Games Beaten 2018

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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

strangenova wrote:
ElkinFencer10 wrote:While it wasn't at all what I was expecting, I was very quickly made into a devout fan of the series, and I can't wait for Yakuza Kiwami 2 to make its way to the West eventually.

Welcome to the club. Now you should go get a copy of 0 and prepare yourself March's release of 6.
I played my first Yakuza game last year and it's one of the all time greatest experiences I've ever had with a game.

lol, I can tell from your Majima-san avatar. It's going to be fall before I get Yakuza 0, Dead Souls, or 6 (or download 5) - trying to save to buy a house this summer - but they're pretty much at the top of my priority list.
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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

1. Antarctic Adventure (Famicom)
2. Nuts & Milk (Famicom)
3. Commando (Atari 2600)
4. Binary Land (Famicom)
5. Devil World (Famicom)
6. Disney's Aladdin (SNES)
7. Popeye (NES)

Here's an oldie oddball found amongst the Nintendo classics: a licensed Popeye platformer designed by Genyo Takeda and Shigeru Miyamoto. Originally released as an arcade game in 1982, this one predates the Famicom so it also ended up on a bunch of second gen consoles and ancient computer systems. The Famicom version was one of three launch titles, though it didn't receive an NES release until '86. Like Mario Bros., Popeye is part of the black label "Arcade Series" and the artwork bears the "The Original!" moniker above the official title. Accept no imitations.

Similar to Universal's seminal Space Panic, there is no jumping in Popeye. The muscled hero can punch, though his attack has limited uses. And although the game appears to be a "race to the top" in the vein of Donkey Kong, Popeye's stages contain no exits. This one's all about maneuverability. Popeye is tasked with collecting whatever objects Olive Oyl slowly lobs from the top of the screen: hearts, musical notes, or letters that spell "HELP" (Miyamoto was running out of ideas here). A stage isn't completed until all objects are grabbed, so there's a sort of minimum time requirement.
There are lots of little tricks utilized to make the game interesting. Popeye is constantly pursued by Bluto. His attack range is quite long, so standing directly above or below the villain is a risky move. He can't be taken out with a punch, but Popeye can utilize some Rube Goldberg methods instead, like punching a bomb that will travel across that screen and hit a barrel that will knock out Bluto should he be standing directly beneath it. There's also the expected spinach power-up that appears occasionally, granting Popeye full invincibility. While similar games of this era tend to contain a "thruway" type of design - where walking off one end of the screen will cause a character to reappear on the other - in Popeye such a feat is only possible in two specific spots, and never in the third (and final) stage. Oh, and those items tossed by Olive Oyl? These can only rest at the bottom of the screen for a few precious moments until Popeye is deprived of a life. Popeye's quite crafty: it totally screwed with my gaming muscle memory and initially left me begging for a jump button, though that first loop isn't too tough after a little practice. Note that this is one of the easier ports, primarily due to Bluto's unexplained lack of aggression -- he tends to not initiate an attack even when granted the perfect positioning and opportunity. Compare this to something like the Commodore 64 version, where I have never passed the third stage due to an absolutely savage Bluto assault.

Graphically, the game's super primitive and objectively one of the "worst" looking NES titles. The sprites are impressively drawn, but the scenery is quite blocky and on par with ColecoVision visuals. It's not a "problem" and is totally forgivable (this is a Fami launch title, after all) -- in fact, it's a fascinating testament to how drastically and quickly Famicom graphics evolved over time. Compare this to something like Moon Crystal or Journey to Silius, the contrast in unbelievable. Aurally, I have no complaints. There's a rich bassy (but brief) soundtrack with pieces lifted straight from the classic cartoons. Solid.
Overall impressions? It's a "pleasant" title, certainly worthy of a spot in Nintendo's classic gaming pantheon. Though undeniably unique it lacks the finesse of Donkey King, the addictive quality of Wrecking Crew, and/or the all-out weirdness of Gyromite. Recommended for those who can't get enough of the single-screen loopers. Note that the game's licensed nature has kept it from getting continually rereleased in the digital realm, so those seeking to play it will have to track down an original copy. Or seek out one of those "emulator" things I've heard so much about.
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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by Sarge »

1) Legendary Axe II (TG16) (6.0) (1/1) (2.5 hours)
2) The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse (SNES) (7.5) (1/3) (1.5 hours)
3) Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose! (SNES) (6.5) (1/3) (2.5 hours)
4) The Adventures of Batman & Robin (SNES) (7.0) (1/4) (2.5 hours)
5) The Great Circus Mystery Starring Mickey & Minney (7.5) (1/6) (1.5 hours)
6) Phantom 2040 (SNES) (7.0) (1/9) (9 hours?)
7) Batman: Return of the Joker (NES) (8.0) (1/10) (0.5 hours)
8) Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (SNES) (8.0) (1/15) (0.5 hours)

Just a quick run through this at default difficulty to christen the hacked SNES Classic. :)
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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by REPO Man »

Sonic Mania for PS4 as Tails... WITH all the Chaos Emeralds.

God, I wish this game had more original levels. I counted and of the games 12 zones, only 4 are original. That means two-thirds of the game is rehashes from previous games!

Personally, between this and (what I heard about) Sonic Forces, Sega should just publish Sonic games and let the Sonic Mania team develop them. I mean, fans have been clamoring for a new 2D Sonic game with OG pixel graphics and every frickin' time Sega tries to shove badly made 3D games down our throats. Yes, Sonic Unleashed was better than Sonic '06 and yes, Sonic Colors was better than Sonic Unleashed. And yes, Sonic Generations was... pretty damn good. But Sonic Mania has proven that giving fans the 2D old-school-style Sonic game we asked for was just what the doctor ordered. All the 3D Sonic games didn't do it for us, but Sonic Mania did.
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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by isiolia »

1. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers (PC)
2. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice (PC)
3. Thor: God of Thunder (DS)

Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
Played via the Disney Afternoon Collection for Together Retro. Pretty much just ran through this on tourist mode, as I used the rewind feature to fair obscene degree. It would have taken a good bit longer to actually practice and learn levels enough to actually run through it as originally intended...but I didn't really feel like doing that. Seemed nice enough for the era though.

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice

Hellblade is a narrative-heavy game following Senua through a journey into Helheim to try and reclaim the soul of her lover, Dillion, from Hela. That'd be the back-of-the-box type description, anyway, if the game had a box. Which, it doesn't, since it's the product of Ninja Theory taking an independent turn. They self-published Hellblade digitally (though also at a lower MSRP).
More accurately, Senua is not entirely well, and the game is heavily centered on her psychosis - both in terms of her story, and the player experience. Headphones are recommended, as the binaural recordings for the voices in her head sound best through them. Many of the puzzles are also based on seeing things from just the right angle, or on taking a specific path in order to open the way. It's here that the game really shines. Exploration and puzzles, which do make up most of the game, are varied and creative, if not exactly difficult.
Combat, however, is merely serviceable. One-on-one, things are okay, but difficulty tends to get ramped up by having several enemies spawned in at once - and further by having several waves (or more) of enemies to dispatch. Annoying with how closed-in the combat areas tend to be, and eventually,just kind of tiresome. It does seem to be tuned more around creating tension than a real challenge - there's no HUD, and (at least on the Auto default setting) health seems to regenerate or simply give a lot of ability to get back up. It's certainly possible to fail, but it didn't feel particularly strict. The bosses are more interesting, but there are only a handful of them.

Really, the main thing that stressed me with Hellblade was that, after the first play session, it started crashing after a few minutes. No troubleshooting steps I tried worked, and it effectively made it unplayable. That was back in December though, and the new GeForce driver seems to have fixed whatever issue it was having.

When it's working, however, Hellblade is a generally great looking game. Though, the need to focus efforts at the budget the game was made on is apparent - Senua herself is exceptionally well depicted (award-winningly so, in fact). Environments are well done. The enemies you face are decent, but - outside of the few bosses - a bit copy/paste, and very limited in what they need to do. Supporting characters? Literally superimposed FMV. It works, but I suspect if there was more money to be thrown at it things would have been done differently.

I'd highly recommend Hellblade for those that appreciate story-base, character-centric games. There's plenty here to like in that regard. It fits on the shelf next to stuff like Spec Ops: The Line. Those looking for Heavenly Sword or Enslaved but with Vikings this time...will likely be very disappointed.

Thor: God of Thunder
I guess in continuing the Norse theme, I played this for Together Retro, so, just copy/pasting what I wrote in that thread here:

In still-relatively-recent 2011, the first Thor movie came out, and was followed by licensed games that all shared the same name - Liquid Entertainment made the one for PS3/360 (which is apparently crap), Red Fly Studios Wii/DS (apparently okay), and Sega tasked Wayforward with the DS version, which got middling to good reviews. It ended up coming out within weeks of their also-notable Aliens Infestation, and shares the same sort of pixel art aesthetic. So, it might be a little new, but it's squarely in a 16-bit kind of style.

Unlike that game, but like Wayforward's Contra 4 from a few years prior, Thor: God of Thunder uses both DS screens as effectively one tall frame:


The visuals are a highlight, as everything is nicely drawn (for the size) and well animated. While I don't think any of the games actually followed the movie's plot, about all this has to do with it is the box art. Character portraits, based on the Brooke/Oback displayed in the gallery, are via Mark Brooks and Sonia Oback (artist/colorist, respectively). So it's really more based on the comics.

There's platforming of a sort, but no pits to fall to your doom in. Really more of a brawler, but doesn't have multiple hybrid I'd say. Boss fights do end up with more what you'd expect from a platformer though, and are the highlight here. The basic combat is solid, but gets quite repetitive over the 4 hours or so that the game takes to beat (there are some challenge modes and things unlocked if you want to get more out of it, but I didn't mess with them). Meanwhile, the bosses have some simple patterns and strategies to figure out. The game does occasionally have some extra twist in a level, but usually it's just needing to clear enemies before the map will scroll further.

Anyway, it's a decent game with a nice aesthetic, and well worth the $2.50 I paid for it (Gamestop had one of those four for $10 on used games $4.99 and under deals going). Really the big strike against it is how repetitive it gets, otherwise, it's much better than you'd expect.
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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by Flake »


Yakuza Kiwami (PS4)
Batman: The Telltale Series (PS4)

I can't really express how much I liked this game. I've never had the opportunity to play a nice, kindly Batman along side a nigh Sociopath Bruce Wayne. But now I have and my life is better that.

What I didn't like was how often the game crashed or how you cannot replay any segments without watching a scene in its entirety. I didn't like the dipping frame rate or how much of the game wasn't on disc. I was able to get past that though - being able to have Bruce Wayne beat a company CEO nearly to death in public or have Batman hit on anything in a skirt made all the difference.

Also my first PSN platinum!
Maybe now Nintendo will acknowledge Metroid has a fanbase?
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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by noiseredux »

If you are a Guardians of the Galaxy fan you should play that Telltale game too. So good.
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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by Xeogred »

1. Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (Genesis)
2. Darkwing Duck (NES)
3. Batman* (NES)
4. Journey to Silius (NES)
5. Aladdin* (SNES)
6. Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse* (SNES)
7. Run Saber (SNES)
8. Batman: Return of the Joker (NES)
9. Ninja Warriors (SNES)
10. Thunder Spirits* (SNES)
11. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)
11. Thunder Force III* (Genesis)
12. Donkey Kong Country* (SNES)

* = replay

Volume is low at work so hours are getting a little cut, more time for games!

I just casually beat DKC again in 2:15 at 74%, haha.

Still a Thunder Spirits defender... but yes, when you play it back to back with TFIII it's clear which is superior. TFIII is a beast, though I still like IV the most.

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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by pierrot »

Xeogred wrote:10. Thunder Spirits* (SNES)
11. Thunder Force III* (Genesis)

It's worth owning a Saturn for Thunder Force Gold Pack 2. Thunder Force AC makes it very easy to completely forget about Thunder Spirits' existence. I routinely forget that Thunder Spirits is a thing that happened to people.
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Re: Games Beaten 2018

Post by Xeogred »

pierrot wrote:
Xeogred wrote:10. Thunder Spirits* (SNES)
11. Thunder Force III* (Genesis)

It's worth owning a Saturn for Thunder Force Gold Pack 2. Thunder Force AC makes it very easy to completely forget about Thunder Spirits' existence. I routinely forget that Thunder Spirits is a thing that happened to people.

I've played it. The lack of lag on the Saturn versions is actually pretty weird and makes IV harder. :lol:
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