What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Gunstar Green »

Ack wrote:Yeah, it's a nice touch. Ultimate Challenge is inferior to id's output, but it's the better of the two FormGen packs. It's a shame Return to Danger is so terrible. Did they have something to do with the distribution of the Blake Stone games? I've started up Aliens of Gold and noticed their logo. I expect I'll be playing Aliens of Gold for a while, since it's like 3 times longer than Wolf3D...

FormGen did most of the store shelf retail release versions of Apogee's mail-order shareware library.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Arenegeth »

Ack wrote:Hey Arenegeth, it is potentially possible to back up saves in Ziggurat. Your save game info is stored in an xml file, so you could potentially copy it and store back ups. There were some hiccups over filepaths when the game first came to GOG, so game devs were active in the GOG forums to tell how to access it. You might be able to back yourself up. You can apparently also edit the file data using notepad if you really want to, though I don't know how it's laid out.

Oh I know how to do it. I'm just fighting against it because is technically cheating and because it goes against the way the game was meant to be played. But then again in the future that may be the only way I can play games like this. I'll probably do it in this case also down the line, but I want to keep getting annoyed by it to see if it ever goes away, I doubt it, but I want to keep pushing it, since then I can rule out rouge-like games as games I'm never going to play again, at least without backing up from the start.

Ack wrote:I had a similar experience of getting to the first boss and then dying the first time. Some of it is just learning about the various bosses and their attacks and patterns, and some of it is that you lack the necessary upgrades. Think of your runs as less about beating the game and more about unlocking the lore, bestiary, and weapons/upgrades/amulets sections as well as snagging more characters. Also if you need to knock the difficulty down to Easy while you learn attack patterns and room arrangements, that's perfectly fine. But if it's causing you stress, it's ok to play something else. I wouldn't think any less of you, nor would anyone else. You can always come back later when you're more in the mood or take some time with other stuff.

I'll think less of me and that's the problem. I have experience with FPS's and I tend to hold myself to high (sometimes unrealistic) standards. Now granted I have no real experience with rouge-like FPS's (unless ZombiU counts) but playing the game on easy? Might as well commit Seppuku in the middle of the square! I have dishonored my family and all of my clan!

But jokes aside, I think I'll try to look at it as you said, unlocking stuff rather than beating the game, and play it casually so I keep the stress level down, that should work in the short term, and if I decide enough is enough I'll start backing up. But again, is a good learning process if nothing else.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by MrPopo »

I started in on my Metro Exodus playthrough. Like the previous two I'm doing a Ranger Hardcore run. But when you pick it you then get to choose between Minimal Interface and Full Dive. As of right now do not select Full Dive. Minimal Interface makes you use the diegetic interface for most things, but you still get prompts for actions (loot this object, open this door, do this QTE) and you can pull up the weapon and secondary weapon selectors. In full dive all those UI elements do not exist. So you won't realize that you need to hold E to open a door (not tap it), you won't know when a QTE happens (and there's a lot of moments that are scripted without a QTE), and you won't have a way of selecting the right secondary weapon without memorizing the movement (e.g. knife is up, can is down). It was really the last thing that got me to switch off of it (which requires you to dive into the config file); my character should know which weapon he's using and which secondary weapon is readied, and the HUD element is a reasonable way to handle what is in actuality you doing something offscreen on your belt to pick the right item.

With that annoyance out of the way, I've been enjoying it so far. It definitely feels a bit more on the STALKER end of things, as you now have this larger area to cover and get to deal with weather and daylight changing conditions and your tactical approach. If Metro 2033 and Last Light were the devs just giving us a game full of the STALKER laboratories, this game is now full circle and giving us STALKER again.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by dsheinem »

Just started Exodus myself tonight (on my PS4 Pro since I didn’t want to download the Epic client)...very interested to see if it can match the excellence of its predecessors. These are the only FPS games other than Far Cry 2 and, to a lesser extent Bioshock, that seem to really have that lived in/fragile/“tangible” feel to their world (and your character, weapons, etc.).
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Ack »

Well, Popo, I was weak. I bought Project Warlock and played through a couple of levels last night. It's a fun game, but it's gonna take some figuring out to see what styles of each weapon, spell, and stat combos I prefer.

I've upgraded my ax to give me 1 point of health on kills and increase range, but I'm not sure if this was a better idea than the damage boost that also gives me mana for kills. I like how each weapon I've seen has some key variety, like the pistol becoming a magnum or a flare gun in a throwback to Blood. I kinda wish the basic knife had an upgrade, but since I can charge it up for a range attack that seems pretty effective, I guess it doesn't need it. I'm not sure about spells, but I've only got one at the moment, so boosting them seems kinda moot. The weird mana trident I got early on has been ok, though I use the ax more than anything.

Hey, as I've said, I only played a couple of levels. Basically it was just the intro and the first section of the first act. I don't know how the game handles saving, so it's possible I lost all of my progress when I shut it off. I'm also playing on the Casual setting while I learn about the game and the weapons, so that might handle saving in a different manner from Normal and Hardcore.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Arenegeth »

Ack wrote:I don't know how the game handles saving, so it's possible I lost all of my progress when I shut it off.

The game doesn't have quick or manual saves unfortunately, or checkpoints for that matter, or at least it didn't when I tested it out right after it got released. Don't know if they patched in something later, since it got some criticisms for it.

You are basically supposed to finish a mission in one go, but it has a life system that lets you restart from the start of the Episode you are on when you die. I hope I get all of this right, I only tested it for a little bit some time last year.

From what I heard from other players, the second to last difficulty would be the best for experienced FPS players, my testing was done on normal I think, and it was easy enough, though my biggest problem was visibility, having to use the light spell all the time felt tiring. Again, I don't know if they patched the Doom 3 esque issues with the lighting with an update since.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Ack »

That's good to know. I've got that light spell but haven't used it much since I generally favor gunplay over magic in fantasy-themed FPS games. Just an old habit. I need to do a deeper dive into the options menu and controls, and even maxed out, the mouse sensitivity feels a bit sluggish compared to what I'm used to. I'll keep playing with it and seeing how it goes.

First impressions are good though. I certainly enjoy it right off the bat far more than I did with Castle Werewolf.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by MrPopo »

I believe the saving is based on every time you go to the workshop. There's also the menu option to quit to workshop, which I imagine would be how you would quit out of a run when you realize you don't have time.

In terms of spells, I've unlocked three beyond the light spell. The first essentially turns the Blood-esque dynamite into a rocket launcher, the other two I haven't paid for (it uses the same upgrade points as your weapons) because I've found the guns are all good enough for what I need. I've been playing on whatever difficulty is the one right below the "you get zero lives" difficulty. I died a couple times early when my resources were low, and then one time midway through the second episode when I wasn't watching my health (and was using the ricochet upgrade for the SMG which can damage you).

I definitely used the Axe for the first few levels, but after that you'll be getting enough ammo that you can switch to guns full time.
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by Ack »

Hey fellow DUSK fans, did you know four more achievements were added to the game in February?
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Re: What single player FPS campaign are you playing?

Post by MrPopo »

Oh yeah? What were they?
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