Games Beaten 2016

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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Xeogred »

Sarge wrote:4) Doom 2

So yeah, I finally finished that playthrough of Doom 2. I had been inching through it on lunch breaks at work, while my coworker was working through it as well. But he finished it a while back, and I just kinda forgot. I picked it back up, and decided to bring the save file home so I could finish it tonight.

Really, I like the original better. Now, there are some interesting weapons I like this time, but the atmosphere isn't quite as good, and there's just so many "gotcha" moments that I was wired to expect them by the end of it. "Okay, which wall's gonna open now to unleash unholy terror on me?" I save-scummed the mess out of the final battle, although that's not undoable if you can maintain a touch of crowd control, usually best accomplished through using the BFG9000. I always saved right before the pillar ascended so I made sure I'd get that missile shot in on the last boss, though. Just three good shots and it's done. It might be different on other difficulties, I was just on the default, which is still plenty tricky.

Anyway, that's another classic down. Now I need to catch up to said coworker and beat Duke Nukem 3D, although I'm more tempted to let him try Dark Forces and play that. :)

I was typing up a post earlier when you mentioned you were going to continue with Doom 2... I'm a huge Doom fan but I would also agree that 2 is kind of a step down in some ways. The level design isn't as aesthetically consistent as the first game was, where it felt like you were going through giant interconnected places, but Doom 2 is pretty disjointed. Doom 2 always feels like it gets easier as it goes too, so the difficulty curve is kind of wonky. And some of the weird city levels just don't do it for me and feel goofy. The level quality is kind of all over.

That said, upgrading the engine enabling the possibility of bigger maps works when done well, and the introduction of the super shotgun and new enemy types that become a staple in all the other Doom expansions, official and unofficial, definitely makes it the full complete package. That's the only downside to going back to Doom 1 for me, I love the intricate and tighter level design, and it's tricky having to work with less weapons, but I really do miss the variety in enemy types.

Anyways, if you ever hit up Final Doom, via Plutonia or TNT, those take it to a completely different level difficulty wise. To BS levels with Plutonia with those chaingunners, good lord! Whoever textured those levels didn't do that great either, most of the levels are very brown haha. But overall these two episodes are awesome if you want a tougher challenge. TNT is really weird though and feels like it has some lost levels from Duke Nukem 3D, some of the design is just really weird and goofy for Doom.

"Gotcha" is kind of the Doom philosophy though. There's definitely a very huge difference in terms of gameplay when compared to DN3D honestly. I'm a much bigger fan of Doom's style and having to strategically mow down mobs, work with crowd control and the environments, etc, it's so simple yet oh so satisfying. I'm not huge on pure monster spam levels that some of the megawads contain, but I love it being on the extreme side and pretty intense. DN3D on the other hand to me honestly plays more like a modern shooter to a weird extent, there are far less enemies on the screen usually, but they are a a lot more versatile and complex. However I hate how you can't really detect bullets or dodge much in the Build engine shooters. I always play Doom on the higher difficulty levels, but find DN3D, Blood, and Shadow Warrior to be WAY harder even on the lower levels. Weird stuff.

Man I haven't played Dark Forces in forever. I need to revisit that one someday.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Sarge »

1) Bonk's Adventure (NES)
2) Little Samson
3) Holy Diver
4) Holy Diver (legit!)
5) Mitsume Ga Tooru
6) TMNT II: The Arcade Game (NES)
7) Mighty Final Fight
8] Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
9) Monster In My Pocket
10) Battle of Olympus
11) Gunstar Heroes (repeat)
12) Dragon Age: Inquisition
13) Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser
14) Captain America and the Avengers (NES)
15) StarTropics
16) Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES) (save states)
17) Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES) (legit)
18) Crisis Force
19) Esper Dream 2
20) Felix the Cat
21) Moon Crystal
22) Panic Restaurant
23) Frankenstein (NES)
24) Crystalis
25) Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu

26) Killer Instinct (GB)
27) Mashin Hero Wataru Gaiden
28) Sly Spy (Arcade)
29) The Red Star (unreleased XBOX, also on PS2)
30) Adventure Island 4
31) Cocoron
32) Batman: Arkham Knight
33) Xeodrifter (Vita)
34) Doom 2
35) Brandish: The Dark Revenant

Whew, finished off Brandish: TDR. Really good stuff there. A few spots weren't very fun, but most of it was really, really great. It's not even a game that's normally in my wheelhouse, but this one just hit the right way, and the way the remake is handled lets you enjoy a lot more of the level design compared to how things were handled on SNES. I ended up getting 100% on every map but one... and I'm not backtracking for it.

That last boss was tricky, tricky, tricky. Took me three runs at it, and a ton of healing potions. You're going to take lots and lots of hits, especially since your mobility is questionable at best. Through most of the game, it's all about managing encounters, finding safe spots from which to block and counter. And I should have known there'd be a second form for that last boss, too. I came really close to dying that last time, but managed to pop off that heal just in time. As far as the ratings go at the end, I ended up being rated as "a wealthy savant". Sure, I'll take it. :)

Not sure if I'm going to delve straight into Dela mode, but this one has been solid 8.5 territory, and didn't overstay its welcome at a final time of 22.5 hours. Much recommended, especially if you can snag it on sale (I got it for $10, and it's totally worth that.)
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Exhuminator »

Sarge wrote:Not sure if I'm going to delve straight into Dela mode, but this one has been solid 8.5 territory, and didn't overstay its welcome at a final time of 22.5 hours. Much recommended, especially if you can snag it on sale (I got it for $10, and it's totally worth that.)

First off, I'm very proud of you for finishing Ares Mode of B:TDR. I know what you went through, and you're one tough hombre. Congratulations sir.

Now, I have to goad you to take on Dela Mode. I enjoyed Dela Mode more than Ares Mode. Not only because Dela Mode makes Ares Mode look easy, but because it was much more cleverly designed. Dela Mode was what Falcom could do with the Brandish design after having created multiple installments since the original Brandish (Ares Mode). And you can really see that new experience shining through.

Dela Mode might break you, but it's worth it in the end.


I looked up my stats for you from HLTB:

Ares Mode took me 17h 45m to finish, I ended up with "Calculating Savant".

Dela Mode took me 8h 52m to finish, but I didn't note what rating I got apparently.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Sarge »

Well, it is shorter, so that's some impetus for me to go at it. I'll probably take a break from it and try to knock out some other games in the backlog, but around ten hours isn't too shabby at all.

Guess that extra time was me uncovering all the maps. And I know all the money I had was from me selling most of the weapons I had. I was able to get the Warp magic pretty early, which is really useful to have while you're going for full coverage.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Exhuminator »

I filled in most of my maps, but as you mentioned earlier some parts of filling in the maps grew to be overly tedious, so I likely didn't complete all the maps you bothered to do. Warp magic was necessary for backtracking to parts of floors unreachable before, I do remember that.

I steam rolled Dela Mode after Ares Mode simply because I was still in the mindset for it. I was afraid if I took a break I would never go back and do it. I was glad I did simply because I thought Dela Mode was quite improved over Ares Mode. But that's not to say Ares Mode wasn't great, or that you won't come back later if you say you will. I just hope you do in fact give Dela Mode a try. I would love someone else's opinion of it. :lol:
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Sarge »

1) Bonk's Adventure (NES)
2) Little Samson
3) Holy Diver
4) Holy Diver (legit!)
5) Mitsume Ga Tooru
6) TMNT II: The Arcade Game (NES)
7) Mighty Final Fight
8] Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
9) Monster In My Pocket
10) Battle of Olympus
11) Gunstar Heroes (repeat)
12) Dragon Age: Inquisition
13) Dragon Age: Inquisition - Trespasser
14) Captain America and the Avengers (NES)
15) StarTropics
16) Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES) (save states)
17) Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES) (legit)
18) Crisis Force
19) Esper Dream 2
20) Felix the Cat
21) Moon Crystal
22) Panic Restaurant
23) Frankenstein (NES)
24) Crystalis
25) Nekketsu Kakutou Densetsu

26) Killer Instinct (GB)
27) Mashin Hero Wataru Gaiden
28) Sly Spy (Arcade)
29) The Red Star (unreleased XBOX, also on PS2)
30) Adventure Island 4
31) Cocoron
32) Batman: Arkham Knight
33) Xeodrifter (Vita)
34) Doom 2
35) Brandish: The Dark Revenant
36) Magical Pop'n
37) The Ninja Warriors (SNES)

Yeah, I've been reading the underrated games thread. Decided to give Magical Pop'n a go. I've played before, only finished the first stage, back when I first got my SD2SNES. This time, I decided to roll until I ran out of lives, which turned out to be stage 4. I was hoping there would be a password or something, but nope. Continues, though, and that's what I did. Since it's only a six-stage game, I figured I'd see it out to the end.

To me, it feels a lot like the Monster World games, particularly MWIV. It's level-based, of course, but it's also got a pretty good amount of non-linearity within each stage. There's not a ton to discover, but you can find life extensions (which are really, really helpful if you can dig 'em up) and you'll unlock various magical powers when you find them in special rooms. These, of course, are required to proceed. There's a bunch of different shots (straight, bomb, fire, ice) that are useful to break barriers, and then there's the grappling hook thingy (which is mostly alright but is pretty tricky to hit the small targets and release at the right point from) and the wall dash, which lets you rapidly climb them. It also helps on the ground. All but the grapple are limited, powered by the stars you find along the way.

The game is legit tough in spots. There are a few really tough jumps, and the game isn't afraid to throw some tough combinations of enemies at you. That being said, the last boss form is pretty much a pushover... which I can appreciate, given the sheer length of the stage you have to go through to get to him. It's also got big-time shades of Castlevania in that battle, so I think the dev team might have had some fans on it.

I like some of the tunes, but I wish the vocal samples were a little higher quality. They're very muffled, which can be a little distracting. Graphically, it looks pretty good in motion, not amazing on some of the enemies, but there's some areas that have some strong background design. And some of the static cutscene artwork looks really good, like the level transitions and whatnot.

Anyway, give it a go! It's probably a two-ish hour game. If you're not emulating, just be aware that you'll have to finish it in one shot!

EDIT: Moar SNES! Yeah, I booted up The Ninja Warriors. I've never been able to make it very far in that game. This time, though... I saw it through to the end. I figured out a little more of the mechanics, and it's a really, really cool side-scrolling beat-'em-up. If you've played X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse or Marvel Super Heroes in War of the Gems, it feels a bit like those in combat, but there's no platforming in this one, it's just walk right and kill stuff. And when the combat's this good, that's all you need. The graphics are impressive stuff, too. I'd love to find a copy of this one.

My only real gripe is that the last boss has a sort of TMNT IV Shredder thing going, where you have to throw enemies into him to damage him, and depending on your ninja of choice, that can be tricky. I finally ended up settling on the quick dude that looks like a ninja reaper, getting to the edge of the screen, and using his kick-away throw. You really have to be careful, you can get damaged in a hurry, though. Still, after probably ten tries, he went down. Infinite continues also ease the pain. Definitely give this one a try if you like brawlers!
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by GSZX1337 »

I don't plan on making lengthy posts detailing my thoughts of the game I've beaten anymore. They take me too long to make and I don't get the feedback that I desire from them. Though that is probably because I'm not commenting on others' posts, and that is probably because I've spent so much damn time writing my own posts. :lol:

I don't want to abstain from this thread completely, so instead I'm going to post short messages about the game and make longer posts if anyone expresses interest in me doing so.

First I'll start with:

1) The Club - PC

I decided to play as Dragov since the idea of killing motherfuckers as a burly vodka drinking Russian amused me. This is a simple no nonsense game with no turgid story, million dollar cutscenes, or licensed music. There may be some problems with the PC port like mouse acceleration, but overall it's a fun, straightforward third person shooter. Lastly, the in-game music kinda sucked, so I decided to open up the Steam Music Player and play some Pantera and 00's Exodus. Fits quite well. :D
casterofdreams wrote:On PC I want MOAR FPS!!!|
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

1. Ultimate NES Remix (3DS)
2. Space Invaders Infinity Gene (iOS)
3. World of Goo (iOS)
4. A Dark Room (iOS)
5. Shovel Knight (WII U)
6. The Room (iOS)
7. Mega Man 10 (PS3)
8. The Room Two (iOS)
9. Braid (PS3)
10. Kung Fu Fight! (WII U)
11. Kung Fu Rabbit (WII U)
12. Escape Goat (360)
13. Canabalt (iOS)

Canabalt is the original endless runner, and it is the definition of minimalism. Everything from its minimalist graphics and understated soundtrack to its single-button control scheme is spare. Nonetheless, it has held up fairly well, and it remains very addictive. I "beat" it by obtaining all of the game's achievements, and I understand why the game received such glowing reviews. I also suspect that I will revisit it from time to time to see if I can beat some of my best distances.


I am still playing Affordable Space Adventures, Alto's Adventure, Dust, King's Field IV, and Leo's Fortune, and since I have put significant time into each one, I suspect I will be adding all of them to my list in short order.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by Stark »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:13. Canabalt (iOS)

Adam Saltsman, developer of Canabalt, went on to make Hundreds, which while not like Canabalt at all, is worth your time.
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Re: Games Beaten 2016

Post by TSTR »

1. Garou: Mark of the Wolves (Neo Geo AES)
2. Ridge Racer (PS1)
3. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (PSP)
4. Nitronic Rush (PC)
5. Crimzon Clover World Ignition (PC)

6. Phantasy Star Generation 1 (PS2)

scatter'd thoughts:

Crushed King Lassic, then had a good fight with Dark Falz (who looks really sick and scary) before he fell to my mighty level 65 warriors. Yayyy Queen Alis!

This was a great time. Having played this and both the first Final Fantasy (PSP remake) and Dragon Quest (NES), I'd put this above both. The combo of space and fantasy is just really awesome, and I love the fact that you could go to different planets and whatnot. The story is better in this than both of those too. (REVENGE!!!!) There's a lot of stuff that I really liked about this version specifically, though.

The music is based on the FM versions/arrangements of the tunes, and the modern instrumentation creates an appropriate atmosphere in most cases—some town tunes were a little cheesy sounding—but all the tracks you spend a lot of time with I really enjoyed. The addition of conversations amongst your party helps to deepen both characterization and plot, and it gives you a handy hint whenever you need a clue as to where to go. All the art is done in a good-looking modern anime style. Would love a poster with the title screen imagery.

As for the gameplay, I had a solid experience without any real complaints. Not a whole lot of forced grinding, though I did some on my own so I could crush boss fights. Of course, the gem system helps a ton with that too, as you can access devastating attacks that significantly shorten fights. Almost broken, but in a good way. The hardest part was honestly just dealing with all the backtracking on ice planet Dezoris. That got old real quick. Good thing the endgame is not too far after that.

In the end, my course went like this: get recommendation from here, spend like ~22 hours in it, have awesome time. You guys never let me down. I would highly recommend this version of the game whether you've played it or not, it's a definite classic.

An interesting note—I played the Japan-only, fan-translated PS2 remake of a SMS game on a PC with an XB1 controller. Modern gaming is fucking amazing y'all.
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