2022 New Years Resolutions

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2022 New Years Resolutions

Post by REPO Man »

Like always, I'm basically taking unfulfilled resolutions of the previous year, mostly from the year before that, and maybe adding a new one here or there. But this year, I'm ranking them from Level One (general improvements) to Level Three (major projects).

* Read more, focusing more upon literature. 2021 was primarily a graphic novel year.
* Actually do some writing. Definitely considering revisiting my King of the Hill fanfiction, currently doing a 13-episode run in the spring that's set in the summer prior to Bobby's sophomore year of high school (when the show ended he was still in middle school), and then in the fall start with his return to school.
* Cook more, focusing more on homecooked meals over just tossing a frozen pizza in the pizza maker. Been hearing good things about what I can do with my new air fryer.
* Revamp my wardrobe, an expansion of my previous resolution of wearing bowties.

* Build a bookshelf
* Host a movie night, which may seem like a total crapshoot given everyone's schedules and apparent unwillingness to plan anything that isn't Thanksgiving or Christmas.
* Host a Sunday brunch, possibly for Easter. I'm thinking a make-your-own breakfast sandwich bar and a screening of Godspell.
* Host a game night. Granted my family's more Risk and Monopoly, while I'm more Arkham Horror and Catan, but I'm sure it can't hurt to try.

* Redecorate my place. Once I get my brother's stuff out of here, I can free up some space. Gonna consider replacing my couch and bed with a futon where my couch is. And then use the space where my bed currently is for storage. Maybe I'll put a dresser there and then get a decent entertainment center for my TV and consoles.
* Build an arcade cabinet, which I currently don't have room in my place for. So I'd probably have to find a family member who'd want one. My uncle and his fiancée babysit my brother's ex-wife's kids so they might have a use for one.
* Get my license, which is the lynchpin in my last two resolutions.
* Take a trip out of town. God knows it's hard to do anything when anything worth doing requires at least 30-45 minutes worth of driving.
* Move to NYC. Hopefully I have a driver's license by then, because then even if I don't have a car I can still rent a van and just drive up to NYC.
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Re: 2022 New Years Resolutions

Post by REPO Man »

So, touching base on my resolutions.

Definitely doing more cooking, mostly with my air fryer. And by "cooking" I really mean making cheese fries on a shockingly too-frequent basis. Currently own some reusable silicone muffin-sized baking cups and a few springform pans.

As for the bookshelf, I'm considering using milkcrates. I found a place that sells quality milkcrates, which means I'll be using them legally. I can buy a half-dozen of rectangular ones (which I'm considering using) for $59, but shipping is $24 (possibly per dozen). And just for the bookshelf I'll probably need 12 of them, so that'll be $171.61.

I'm also looking into getting a futon to replace both my bed and my couch, placed where the latter was while the space devoted to the former would be where I'd put a new dresser.

And that's basically it.
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Re: 2022 New Years Resolutions

Post by REPO Man »

So, with the last day of the year only four days away, I can honestly say that this is what I've accomplished:

* Wrote a slight rewrite of my King of the Hill fanfiction and that's more or less it.

* Busy schedule, plus not having an oven, made making a homecooked meal a crapshoot.

* I did in a way cheat my way to revamping my wardrobe by adding a bowtie to my list of articles of clothing I wear. Granted it's just a pretied one that I will only wear around Christmas, but still.

* While not from scratch, I did technically build a new bookshelf. Granted it's the same prefab deal with my media shelf that's still too small for my collection.

* At some point I gave up on game night, movie night and Sunday brunch.

* While I never redecorated, I did manage to get some of my brother's stuff out of here, so that opened up a good amount of floor space.

* Building the arcade cabinet took a backseat to paying off six months of back rent.

* My busy AF work schedule, while good for keeping up on my expenses, made finding time to get my license impossible. While killed off taking an out of town trip and moving to NYC, which was also made impossible due to my incredulous amount of back rent.
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