The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by o.pwuaioc »

This is relevant and always fun to watch: ... ics/720535
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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by Hazerd »

I enjoyed this comment by anon:

Sorry. Feminism won. Enjoy your total victory. What did you think your brave new world would look like? Men don't need women. Have a good one being the bread winner and bringing home the bacon, you feminist powerhouse you!

It really speaks the truth, women who write articles like that dont need a man, they just like to complain about them and do nothing to fix the problem. :lol:

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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by Hazerd »

MrPopo wrote:we're now in a position where manufacturing and trade jobs are skewed to an older workforce; when that workforce retires we are going to see a real shortage in those fields.

So i can finally get a job without competing against some 50 year old day in day out grumpy old boiler maker!?!?

no way...
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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by gtmtnbiker »

Hazerd wrote:So i can finally get a job without competing against some 50 year old day in day out grumpy old boiler maker!?!?
no way...

So what line of work are you in?
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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by dedalusdedalus »

Hazerd wrote:So i can finally get a job without competing against some 50 year old day in day out grumpy old boiler maker!?!?

They took our jeerrrrbs!
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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by cookie monster »

After reading this article i am truely wondering how this ever got published. Most of what was written is guy bashing. I can tell you out of all the guys i dated a few were as the writer described. When i met foxhound he lived at home with his parents. He was 22 at the time but he worked full time and helped around the house. He spent alot of his income on video games and restoreing a 1966 chevy truck. We moved in together after a few months. He is the defintion of a man he works hard and keeps a roof over our head and food on the table, and never bitches about it. He always helps his family out , yes he plays alot of video games and he acts like a kids some times but i wouldn't trade him for anything.
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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by foxhound1022 »

Huh. I sometimes feel so inexorably overwhelmed by some of the people on here. So many with complete secondary educations, doctorates, and vast technical training. Hell, I never even graduated High School. I did however get a G.E.D., and scored in the top 2% of all applicants. I'm not really sure of what this entails, considering mostly the caliber of person who normally takes these tests, but I assume that it is a small accomplishment.

I can definitely identify with certain points conveyed by the author of said article; I know a lot of just downright lazy bastards in their late 20's, and early 30's, or later still living at home, being nothing more than a burden to their parents and loved ones. I think this, in part, is due to the sensationalizing of sports icons, rock stars, accredited actors, etc. “You can be anything you want to be.” Bullshit. Not without determination, ambition, and hard work. People are simply too selective about what career choices they make, waiting for the big break.

Also, partially because society no longer allows people to fall through the cracks; everyone able to support themselves must chip in a small portion to take care of those who can't. I have no problem with seeing my tax dollars going to worthy recipients, not to apathetic fucks who won't take a job doing construction, or working in a restaurant, because “I don't want to.” Tough shit. So yes, I can see where this convoluted, disjointed point of view has substance, and I can also attest that this is a very common conception held by a lot of women. The solution? Get out there and fucking work. You're not special, you're just part of the same giant faceless machine that I am. Do your part to contribute something useful.
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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by pepharytheworm »

I have to ask dsheinem, what is making you so intrigued by these gender articles lately?
If not that then it's doomsday articles for one thing or another.
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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by dsheinem »

pepharytheworm wrote:I have to ask dsheinem, what is making you so intrigued by these gender articles lately?
If not that then it's doomsday articles for one thing or another.

I have been teaching/researching/writing a lot about gender this past year so that certainly has something to do with it - when I come across something that's game-related in some form or another I like to bounce it off folks here, who are often quite capable of very insightful commentary (and despite my complaining about some of the early posts and some of the obvious idiocy of folks like Hazerd above, I've been glad to see the discussion has generally been thoughtful and interesting).

The only other "gender article" I remember posting about was the one concerning Nerds and Male Privilege several months ago...was there another? As for the "doomsday articles" -- I only remember the GDC video I posted, and I chose it because I thought it would strike a nerve with folks here who obviously enjoy physical games, collecting consoles, etc. and so I wanted to see what people thought...

I've also been big on jumping into threads about how essentially "the contemporary industry is a deluge of uninspired crap and modern games suck" to suggest the opposite point of view - something that is quite different than a "doomsday" argument...
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Re: The Sorry Lives and Confusing Times of Today's Young Men

Post by Menegrothx »

Oh yeah, this phenomenon is also probably some way relevant to this topic. But I am sure its not just the young males who are into the downshifting thing.
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