Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

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Re: Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

Post by PartridgeSenpai »

I fired up Pushmo World for the first time in like, a year and some change, a few days back, and apparently I was only a dozen or two puzzles away from seeing the credits ^^;
I've kept going and finished the rest of the post-game super hard puzzles (the last of which took me a heckin' half an hour), and have only like 20 left in the game, total~. I forgot how fun Pushmo was! I'm so glad I went back to it~

I know I've beaten Crashmo and the original Pushmo on my 3DS, but I DO have a few unfinished (very hard) puzzles in each of those. I think I might give a go to clearing them after I'm done with Pushmo World~ (and then continue on to Stretchmo once I'm finished with those, having never put much time into it) ^w^
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Re: Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

You are rocking this thread, Pidge! I’m glad it’s helping with your backlog.

I’ve now started on some of these, and I’ve knocked out both Haunted Castle and Streets of Rage 3. Haunted Castle is terrible, but it gets progressively easier as the game goes on, thankfully. I credit fed my way through to the end. Streets of Rage 3, while much weaker than Streets of Rage and Streets of Rage 2, is at least pretty good. I beat it on “easy” to get the bad ending, and then I used a stage select code to replay stages 6 and 7 on “normal” and see all of the alternate endings. The game has some really good ideas, but like Battletoads, it locks them behind a wall of impenetrable difficulty. Worse, the difficulty is artificial, and I’ve read that the game’s “easy” difficulty equates to the “normal” difficulty of the Japanese version, which I think will be much better.
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Re: Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

Post by PretentiousHipster »

There was King's Quest 2, which I actually rage quitted a while back because of that stupid dwarf. I finally did beat after another incident of rage quitting involving a ladder. It is a lot worse than part 1 as it doesn't do the escapism nearly as well, with only like 2 cool folklore references when the first part had tons, and the whole door thing got so repetitive.

Although it doesn't necessarily count for this challenge, for comparisons sake I started the fan remake. On the other hand and it is an absolute masterpiece. 30 minutes and it felt like I barely scratched the surface. It has so much charm to it, and if it stays that good then it honestly might be one of the best Sierra games that Sierra never made.
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Re: Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

Post by alienjesus »

More Final Fantasy 6 this weekend. I picked up just after recruiting Gogo, and explored the Phoenix Cave, finding Locke along the way and finally completing the full party. Then I got the Ragnarok sword in Narshe, and gambled it for an ever better sword at the arena.

Then I spent some time setting myself up for an easy time for the rest of the game. I managed to steal some economizer relics which make spells cost just 1MP. I have 3 so that should do me nicely. I also broke the curse on the cursed shield by fighting 256 easy battles with it whilst learning some important spells (Life 3), which gave me a way to learn Ultima.

I followed that up by climbing the fanatics tower with a team of 4 mages - 3 with the economizer and one with a gold hairpin for half MP usage, so I didn't have too tough a time. Enemies give loads of magic points here so the party learned basically all the spells I had access to so far, with 2 of them learning Ultima from the shield too. At the top I beat the boss and got the gem box, allowing me to cast Ultima twice in one turn, for only 2mp thanks the economizer. That should do me fairly nicely for the rest of the game.

I'm exploring the Ancient castle next, and then I think it's time to equip my guys and take on Kefka. Should be done before the end of the month!
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Re: Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Nice, AJ. I know it’s a bit dated now, and I know it is not, mechanically, the best JRPG. I still love everything about FFVI, though. Aesthetically, it’s my favorite 16-bit RPG, and it is one of the few RPGs I’ve beaten more than once. (Three times, in fact!)

I’m playing Phantasy Star III, and despite being a game that invites multiple playthroughs, I’m definitely only going to play through it once. I appreciate what the game does narratively, and I like the game’s empty, melancholy atmosphere. The game’s a bit too empty, though, in that there’s not really much to do except backtrack and grind levels. Also, the combat mechanics are exceedingly dull. Your basic attack is way too strong, and there’s no reason to use either buffs or offensive magic in anything except boss fights. The fastest way to win is to just have all your characters attack. There are also only a very few boss fights, and you can still win those by just attacking and healing. I hope that, when I get to it, Phantasy Star IV redeems the series because, although I loved Phantasy Star, Phantasy Star II and III are both pretty bad.
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Re: Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

Post by alienjesus »

Phantasy Star IV isn't as amazing as people make it out to be, but it definitely feels like a game that was made after the designers played some of Squares RPGs and realised they needed to up their game. It's pretty good.

For my money, I prefer the Shining games on Mega Drive. I even found that Shining in the Darkness grew on me, and the presentation of all 3 feels much higher than the Mega Drive Phantasy Star games.
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Re: Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

Post by SpaceBooger »

I finally beat Shining Force 3 Scenario 1 this past weekend.
I got the game when it first came out and started it many times but never finished it. I think the farthest before was the bridge and waterfall. This time I played the translated one for the ending so I can smoothly move to Scenario 2. I started this in August (I think) and have been trudging along a couple of hours a week (my only video game time now) but with this thread and this month's TR theme, I snuck in time where I could with hopes of beating it over Thanksgiving break. Now that I finished it early, I have to see if I can find another game to sneak in before the month ends.
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Re: Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

I’m still plugging away at Phantasy Star III, and I just completed the second generation. I played as Ayn, and I chose to marry Sari. (She joined my party at level 1 with 206 HP, more than anyone else in the party, and doing obscene melee damage with a knife. How could I not marry her?!) Accordingly, I’ll be finishing up the game as Crys and, apparently, taking on that troublesome cyborg, Siren, once again.

I’m going to keep pushing, and hopefully, I’ll be able to finish this by the end of the month.
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Re: Introductions plus Games NOT Beaten

Post by Lurkei »

Hey! I was going to make a post in the introductions thread, but I figured it would be better to make one here, since Together Retro is my main reason for signing up. A sort of "book club but for video games" is exactly what I've been looking for lately: a fun incentive to go through a game, with discussion peppered in. My friends don't have a lot of overlapping interests with me when it comes to games, so I'm looking forward to hanging around people that do. I hope I can be a positive presence!

As for the month's topic? Too many games fit the description in the OP, but the game I've made the most attempts to beat, but still haven't beaten, is probably Top Hunter. It's a wonderful and unique game with outstanding level design, but my runs always stop three-fourths of the way in. It isn't super difficult, so I could knock it out today or tomorrow if I really doubled down and put time into it.

And then the game I've gotten the farthest in and still haven't beaten is Sutte Hakkun GB. Currently I'm on 9-8, so I don't have many levels left to go. I could definitely knock this out, too, most likely sooner than Top Hunter. In faaaaact, I'll go play it a little right after this post.

I also got a friend to play Pocky & Rocky 2 with me couple months ago, but we never finished it. I should ask him again - we had a great time and I don't play multiplayer too often...
...speaking of, does this forum ever do netplay?

SpaceBooger wrote:I have to see if I can find another game to sneak in before the month ends.

Did you decide on one? I'll play with you.
Last edited by Lurkei on Fri Nov 27, 2020 4:04 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Together Retro November, 2020 - Games NOT Beaten

Post by prfsnl_gmr »

Welcome to the forums! Together Retro is a lot of fun, and I’m glad you signed up to join us. (If you haven’t voted for next month’s topic, please do so ASAP. Voting ends on Friday!)

I have not done netplay before, but I think there are others on here with that capability. If you ask around, I’m sure you can find someone to join you.

Also...did you beat Sutte Hakkun?
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