What are you playing?

Anything that is gaming related that doesn't fit well anywhere else
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by noiseredux »

Red Dead Redemption


I arrived in Westworld via train, of course. The folks around me talked about science and religion. Already I was unsure who was real and who was just part of the game. I had no money in my pockets, but felt compelled to go to the saloon. SOMETHING drew me there. Like a little internal map or a voice in my head giving me the objective. Of course as soon as I walk in there a gentleman recognizes me. He seems to be the reason I'm here. I of course have no idea what's going on yet, but he recognizes me. He starts on his path towards his horse, chit-chatting with me as we go... obviously it's all scripted events but I'm impressed with how natural it feels.

I noticed some random guy over by the train station who kept falling down. I found myself distracted by this, so I had over. My guide is upset that I'm taking time away from our current objective but I can't help but want to watch this drunken fool. I mean I know that he's all ones and zeroes. But I'm impressed by how well the AI sells it. I mean this technology is nearly a decade old now, and it's coded believably. As are my surroundings. Everything still looks and sounds fantastic. (I'm not sure what - if anything - has been cleaned up via backwards compatibility on the Xbox One. But if a 360 game could look this good in 2010, it almost makes me wonder just how much the hardware was able to get out of Grand Theft Auto V).

Anyway, my guide brings me to a stronghold and leaves me with just my gun and my horse. I try to play it cool, but I'm shot. I have seemingly no option here. No control over my actions. This HAS to happen. It's all part of the game. I'm told that I've passed the mission by doing nothing - but getting shot! It's supposed to happen this way, which is why a moment later I'm up out of bed, walking, looking for my hat. It's just a game. The blood's not real.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Stark »

noiseredux wrote:Red Dead Redemption


I arrived in Westworld via train, of course. The folks around me talked about science and religion. Already I was unsure who was real and who was just part of the game. I had no money in my pockets, but felt compelled to go to the saloon. SOMETHING drew me there. Like a little internal map or a voice in my head giving me the objective. Of course as soon as I walk in there a gentleman recognizes me. He seems to be the reason I'm here. I of course have no idea what's going on yet, but he recognizes me. He starts on his path towards his horse, chit-chatting with me as we go... obviously it's all scripted events but I'm impressed with how natural it feels.

I noticed some random guy over by the train station who kept falling down. I found myself distracted by this, so I had over. My guide is upset that I'm taking time away from our current objective but I can't help but want to watch this drunken fool. I mean I know that he's all ones and zeroes. But I'm impressed by how well the AI sells it. I mean this technology is nearly a decade old now, and it's coded believably. As are my surroundings. Everything still looks and sounds fantastic. (I'm not sure what - if anything - has been cleaned up via backwards compatibility on the Xbox One. But if a 360 game could look this good in 2010, it almost makes me wonder just how much the hardware was able to get out of Grand Theft Auto V).

Anyway, my guide brings me to a stronghold and leaves me with just my gun and my horse. I try to play it cool, but I'm shot. I have seemingly no option here. No control over my actions. This HAS to happen. It's all part of the game. I'm told that I've passed the mission by doing nothing - but getting shot! It's supposed to happen this way, which is why a moment later I'm up out of bed, walking, looking for my hat. It's just a game. The blood's not real.

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Re: What are you playing?

Post by TheSSNintendo »

Been on an old-school PC gaming kick for a bit, and am playing the Space Quest series. Working on Space Quest IV right now.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by BogusMeatFactory »

TheSSNintendo wrote:Been on an old-school PC gaming kick for a bit, and am playing the Space Quest series. Working on Space Quest IV right now.

How are you liking them so far? Did you grow up with them? Space Quest II was my very first game on my apple IIGS as a kid. My second favorite Sierra adventure game series without question and IV... IV is insanely good.
Ack wrote:I don't know, chief, the haunting feeling of lust I feel whenever I look at your avatar makes me think it's real.

-I am the idiot that likes to have fun and be happy.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by TheSSNintendo »

BogusMeatFactory wrote:
TheSSNintendo wrote:Been on an old-school PC gaming kick for a bit, and am playing the Space Quest series. Working on Space Quest IV right now.

How are you liking them so far? Did you grow up with them? Space Quest II was my very first game on my apple IIGS as a kid. My second favorite Sierra adventure game series without question and IV... IV is insanely good.

I played Space Quest quite a bit during my child hood. My brother borrowed Space Quest I (the old EGA version) for our Tandy way back in the day. I finished SQ3 for the first time yesterday.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Marylle »

Three times is a charm i tell to myself while i try a 100% run on Psychonauts. :lol:

This game somehow gives me motion sickness, and the longer i try to claim every possible thing on a map, i have to turn off the game every couple hours and go for a wlak. That's quite the reason why i never finished it and i hoped that this will go away with the age :|
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Livelifelove »

Right now I'm playing Hollow Knight for my Nintendo switch. I just got into this game over the weekend, and I like it so far. Seeing that it's a holiday today, looks like I can put in a few hours of non stop, uninterrupted game play. Woot!
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by kingdomslayer »

I'm playing Terraria right now but I'm still having trouble beating the bosses, any one have any tips? xD
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by Markies »

I started Dragon Valor on the Sony Playstation this evening!

Man, that is a fun little game. I basically never heard about it before I went looking for PS1 games on Wikipedia one day. Then, walking around a game store, I found the game new for like $15, so I decided to buy it. It is very impressive and very fun to play.

It moves very slow for an Action-RPG. However, your attack is very wide and you have a ton of moves at your disposal. The best way to describe the game is imagine if you took Illusion of Gaia and made it 3D. The game still runs on a 2D plane, but the game is completely in 3D.
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Re: What are you playing?

Post by noiseredux »

Red Dead Redemption


Paying off my $15 medical bill debt was fairly easy as there's no shortage of things to do here at Westworld. Surely there's the old Disney approach of packing every inch of the world with detail. It's as if everything here is interactive. Everything is part of 'the show.' So I helped Bonnie tend to her farm. Mostly we shot some coyotes who were trying to eat the chickens. And I escorted her around. She said that she just enjoyed the company, but I can't help but feel like she was programmed to convince me to accompany her so as to be some sort of... tutorial, easing me into Westworld. Hmm.

I took a ride down to Armadillo and met up with the sheriff to see if he could use some help. I mean, obviously he doesn't need my help since this is a all just a big game. But in my fantasy I'm a gun for hire, and he's doing the hiring. And so we've done a few jobs together. I wonder if the horses are robots as well? Because I'm a cowboy, and on a STEEL horse I ride. I don't think there's a Turing Test for horses, though.

With the money I earned from the sheriff I went and played some poker and came up with enough to rent a room above the saloon. It seems convenient considering this is a hedonistic vacation. I suppose I'll continue on this trip in the sort of pre-scripted 'story' that these robots have to tell. Although I get the feeling that if I were to just jump on my horse and pick a direction I'd be fascinated by whatever I happened upon.
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