Random Gaming Thoughts

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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by isiolia »

RCBH928 wrote:I see what you are saying but if that is the case then why Nintendo does not sell Mario games on PS/Xbox or Sony does not sell Uncharted and Last of Us on Switch? It will be more profitable for the shareholders.

Same reasons that MS doesn't sell Halo or Forza on other platforms. They still want a draw to use their service.

Not every company needs to use the same approach either. MS is leveraging the advantages they have as a company. Nintendo has other advantages that they're using, like their mobile offerings using their IP.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

After playing DMC3, I feel like this how the 3D Castlevania should have been...or at least its on the correct path.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by isiolia »

Maybe it depends on what 3D Castlevania you're comparing to. Lords of Shadow was certainly informed by that and games like it. I'd lean more towards the Soulsborne games being the ideal model, largely due to exploration. Though, to be fair, the structure of LoS is comparable to Order of Ecclesia or the like, and LoS2 does use a unified game world instead of having a map screen with levels.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Gunstar Green »

RCBH928 wrote:After playing DMC3, I feel like this how the 3D Castlevania should have been...or at least its on the correct path.

I always kind of felt that way about Dark Souls and Bloodborne due to the Metroidvania-ish world design and solid horror elements, especially Bloodborne.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by pook99 »

I pray that if they ever do make another 3d castlevania it is nothing like dark souls, I just really hate that style of game and would be enraged if one of my favorite franchises just turned into another boring souls clone.

I personally enjoyed all 3 games in the LoS trilogy.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

I meant the transition from 2D to 3D, Castlevania doesn't seem to have successfully transitioned to 3D like some other franchises did ex. Mario and MGS.

I can not compare it to Dark Souls games because I never played them and from what I read they are unlike other games, they seem to be their own genre. I do know it has action RPG elements.

Was exploration always part of Castlevania or was it on SoTN only? I thought they took that from Metroid as the Genesis/SNES/GB ones seemed like action platformers.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by pook99 »

RCBH928 wrote:I meant the transition from 2D to 3D, Castlevania doesn't seem to have successfully transitioned to 3D like some other franchises did ex. Mario and MGS.

I can not compare it to Dark Souls games because I never played them and from what I read they are unlike other games, they seem to be their own genre. I do know it has action RPG elements.

Was exploration always part of Castlevania or was it on SoTN only? I thought they took that from Metroid as the Genesis/SNES/GB ones seemed like action platformers.

Castlevania is divided up into 2 types of games: classic or metroidvania

The classic series are comprised of linear action platformers, with straighforward level design, and consists of: castlevania 1,3, 4, bloodlines, x, adventure 1, 2, legacy, rondo of blood, chronicles and adventure remix. All of these games are very straightforward and have no exploration elements at all with the only exception being rondo which has alternate paths and hidden items.

Castlevania 2 on the nes was actually the series first attempt at what we would now consider a metroidvania as it had upgrades, shops, and exploration. it largely failed because it was probably too ambitious for its time, the metroidvania genre really took off steam with symphony of the night on ps1. The term metroidvania was coined because this game borrowed alot of things that made the metroid series great, but since it was so well refined and became a staple for its genre it kind of created its own. That game was amazing and was all about exploring a large castle, leveling up, acquiring new abilities, etc. After symphony the series largely went in that direction and included all the gba and ds titles (circle of the moon, aria of sorrow, harmony of dissonance, dawn of sorrow, order of ecclesia and one more whose name escapes me right now)

Along the way the series made several attempts to transition to 3d, with largely mixed results. The 64 games were okish at the time but are largely unplayable today and are generally remembered as trash games. There were a few ps2 games which were actually pretty fun but didnt quite pick up steam and then were largely forgotten, and then finally the lords of shadows games. LoS one was actually extremely well received, it was a very good game, that captured the feel and story of castlevania, and is definitely the high point for the series as far as 3d games go. its sequel was released to mixed reviews, I personally loved it but they added some things that were not popular (stealth sections especially) and then the series died after that.

Going forward I think most fans are split over the direction the series should go in, very few people even want a new 3d game, and fans are torn between wanting to see a new classicvania or a new metroidvania. I think part of the popularity of bloodstained is that it gave fans both an incredibly good classicvania(curse of the moon) and a great metroidvania(ritual of the night). Hopefully the success of both these games inspire konami to make a new vania game the way the hype around mighty no 9 inspired capcom to make the absolutely amazing mega man 11.

Having said all that if the series did go back to 3d, I'm not sure what direction the developers should take. I actually do think that making a soulsborne style castlevania game, if done properly, would be a huge success. I just personally would cry if the series went in that direction because I generally find those games boring, tedious, and frustrating for all the wrong reasons. I wouldn't mind another game similar to lords of shadows but would greatly prefer a 2d experience.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by RCBH928 »

that was very informative, thank you. You have enthusiasm for this series.

There was a time when people felt 2D is old tech, around maybe 96-2004, I personally think 2D is an art style or format that some game types work better that way . 3D is not better, its different.
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by Ziggy »

RCBH928 wrote:There was a time when people felt 2D is old tech

Who are these people? String 'em up by their thumbs!
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Have any of you played Pandora’s Tower (Wii)? I really, really enjoyed it when I played it a few years ago, and I remember commenting that it’s what I would expect from a good 3D Castlevania game.
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