic pacing of a 1930s screwball comedy. If you don't like one bit, wait 20 seconds and there'll be another one.

The vibe reminded me a bit of the Japanese cult film Hausu, though I'm not generally a big fan of that film.

I don't think Out of the Dark is especially scary, but there's plenty of horror aspects to it and it's pretty funny if you have a certain sense of humor. I recommend giving it a shot if you're up for something different & absurd.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by dsheinem »

I've watched something each day so far, a pace that would be nice to think I can keep up with...

Thus far:

The Beaning (2017) - this short film suggests that the Yankees' legacy is built around the occult-driven ritual murder of Cleveland Indian player Ray Chapman, who died as a result of a pitch thrown by New York's Carl May. Ken Burns meets Kenneth Anger, and it works.

Videodrome (1983) - I get why people like Cronenberg but I find his 1970s/1980s films to be really hit (The Fly, Scanners) and miss (Videodrome, The Brood). This one had some great imagery and effects work for the era, but I found the hallucinogenic plot to be more eye-rolling than eye-popping. Despite the fact that some of the ideas here were ahead of their time, they all seem half-baked. I actually think I like the way that the much later (and less liked) Existenz handles some similar ideas, although that movie is a bit of a mess too...

Blood Feast (1963) - This was my first time seeing a Herschell Gordon Lewis film and it didn't disappoint. The gore is somehow equally cheesy and repulsive, the B-movie acting is tonally perfect, and there are plenty of interesting visual ideas to give the film some artistic merit (I loved the "attacker approaching" shots used in the lead-up to the "tongue scene," for example). I hope to watch at least 1-2 more Lewis films this month...
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by Ack »

You didn't think I was slacking, did you? That'd I'd only watched one film so far? HA! Don't make me laugh.


2. As Above, So Below (2014)

This is a found footage film about a mixed group of Parisian thrill seekers, a student filmmaker, an adventurous anthropologist, and a guy who likes to repair artifacts for fun. Yeah, it's sort of a modern day Indiana Jones, only in a horror setting where the cast descends into the catacombs of Paris in the hopes of finding the Philosopher's Stone and in the process may well uncover the doorway to their own personal Hell.

I'm not big on found footage, but I'd seen this movie getting reevaluated by horror film critics on Twitter, so I thought it would be best to go seek it out and come to my own conclusions. End result? It's a mixed bag, but it's an inventive one that contains some arresting issues. Did it need to be found footage? In the context of what we get, I think it makes the situation more personalized, though I would hesitate to say it's always effective. The movie occasionally relies on jump scares and ridiculous ideas that work once and then become laughable. However, I did find myself liking it despite my bias.


3. Southbound (2015)

I'm no stranger to anthology horror, and I was familiar with this crew's previous work in that area, particularly V/H/S. While I thought that one was a mixed bag, the trailers for this film looked interesting enough that I was willing to give it a shot.

And I loved it. Southbound flows between each story with effective ease and wraps around on itself, so that the end is the beginning is the end. Time doesn't make sense in context, but it doesn't have to, because this is a nightmarish world where regular people don't belong. While the stories aren't all equal, I wouldn't call any of them bad, just uneven. Of the five, the first and last are a part of the same, the third is genuinely disturbing and only gets worse as you think about it, and the fourth creates a world that I would have been willing to see as a complete film in its own right. Only the second story falls flat, and it's less the horror and more that the story just doesn't do anything for me.

But that third story? I have spent two days thinking about the ramifications of it.


4. Don't Look in the Basement (1973)

I watched this purely out of loyalty to the idea of finally tracking down all of the Video Nasties. Yes, this movie was banned in Britain for its moral depravity, shocking violence, and general threat to society. While all of that is crap to attack and vilify a genre in what is most certainly a protectionist stunt (only one Video Nasty was a British film) in the same nation that produced Hammer Studios, it certainly adds a certain scuzzy gloss to these films.

In this movie, a psychiatrist is trying a new form of treatment on the mentally ill, to try and understand insanity while also treating the inmates as a family as opposed to criminals or sick people. While the approach doesn't work out, it is an almost understandable response to a doctor performing a lobotomy and then being horrified with the result of what was considered modern medical science. He probably shouldn't have given that one guy an ax though... It doesn't end well.

What you get is 90 minutes of a bunch of people acting crazy, and one poor psychiatric nurse trying to do her job only to realize that the new doctor in charge of the asylum is in actuality also a patient who took over after the previous doctor's murder. The nurse is only saved in the end by one of the mentally ill recognizing that she doesn't deserve to be trapped there, and then the movie ends with a murder spree. It's cheap, it's sleazy, it's often boring, and at times it's frustrating. Meh, they can't all be winners, folks. Still, I continue to look forward to future Video Nasties.

On to the next film!


1. Mulberry Street
2. As Above, So Below
3. Southbound
4. Don't Look in the Basement
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by Michi »

Ack wrote:Image

4. Don't Look in the Basement (1973)

I remember being disappointed by this one. Being a 'Nasty' and all, I had some expectations. But I found it mostly dull, unfortunately.

The second one has better reviews, so I'm cautiously optimistic about that one. I just haven't gotten around to watching it yet.
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Re: Racketboy Month of Horror 10: The Rebootening

Post by Forlorn Drifter »

Ack wrote:Forlorn, are you looking to check out Asian horror in general, or are you interested in a particular subgenre or country? I could come up with some suggestions if you like.

Anything will work, I'm willing to start anywhere. If I had any "no's" it'd be any rape revenge or blatantly shown rape stuff, I've seen way too much of that stuff lately.

A Bucket of Blood is on YouTube, so I'll try to do a write up once I get done with it.
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