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Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 2:49 pm
by racketboy
marurun wrote:Oddly enough, it's not doing it on my phone. I'm seeing it in Opera on a desktop, though. Won't be able to test another browser until I'm home.

What mobile OS/browser are you using? It jumps to the top of the page for me on iOS and OSX Safari.

Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:21 pm
by marurun
iOS 11 and Safari. I have noticed something, though. On my phone, the newest unread URL ends in:


On the desktop, it's showing the following at the end of the URL instead:


Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:24 pm
by racketboy
Good job spotting the difference -- I will pass on the info.

However, he just removed the forum code that was causing issues a little while ago. He kept it on the articles part.

So the forum should be back to the way it was a couple days ago, but not ideal with it being below the header more like we would prefer.

Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2017 3:28 pm
by marurun
Well, it's also possible that Opera was mangling the URL. It's based on Chrome's rendering engine, but it isn't Chrome. But it's what I use at work for browsing personal stuff since it has a rudimentary VPN built-in.

Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:31 am
Please view this post in the original Racketboy V3 Theme, other themes might also have the same issue
Suggest including the little known attachment command to the Edit Box (arrow) in screenshot as a quick click when creating posts. Any picture attachment when posted under the attachment command or reposted by the image command gets corrected resized preventing the text box going past the forum default width.

I used the attachment command in the below Edit Box screenshot. If the uploaded attached image was not inside the attachment command, this post would be much wider past the default width. It is just slightly wider as explained further down.

Right click to see how it is wider when viewed direct.

Attachment Edit Command.JPG
Attachment Edit Command.JPG (107.59 KiB) Viewed 28125 times

:idea: The attachment command also has the advantage of placing an attached image anywhere in a post of text and not just at the bottom.

EDIT (Symbols below explained further down)

Please view this post in the original Racketboy V3 theme to see the word wrap error
Text normally automatically wraps to next line to keep the post matched to the default width. However when using either the "-" or "=" repeated past the default width, the symbol text do not wrap causing the post to extend past the default width as I have shown above. Suspect other symbols on the keyboard also have the word wrap issue.

Segata wrote:Not the pic that made that text go out of frame. I just put too many ==== in the post. There is a bug that does that. It's done it to me before when I made topics and had a preview. This time just forgot to check.

Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:35 am
by alienjesus
CRTGAMER wrote:Suggest including the little known attachment command to the Edit Box (arrow) in screenshot as a quick click when creating posts. Any picture attachment when posted under the attachment command or reposted by the image command gets corrected resized preventing the text box going past the forum default width.

I used the attachment command in the below Edit Box screenshot. Right click to see how it is wider when viewed direct.

Attachment Edit Command.JPG

:idea: The attachment command also has the advantage of placing an attached image anywhere in a post of text and not just at the bottom.



View this post in the original Racketboy V3 theme to see the word wrap error
Text normally automatically wraps to next line to keep the post matched to the default width. However when using either the "-" or "=" repeated past the default width, the symbol text do not wrap causing the post to extend past the default width as I have shown above. Suspect other symbols on the keyboard also have the word wrap issue.

Segata wrote:Not the pic that made that text go out of frame. I just put too many ==== in the post. There is a bug that does that. It's done it to me before when I made topics and had a preview. This time just forgot to check.

It's because of the lack of a space. It's treating it like a single word. I think it should be down to users to just delete some symbols rather than messing around with such a small fix.

Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2017 10:41 am
alienjesus wrote:
CRTGAMER wrote:Please view this post in the original Racketboy V3 Theme, other themes might also have the same issue
Suggest including the little known attachment command to the Edit Box (arrow) in screenshot as a quick click when creating posts. Any picture attachment when posted under the attachment command or reposted by the image command gets corrected resized preventing the text box going past the forum default width.

I used the attachment command in the below Edit Box screenshot. If the uploaded attached image was not inside the attachment command, this post would be much wider past the default width. It is just slightly wider as explained further down.

Right click to see how it is wider when viewed direct.

Attachment Edit Command.JPG

:idea: The attachment command also has the advantage of placing an attached image anywhere in a post of text and not just at the bottom.


View this post in the original Racketboy V3 theme to see the word wrap error
Text normally automatically wraps to next line to keep the post matched to the default width. However when using either the "-" or "=" repeated past the default width, the symbol text do not wrap causing the post to extend past the default width as I have shown above. Suspect other symbols on the keyboard also have the word wrap issue.

Segata wrote:Not the pic that made that text go out of frame. I just put too many ==== in the post. There is a bug that does that. It's done it to me before when I made topics and had a preview. This time just forgot to check.
It's because of the lack of a space. It's treating it like a single word. I think it should be down to users to just delete some symbols rather than messing around with such a small fix.

That makes sense, the symbols treated as one word. You are right there is not an easy fix other then self editing. I purposely quoted your post which quoted my older post; each post getting even wider.


The separate suggestion of the attachment command is easy to implement. I think many are not aware of it.
More of if it is included in the Edit section when creating a post, draws attention as an edit option and autosize images.

Up to three resized images can be placed per post; the images set at any line in the post.
Imagine the commands below as uploaded larger sized image attachments resized to width of post.

Place your text here.

{attachment=0}Image Three.JPG{/attachment}

Add more text here.

{attachment=1}Image Two.JPG{/attachment}

Add even more text here.

{attachment=2}Image One.JPG{/attachment}

Add the rest of the text here.

:idea: Note that the first uploaded image moves down the line as newer images are uploaded with up to three per post.
The attachment command starts with newest uploaded image (Image Three.JPG) with the "=0" as an identifier.
Images can be moved out of order in a post by simply moving the commands around while editing.

Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 12:50 am
by Mara
This is just extreme nitpicking, but I noticed that in some of the forum descriptions, Sentences Are Currently Written Like This, while others are written normally.


Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:32 pm
by marurun
Hah! Yeah, sometimes we need a style guide. Thanks for pointing those out.

Re: Official Racketboy Suggestion Forum Thread

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:50 am
by noiseredux
haven't heard anything about a charity auction this year. And it's kind of dwindled in participation over the past few years. If we don't plan on doing one this year, what do you guys think about a forum Secret Santa?