Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

SpaceBooger wrote:
prfsnl_gmr wrote:Aggelos is another.

I just got this because it was only $1.50 and 90% off at Fanatical.
I'll give it a try soon, it looks great.

That’s a steal. It’s a really, really fun Wonder Boy homage, and I hope that you enjoy it.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by Note »

Just a quick update on my Summer Games Challenge list, I was able to finish Shadow of the Colossus on PS2 tonight!

I really enjoyed this game! It was very unique, fun, and intense. The design was very minimal in a sense, that you didn't need to collect anything or talk to anyone, and there was no way to really get stuck by missing an item or a piece of dialogue. I found that to be pretty refreshing, especially with so many games overdoing it with the items and upgrades. Also, it was a treat to see the designs of the bosses and to figure out the strategies to take down each one. The battles were very well designed, IMO.

I'm glad this challenge gave me the spark to finally play through it after all these years. Overall, it took me a little over 9 hours to get through the 16 colossi battles in the game. Highly recommend it to anyone that hasn't checked it out yet!
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by Syndicate »

Syndicate wrote:
  1. Super Mario World (Wii U)
  2. Super Metroid (Wii U)
  3. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii U)
  4. Phantasy Star II (Gen)
  5. Rocket Knight Adventures (Gen)
  6. Thunder Force III or Steel Empire (Gen)
  7. Castlevania Symphony of the Night (XB)

...two down, I wrapped up Steel Empire and it was a pretty good trip. It isn't the most intense shmup but was definitely a good way to wade back into the genre. I think the final level sort came out of left field but think the game was still pretty good and the music was definitely a highlight. Honestly, completing two games is more than I was expecting so I'm not really sure what I'll try next :lol:
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

prfsnl_gmr wrote:Bionic Commando (Arcade)
Contra (Famicom)
King’s Field a/k/a King’s Field II (PS1)
Metal Gear (NES)

Mysterious Murasame Castle (Famicom)
Shinobi (Arcade)
Summer Carnival ‘92 Recca (Famicom)

Super Baseball 2020 (Neo Geo)
Super Meat Boy (XBLA)
Vampire Killer (MSX)

Two more down (i.e., Metal Gear and Vampire Killer)…and only two to go!

In Metal Gear, you play as Solid Snake, infiltrating Outer Heaven, at the behest of Big Boss, to destroy the secret weapon, Metal Gear. This game (or the MSX original, at least) launched one of Konami’s most popular series, and remains an excellent stealth game. It is played from an overhead perspective, and you sneak by enemy soldiers, rescuing POWs, finding equipment, and fighting bosses to achieve your mission.

The first two-thirds of the game are stellar. You make steady progress, once you get your bearings, and the game is a lot of fun. The last third, however, is full of “you need a Nintendo Power subscription to beat this” BS. Doors accessible only by punching random walls; death traps avoidable only through a trick; etc. Also, the Metal Gear ends up being a giant PC. I don’t recall that in the MSX original, and it really spoiled the end of the game for me. Still, it’s a classic. With the MSX version now readily accessible, however, there’s not much reason to revisit the NES port.

Vampire Killer is, basically, Castlevania 1.5. It is an action-platformer with the same structure as Castlevania (NES), but since it’s a MSX game, it’s played one screen at a time. It also has a (somewhat) non-linear structure, with each section of each stage requiring you to find a key to proceed. (That is, you explore each section, one screen at a time, until you find the key, before proceeding to the door to the next section of the level. The last section of each level is a boss fight.) The game also features many of the items available in Castlevania II, such as a shield, and you use your hearts to buy items from merchants.

The game features, basically, the same music and graphics as Castlevania (NES), with the graphics slightly improved and the music slightly downgraded. It features, largely, the same enumerated, and the same bosses appear in the same order. The different structure and items, however, make for a very different gameplay experience that is some ways better, but in many ways worse, than Castlevania (NES). Specifically, I really enjoyed exploring each stage, and the different mechanics add a lot of challenge and depth. The game is insanely hard, however, and even with liberal save state usage, it’s still quite a challenge. (The game provides you with two lives, No continues, and no chances to earn additional lives, and I can only image the frustration associated with trying to beat it on original hardware.). It also has a lot of BS, such as some stages being rendered in winnable if you don’t play them exactly right, that really sour the experience. Still, I ended up enjoying Vampire Killer more than the NES version of Metal Gear, despite its BS (and maybe because it’s just a lot shorter), and I am happy to have played through it.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by Key-Glyph »

Hey folks -- I wanted to apologize for going silent. My summer got very complicated with my husband having ankle surgery. Everything went super well, but between my being caregiver and having to run the entire household since July, I just had no energy or morale to put into anything much beyond work and chores.

Nathaniel has just started physical therapy and can put weight on his leg now, and he's projected to be walking without crutches or canes by the end of the month. We have no idea what the timeline is on his being able to drive again (it's his right ankle, sadly), but we're thrilled with progress. Driving or no, any enhanced mobility will be a huge game-changer around here!

Anybody want to reflect on their summer? I very much regret not getting into Journeyman Project: Turbo!, but I'm still absolutely chuffed that I finished Scribblenauts. I'm also super excited about reworking my retro gaming setup later this year; we'll be rearranging a lot of furniture and creating a home office for me, and I'm hoping I'll be playing more games in earnest after that.

Here's to the Summer Games Challenge 2022, and looking forward to 2023! Thanks to all who participated. It was great to reconnect with you all a little bit.

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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Thanks for organizing this, Key Glyph! I’m sorry that your summer got sidetracked, but glad to hear your husband is recovering. Still, I had a great time, and I played though some games that had been on my “to beat” list for a very long time.

Before the summer was out, I spent a bit more time with The Mysterious Murasame Castle. It is like a very action-focus LoZ game. Clearly using the same engine as LoZ, it stars a samurai who must make his way through a fairly linear overworld level before rescuing a princess from a fairly linear Japanese castle. With constantly respawning, fast-moving enemies and no permanent upgrades. exploration definitely isn’t the focus. Rather, it is much more of an “arcade” experience, with linear, numbered levels and clear destinations.

Sadly, the LoZ engine doesn’t really work for that, and there is, in my opinion, a reason this game is not a fondly-remembered Nintendo classic (other than the fact is was not released initially outside of Japan). The game is very difficult, and determining what items do anything, how to attack enemies, etc. is all very confusing. The bosses are incredibly annoying shuriken sponges, and the game just isn’t that much fun. I’ll beat it at some point, I’m sure, but this summer just wasn’t the time. (The same goes for 2020 Super Baseball).

Still, and again, I had a good time, and I hope we do this again next summer!
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by Syndicate »

...agreed, thanks a lot for organizing this Key Glyph. Even though I didn't make as much progress as I would have liked, I still had a great time. Looking at my list, I was really taken by how involved Super Metroid was. This was my first time taking a go at this classic and having finished many games inspired by this game I figured it would be a walk in the park. Well not so much, there's just so much to the map and there isn't nearly as much direction as how you should proceed...say compared to a more modern Metroidvania game. I also started on Super Mario Galaxy 2 and while the game is very good, I was really annoyed by all the waggle gameplay. I didn't mind it back then but having been so removed from the mechanic I can't say I missed it at all. As for Phantasy Star II, that's just a case of biting off more than you can chew :lol:
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by Note »

Also wanted to say thank you to Key-Glyph for organizing the Summer Games Challenge this year! The challenge motivated me to take on a few games that I've wanted to finally beat, so I really appreciate that. Also, it was fun to read about everyone else's progress.

I realized I overlooked posting about my completion of Shadowrun (SNES) in the thread. I ended up really getting absorbed into the game and binging through it in a week. It was a great and really unique game on the console, IMO. The beginning of the game is fairly challenging, as your character is a bit weak, but some time dedicated to grinding changed that. The controls took some getting used to, but once I got it down, I found it to be pretty intuitive. Great game!

I'm in the process of my playing through my fourth game of the challenge, Ratchet & Clank (PS2). I'm about 14 hours into the game and I believe I'm getting close to the end. I haven't played a 3D platformer in a long time, so it's been a fun change of pace. Also, this is my first time checking out a game from this series. I really like the fact that there's a bunch of different weapons for different situations and there's a bit of variety in the gameplay too. Overall, I'm really enjoying it so far!

Not sure I can finish my fifth and final game listed for the challenge, which is Resident Evil 3 (PS1) in time, but I hope I can! I'm still going to try to finish this game by the end of September. And with the fall weather beginning to come in, it'll be a great time to get into a survival horror game.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by SpaceBooger »

Key-Glyph thank you for organizing this. I'm on my 5th and final game of my challenge and I am struggling. I hope to finish Shante before summer officially ends. Once again thank you for setting this up and motivating me to finish more games this year than ever before. I'll keep everyone posted if I finish my challenge.
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Re: Racketboy Summer Games Challenge 2022!

Post by SpaceBooger »

Ok, I did it, I finally beat Shantae on the GBC. I purchased the re-release from Limited Run last year and while waiting for it to arrive I beat Risky's Revenge, Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, and Shantae: Half-Genie Hero. After playing through three Shantae games in a row I was a bit burned out when the GBC original showed up. I added it to my Summer list as game number five and at one point I was about to give up. Unlike the sequels, this game is not as good at giving directions. It took me forever to find the dungeon on Mount Pointy and even longer to figure out how to get in. Once in that last dungeon, it was so hard that I almost chucked my LCD-modded GBA across the room.
This weekend I finally sat down and figured everything out thus completing my 2022 Summer Games Challenge. I am proud to have completed my whole list for the first time.
1. Soul Blazer (SNES) Beat 6/2/22
2. Paper Mario (N64) 7/8/22
3. Adventures of Lolo (NES) 7/25/22
4. Popful Mail (SCD) 7/20/22
5. Shantae (GBC) 9/11/22
Systems Owned: Atari 2600 & 5200, NES, Game Boy (Original, Pocket, Color & Advance SP), DSi, 3DS, Genesis,
Sega CD, Nomad, SNES, Saturn, PS1, Dreamcast, XBox, PS2, Gamecube, Nintendo DS, Wii, PSP, PS3, WiiU, XBONE & Switch.
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