No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

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No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by Segata »

It's not a very good game. Maybe even a bad game. Doesn't matter as a kid in the 80s this game was just like exploring the park itself in 1988 if you were not anywhere near Cali like me. Since I was the odd kid who LOVED watching R rated horror films at a very tender age naturally my favorite part and still is the haunted house part of the game. The music to this day 30 years later makes me smile as does every sound effect. Is it Aladdin on Genesis good? Hell no, do I care? HELL NO! I love it regardless.

We all have a few so hopefully, this topic does not die like my last attempts. So let's see yours! I showed you mine. :p
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Re: No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

Buck Bumble and the entire Army Men franchise are my big ones.
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Re: No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by Nert »

First of all, Adventures in the Magic Kingdom isn't bad at all! Nice variety for an NES game and I like the little details, like seeing a ghost fly by in the mirror in the haunted house. I know the game doesn't get much love but I feel any Disney fan should find something enjoyable about it.

My pick would be Spiderman and X-Men Arcade's Revenge on SNES. The game has it's pros and cons. The music is great, the control is fine. The problem is the game is really hard after level 1 and you have limited lives and continues. This wouldn't be as much of a problem if level one wasn't a boring slog. If you are very patient, check it out. It definitely has somethings going for it. But it can be quite frustrating.
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Re: No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by AznKhmerBoi »

Nes- Mario brothers, ninja gaiden and adventure of Billy bayou.
My siblings and I would play these games all the time when we went to our cousin house. The parents hung out in the living room and the kids would gather around a small tv and an Nes in another. It was pure bliss.

Snes- mk2, final fight 2, street fighter 2 turbo, super mario, George foreman KO boxong.
This was the first console that actually work long enough so that a game could be beating. That game would be all the above listed except for George Foreman.
My siblings and I would get up early on the weekend to compete or team together before the Saturday morning cartoon marathon start. This was the normal routine for most of my childhood during the Snes era.
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Re: No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by marurun »

I think you misread the typoed topic. You've listed some great games you have nostalgia for. The OP was interested in what not-so great games you have nostalgia for. The Mario series, Ninja Gaiden, and Street Fighter are definitely NOT not-so great games.
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Re: No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by nullPointer »

I probably have a ton of these for NES, both due to the fact that the NES is itself the system I have the most nostalgia for, and during the time when the NES was current I was not yet at an age that I put a lot of thought into what makes a 'good game' vs. a 'bad game'. So here are some quick hits for NES games that I suspect I have an overinflated sense of nostalgia regarding:

Kid Niki: Radical Ninja - I've actually been meaning to play this game again to see just to see how misguided my memories of it actually are. Like a lot of kids in the 80's I was thoroughly indoctrinated into the 'ninja craze'. Slap the 'Ninja' moniker on anything even vaguely ninja related, and I was all in. At any rate, I spent quite a lot of time with this game back then and eventually beat it. I remember being stuck on a demon samurai boss for quite some time.

Section-Z - Actually ... this game isn't bad at all. I'd even go so far as to call it a hidden gem on the NES ... except I think it exists in this nether-realm of popularity in which it's just popular enough so as not to be fully 'hidden', but it's also not popular enough to be widely remembered. At any rate I can remember playing Section-Z with friends as a kid, by which I mean actually running around in the yard and 'shooting' at aliens. Good times.

RoboWarrior - Oh God, this game actually was horrible (like most Jaleco output on the NES); so bad in fact that we all realized it at the time, even devoid of much critical context by which to judge games on their merits (or lack thereof). Still, my best friend at the time had this sweet (albeit tiny) 'club house' apart from his family's main house which was wired for electricity and everything. So my group of friends would all pile in there playing this stupid RoboWarrior game, passing the controller around, seeing who could get the farthest, all while listening to Appetite for Destruction, and trying cigarettes for the first time. (FWIW I never really did the whole cigarette thing, that was mostly my friends :lol: ) So yeah, this one I definitely have an over-inflated sense of nostalgia for even though it's a horrible, horrible game.
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Re: No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by Tanooki »

^ Kid Niki on NES is fantastic, good pick. I found out due to a ROM on the GB Boy Color last year that there was a true sequel on Gameboy to it in style/graphics but better (not the screwy looks nothing like it #2 and #3 on Famicom.) Ganso! Yanchamaru for GB, look into it.

For me, I tire of seeing it dumped on, but I get it when so few bother to actually read a manual or even a faq on stuff these days so it kind of makes sense (along with lacking any form of patience as there is NO instant gratification in it.) That game, Silent Service. I've had the NES release since it came out and I really enjoy it a lot, it's almost stress relievingly excellent. You can make it as hard or easy as you want as the difficulty is customized in so many ways. People think it's overly hard, that you can't look around without turning the sub, no way to blow ballast tanks when sinking, and the rear tubes are for show. Nope, that's what controller 2 is for! :D If you play the game right, and don't make asinine suicide runs on destroyers or just ignore them being a fool after a troop/tanker ship it's a lot of fun. WW2 awesomeness sinking Japanese fleets or lone lost ships.
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Re: No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by Nemoide »

Only one obvious answer springs to mind:
Sonic Labyrinth - The Sega Game Gear was my first game-system and as a Sonic fanboy, I was pretty dedicated to the 8-bit series. Sonic Labyrinth might not be the best Sonic game with its lack of running and jumping and its awkward isometric perspective but my nostalgia prevents me from saying it's the garbage title most folks seem to think it is. I had a lot of fun with it and beat it multiple times.
(Sonic Blast on the other hand... that game is trash; the only GG Sonic game I owned that I never beat.)
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Re: No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by Segata »

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Re: No so great games you have wonderful nostalgia for?

Post by ESauced »

Segata wrote:TMNT NES.
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I love all of these. I wouldn’t say any of them are objectively bad but certainly not so great is apt.

I also still have nostalgia for Gex 2 and 3, Buck Bumble and Army Men Sarges Heroes. Buck Bumble is probably the best of those and it’s average at best. I still play through Gex 3 occasionally. I can’t help but enjoy the awful Dana Gould quips.

Mario Party 1 and 2 are probably objectively awful games but I still love them as do many others, based I think purely on nostalgia.

But I think this thread started out with a bad example. I didn’t play Adventures in the Magic Kingdom until I was older and I like it; it’s a good game!
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