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Shadow of the ninja,Blue Shadow,Kage(nes) it´s the same game

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:18 am
by arion
Funny how one game can have three names. What makes them intresting is the fact that each verison is a little bit diffrent not anything that makes a huge diffrence just little things like how many hits it takes to win certain enemies..and in some cases enemy placements. But all in all it´s the same game. Although i prefer Kage since that verison lets you start without waiting to see the first scene of the intro only to skip it and press start again.

The story..the world is in danger from some dictator..and the only ones able to do something about it are a couple of NINJAS. (well i like ninjas who doesn´t :D)

You can choose wich ninja at the start although i have yet to see any diffrence other than guy ninja or girl ninja.

Anyway it´s time to go out to stop the evil dictactor and fight a variety of enemies that make sense and some are just weird..there are monkeys out to get you (good old nes logic). This game however does justify the inclusion of ninjas..most notably since you can hang on certain surfaces and flip yourself up when the enemy is least expecting you. And the variety of atttacks is nice from the basic sword that is fast but has short range to the grappling hook (at least i think it is) wich has longer attacks but it´s slower..and no ninja game would be complete withouht shurikens wich you can get as a powerup in limited numbers.


To finish the game you get 5 continues. And if you die it´s game over but if you continue it´s more like just loosing a life. So you get 5 lives to win the game if you die in a boss battle you don´t have to do the level all over again. Wich is what i was afraid might happen when i first saw the game over screen. Also i liked the fact that if you make a bad jump and fall to your death as we all have gotten used you reappear again but loose a bit of life no worries about loosing alot of continues because of a misplaced jump.

So should you play it..yes most definetly Blue Shadow,Shadow of the Ninja,Kage is a fun ninja platformer.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:01 am
by Cerulean
Now when you say Kage do you mean Legend of Kage? That game is badass. That one ball thing that kills all the enemy's for like a minute is awesome.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:10 pm
by arion
it´s just Kage..and i have added some screenshots. I don´t know if you will find this funny but this link came on top when i googled for Legend of Kage