Games Beaten 2019

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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by Xeogred »

It's interesting to note Mega Man 6 released a mere month before Mega Man X. They were pumping those out on the NES until the end haha. And it shows, the Robot Masters in 5-6 look incredible. 4-6 are top notch in my book but I guess some people got sick of the perfect formula. 2-3 are my favorites, but I generally just binge all 6 in row when I revisit them all the time. I only hate 7.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Agree on Mega Man 7. The only memorable aspect of that game is the awesome, really, really tough final boss. It was s nice throwback to the challenge of the first Mega Man games after years of declining difficulty.


1. The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary (NDS)
2. Reigns (iOS)
3. Castlevania: The Adventure (GB)
4. Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge (GB)
5. Castlevania Legends (GB)
6. Yankai’s Triangle (iOS)

Yankai’s Triangle Is a psychedelic, surreal puzzle game where you match multi-colored triangles. (Also, the levels are procedurally generates, and the game never ends. There is apparently someone out there who’s played through more than 12,000 levels. You get the last achievement at level 243, however; so...uh...I “beat” it.) It sound simple, but the game throws a lot of tricks at you. Before long, you will find your self assembling brightly colored, flashing, rotating kaleidoscope images while animal noises play in the background and the triangles flash sharp teeth at you. Even as I approached level 243, the game was still throwing new mechanics at me, and I am certain it still had a few tricks up its sleeve when I called it. The basic gameplay never changes, and I developed a method for quickly solving the games puzzles regardless of what it threw at me. Accordingly, ithe gameplay wore thin after a while, and I had to push myself to the last achievement. Still, though, it was pretty addictive at first, and I dropped about six hours into it. That’s not bad for a $1 game with such simple mechanics, and I doubt the surreal experience will leave me soon. Recommended for anyone looking for a game you can play in two minute bursts.

I have also been messing around with its “sequel” Yankai’s Peak. That game is really well-designed, but super-duper hard, and I doubt I’ll beat it anytime soon.
Last edited by prfsnl_gmr on Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

hey noise, arcade Donkey Kong is also on the Switch. 8)
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by Arenegeth »

2019 Finished and Completed games:

Finished Games:

    Ziggurat (PC-GOG)
- I finally finished Ziggurat. And I'm listing it as finished, because I don't know when/if I'm ever going to attempt to complete it.

After I got over my initial issues the game's progress invalidating structure (also known as rouge-like or rouge-lite) it was just a matter of time as I was unlocking better weapons, characters and perks after every failure.

But I still see no point to the mechanic, like what for? It seems especially lazy in avoiding actual tight level design, the one that got me to fall in love with FPS's games all the way back to the days of the original Doom and Duke Nukem 3D.

Even games like Serious Sam and Painkiller, that have a more similar structure (well comparatively anyway) are more fun because of that.

Ziggurat is a technically competent game when it comes to the core of its FPS mechanics, but the story is hard to give a damn about and the graphics, which border between cartoonish and Gothic are not unpleasant in any way. So ultimately my biggest issue is not with the game itself but the sub-genre it belongs to.

This game was a good testing ground for me, to see if I can stomach the sub-genre in the future. And though after getting over the initial stress inducing psychological block and eventually thriving (well it remains to be seen whether I truly thrive by completing it) by sticking to the game's rules. I... Just don't see the point of it...

Sure, I can stomach the progress invalidating structure eventually, but why I'm I putting it up with it in the first place? Rouge-lite FPS's are a relatively new thing, and though some of them (like Ziggurat here) are decent, do I really need to play any of them? When there's so many classics, (and the occasional throwback like Dusk) to enjoy and a few (like Doom Eternal) new games worth playing?

I guess if I finish every single FPS from every era that I want to play, maybe then I can start looking into these types of games, but even then, given that the thing that distinguishes them, is the very thing, I think they'd all be better without, maybe I shouldn't bother at all.

As far as recommending the game, considering you don't have my hang-ups with the rouge-lite structure and you don't expect the pinnacle of FPS gaming, you can do a lot worse than Ziggurat, and it should be a decent FPS romp, to hold you over for a cold winter month.

Completed Games:

    1. Spyro the Dragon (PS1)
- It was finished before it was completed for all of 20 minutes as I was 100%'ing every stage as I was clearing it. But as people who played the game would know, Spyro ends at 120% due to the one Dragon and Bonus stage that opens up after you beat the final boss. Of course on top of that, I went ahead and farmed 99 lives, simply because I could and it was reasonably quick, just to put a nice completionist bow on this fun game.

Spyro was an easy 3D platformer, I think I would have found it easy even if I had played it back in the day when I wasn't as experienced as I am now. But I also think I would have enjoyed it far more if I had played it on launch also.

You see Spyro was one of those games that 'slipped through the cracks'. I was aware of it when it came out (loved the demo), I wanted to play it and I had both the means and opportunity to buy it, but other things distracted me and it got forgotten and I didn't want to get the sequels because I hadn't played the first game, and that was that.

But these days, unless you are a PS1 fan or longed for the game since its launch like I did, you better of playing the new remake, it includes the sequels and it looks like is pretty faithful to the original gameplay experience.

Finished: 1
Completed: 1

Total: 2

Honorable Mentions:


Two games, right at the end of January, well hopefully completing Shenmue for the Dreamcast would be next on this list, but at this rate I'll probably, hopefully be done in March, though the whole project of both games and both versions may be a yearlong project at this point, since I plan to take short breaks playing other games in between, helps with not going (more) crazy.

Regarding the ongoing Mega Man conversation, I just realized I actually own Mega Man 1-6 as part of the Mega Man Legacy Collection for the 3DS. Which I mostly got for the Gold Mega Man Amiibo, back when I thought it was a good idea to collect every Amiibo.

But unfortunately, I can't even play my copy without soft-modding my 3DS since is the American version, and all three of my 3DS's are European.

Of course, even then, I'd rather play the games on their original platform, than a compilation on a handheld, is just odd to me how easy it was to forget that I technically own more than half of the original series.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by noiseredux »

BoneSnapDeez wrote:hey noise, arcade Donkey Kong is also on the Switch. 8)

I know, but the NES version is "free" w/ Switch Online. I've been trying to be fairly good about spending money, and trying to play more of the games I already have. I don't think we have a Cribs and Diaper Genies Acquired 2019 thread yet, do we? Haha.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by BoneSnapDeez »

dat price on the diaper genie refills :shock:
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by marurun »

We found the Dekor units were cheaper, and so are their refills and the knock-off refills. I cannot wait until I have beaten the diaper years.

I wonder if I could convince someone that diapering could be turned into an indie game...
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by ElkinFencer10 »

Games Beaten in 2019 So Far - 10
* denotes a replay

January (10 Games Beaten)
1. Army Men 3D - PlayStation - January 1*
2. Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished - NES - January 4
3. Mega Man - NES - January 6
4. Mega Man 2 - NES - January 6
5. Mega Man 3 - NES - January 6
6. Mega Man 4 - NES - January 7
7. Dr. Discord's Conquest - NES - January 7
8. Mega Man 5 - NES - January 26
9. Just Cause 3 - PlayStation 4 - January 26
10. Mega Man 6 - NES - January 27

10. Mega Man 6 - NES - January 27


Mega Man 6 was the Blue Bomber's last hurrah on Nintendo's 8-bit powerhouse. When this game released in 1993, the 16-bit Super Nintendo was already on store shelves. Capcom, owing a huge amount of their success to the NES, insisted on giving their Mega Man franchise a glorious swan song.


In most regards, Mega Man 6 is just more of Mega Man 5. The visuals, while no different stylistically than the previous five games, are bright and colorful throughout with some fantastic boss sprites. The music is superb, keeping up the series's unbroken record of awesome soundtracks. The controls and platforming feel tight, response, and polished nearly to perfection. There's one thing that sets it above Mega Man 5 for me, however, and that's the Rush Adapters. Mega Man basically fuses with his dog to get a couple of different armors that give some cool new abilities like a jet pack or an extra strong punch.​


There was almost a second addition that set Mega Man 6 above Mega Man 5, but unfortunately, poor execution ruins it for me. They implemented some alternating paths in a few levels, but not only to the paths feel rather pointless - they branch out in the middle before coming together at the end rather than having alternate level endings like Mario 3 - but they feel like a bit of an afterthought with their implementation. Only two of the robot masters' levels have alternate paths whereas something like half of the castle's levels do. It's not that they're bad, per se, but they feel like a last minute addition that could have been so much better if a little more time and thought had been put into them.


Mega Man 6 is an example of what an 8-bit action platformer should be, and as far as I'm concerned, it's right up there tied with Mega Man 5 for "Best 8-bit Mega Man Game." Overall, it's more of the same from Mega Man 5 with a couple of things that make it better and a couple of things that are slight detriments. Still, though, if you had to choose one of the six NES Mega Man games to play for the rest of your life, I'd definitely suggestion going with Mega Man 6.
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Nope. It’s Mega Man 2. each their own!
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Re: Games Beaten 2019

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

Partridge Senpai's 2019 Beaten Games:
Previously: 2016 2017 2018
* indicates a repeat

1. Night Slashers (Switch)
2. Bye-Bye BOXBOY! (3DS)
3. GTA4: The Ballad of Gay Tony (Xbox 360)
4. Katamari Forever (PS3)
5. Detention (PS4)
6. Donkey Kong 64 (N64) *

7. OctoDad: Dadliest Catch (PS4) *

This is kind of a replay, as I've beaten this on Steam plenty of times and played it a ton, but I've never done it on PS4 before. I was over at a friends' place for the coldpocalypse the past day and a bit, and I'd brought my PS4 and some controllers so we played through OctoDad, once with just the 3 of us and then with their third housemate for a 4-player run!

The premise of OctoDad is that you're a dad who is secretly an octopus. You need to keep secret from your wife and children as well as from the world at large your true nature while still going about your daily business. It's a very silly game where the entire mechanical premise is that it's REALLY hard to be an octopus pretending to be a human, so you control each leg and arm individually. It's something you can learn to do well eventually, but it purposefully controls so awkwardly that it's great fun to bumble through with friends (particularly on the mode that has you all shuffle limbs you're controlling every time you complete an objective XD).

Verdict: Highly recommended. This game is just an absolute joy to play with local co-op. The writing is as silly as the premise, and it's a great thing to spend an afternoon or evening going through with a couch-full of friends ^w^
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