Games Beaten 2017

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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Ack »

laurenhiya21 wrote:I read pretty much everyone's reviews (exception being if I'm in a rush and then I have to skim some), but I don't really reply to a lot of them since otherwise I would just be essentially saying "Good review!" a whole lot and there's not much point in me doing that haha.

I do wish I was better at writing my own though. I'm unfortunately just not that great at writing. Especially doesn't help that I'm very slow and I often don't have a lot of time to put into making a good review. Hopefully I'll get better eventually ha...

Just keep doing it. Most of us have been writing for years, and we were far, far worse. Don't think of it as something you're bad at, just as something you're working at.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by MrPopo »

Yeah, I started participating in Games Beaten 2015 after Dsh's article on working on his backlog at the end of 2014 and my early reviews were terrible. Like anything practice is the key.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by TSTR »

I love all the work everybody puts into this thread. Whether you're typing a full essay review, or just saying you beat something and giving a few lines on whether you thought it was good/worth your time, all of it is valuable information.

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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

Ack wrote:Just keep doing it. Most of us have been writing for years, and we were far, far worse. Don't think of it as something you're bad at, just as something you're working at.

Yeah, I've only been writing review for a year, but I did a lot of writing of various types before that.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by fastbilly1 »

Ack wrote:Just keep doing it. Most of us have been writing for years, and we were far, far worse. Don't think of it as something you're bad at, just as something you're working at.

Hey now I started out bad, and stayed bad.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Ack »

fastbilly1 wrote:
Ack wrote:Just keep doing it. Most of us have been writing for years, and we were far, far worse. Don't think of it as something you're bad at, just as something you're working at.

Hey now I started out bad, and stayed bad.

You did, but that is because you so often tell me to edit for you.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Sarge »

Sometimes I like to write full reviews, and sometimes I'm just too lazy. :lol:
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by isiolia »

I usually try to find some opinion or whatnot about stuff I play, and not state what game I played and the genre, but that's about all. Sometimes I have more to say that others, or likely wind up seeming more negative about games than I actually am.
To a point, I think I look at it more like how common a game is. If it's something that I feel like a lot have already played, I'll gloss over a lot of it. :lol: Either way, I don't see it as me doing a full review so much as just an impression.

I figure if folks have questions, they'll ask. If not, well, I don't tend to respond to many other posts either.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Xeogred »

1. Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour (PC)
2. Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter* (PC)
3. Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (PC)
4. D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die (PC)
5. Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (PC)
6. Deadcore (PC)
7. Yakuza 4 (PS3)
8. Hyper Light Drifter (PC)
9. Doom 2: Valiant megawad (PC)
10. Resident Evil 7 (PS4)

* replay


I think I'm a bit cranky lately with personal things going on, but either way I guess I'll be the first to be a little neutral on RE7. My history with the series dates back to nearly the beginning, I played RE2 at a friends back in 5th grade when it was new alongside FF7 and MGS. Great times and RE2 left an eternal mark. Half the series remains to be one of my main stops for replays over the years and I am a huge fan of the original tank controls fixed camera angle style, and adore a lot of the PSX clones. My top favorites are REmake/RE1, RE2, RE4, and RE5, just straight up some of my favorite games of all time. Yes, RE5 makes the cut because the gameplay is incredible and I got the platinum on the PS4 solo, so Sheva is manageable... that's another discussion.

If you've followed RE7's release at all you already know a good deal based of things most people are saying and with the reactions. This is one of the unfortunate things to me, but there is not much payoff, if any, for long time fans. There's a little nod or two at the very end, but that's about it for tie ins. It's to the extent that it almost feels like a reboot. I know the RE story was never anything to take too seriously, but the B-grade slice of sci-fi and camp was something I always loved about it, and the series always had some cool mysteries in the backdrop. RE7 on the other hand, 90% of it just feels like a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie most of us have already seen by now... which is one my favorite horror movies of all time, but as a game it's not quite as compelling. Ethan doesn't have a lot of personality or leave much of a mark. But maybe it was intentional, as Ethan is the avatar of the player, he is just as inexperienced going into this new first person perspective and gameplay changes as us gamers, so that's maybe the positive take on them going with a new character.

My other nitpicks are on the technical end. I played vanilla (without VR) and the game runs at a nice 1080p/60FPS on PS4... but there are other problems. The field of view feels like it's somewhere around 75 or something, topped off with no HUD to fixate your view on, lots of shaky camera movements and blood/particle splattering on the screen, and the majority of the game is extremely dark so you only have this circular/oval flashlight for your view... all this combined with the fact that you have to constantly look around claustrophobic rooms and halls for items, makes for a bit of a nauseating experience as if you're looking through a fish bowl. As a long time gamer that's evolved with the tech, rarely does a first person game bug me at all, but RE7 kind of did give me headaches. Easy solution is to take breaks like I did today as I finished it up, but it's odd that the PC version has a FOV slider that can go up to 90 (which I find perfect on my 50" TV). You can turn camera acceleration off too which helped, but yeah. Still a very chunky, slow, wobbly claustrophobic camera experience that might be bothersome for some players. The walk/run speed is really slow and chunky too. So there are a lot of weird quirks I had with how the game controlled and "felt" that I think brought it down.

The music didn't stand out at all either, sadly. But the music really hasn't been a highlight of the series since the PSX/CV days.

Finally onto the positives. The settings and environments are amazing. The game definitely pulls a LOT from RE1 with a mansion like property and some intricately detailed buildings, backtracking, etc. It was awesome to sink into a new wretched and isolated setting. As you progress it's humorous how formally haunting and unfamiliar areas become a safe haven whenever you return back to them. A nice sense of progression. Item management and save rooms are a thing again too and handled well. As usual I hoarded a lot more than I needed too, but you still can't go guns blazing and it's better to run when possible. There were some cool boss fights, but some frustrating and annoying moments with the first one... though you sometimes get some forgiving checkpoints. I think the game only had checkpoints near bosses, which is fine with me. Jack Baker is the new Nemesis and that was really cool early on, he can follow you through doors whereas most normal enemies usually can't. The way the game handles door opening was really cool and different too, but you can't really explain it until you play it. Combat was solid enough and I'm glad they didn't go full on Outlast and make this a hide-and-seek thing since a lot of horror indie games do that nowadays (I do like Outlast a lot, but that's not Resident Evil).

The game does feel a bit short though and the majority of it is the infested home/cabin levels. The final level was one of my favorite areas, so I wish it maybe could have been a little longer or had an extra area or two. Didn't care for the tanker too much though, I'm sick of tanker levels in RE haha.

The way they handled the VHS tapes was really cool too.

Overall it is a nice blueprint for inevitably more to come. I just hope they work out the kinks with the technicalities and controls, and come up with a scenario that's way less generic. Give me a game like this with one of the classic characters and I think I'd dig that a ton.


I clocked in 8:23. It's probably a lot of fun VR and I have a friend who owns the game and PSVR, so I'll probably get to check it out that way sometime.
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Re: Games Beaten 2017

Post by Exhuminator »

6. Panty Party | PC | action adventure | 2017 | 2.5hrs | 10/10


Here's what you have to ask yourself; are you willing to learn Panty Taoism? Can you assume the form of the panty, to fight for justice in the panty world? If you can, you might just have what it takes, to stop the dastardly panty invasion! Moon-sent brainwaves intent on intensifying the world's love of panties to a ludicrous degree. Listen, you will need to fire panty missiles at a tank made of panties. Still with me? That's panty love, soldier.


Panty Party is a badly named yet awesome game. This crazy genius experience is a mish-mash of visual novel and arena battler. Have you played Virtual On? Just imagine that style of gameplay, but replace the mechs with panties. Panties of all shapes and sizes, with unique abilities and weaponry all their own. Yes, you read that right. PANTY WEAPONRY. You will be controlling panties and beating the crap out of other panties. You better believe this is as awesome as it sounds. And if it doesn't sound awesome, I pity your cold black soul.


Some girls need your help here, don't be a jerk! They will talk a lot in cutscenes explaining why. Thankfully their dialogue is hilarious, consistently amusing. Did I mention they have the ability to transform into panties? Did I say the word "panty" yet? You could make a drinking game with Panty Party where every time you read the word "panty", you take a shot. You'll be falling over drunk before the first stage even starts. That's panty power!


Now I know this game isn't for everyone. Actually, I'm pretty sure it was made by god specifically for me. I loved it, thanks god! Panty Party might be my 2017 GOTY. Look at my panty face, I'm not panty lying. The funny thing actually is; there really aren't any ecchi scenes or sexy times or anything. Nope. Just panties kicking the piss outta other panties. As panty life should be.


Sure you can unlock other panties if you don't like the default panty. And you get scored on your mission success. There's a campaign to finish, and a plot to see through. But it hardly matters when panty panty and panty, with panty, so panty your panty, while you panty. My one complaint? Panty Party should have been called Pantsu Panic. That way the sequel could be called Doki Doki Pantsu Panic.


I love this game so much I'm going to post its STEAM LINK :shock: :

Anybody who knows me knows that is a big deal. Now excuse me while I go soak my finger tips in bleach. :x
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