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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Sun Dec 05, 2021 10:50 pm
by MrPopo
marurun wrote:I just want to say that I momentarily misread rom-com as nom-com, and now I want this new genre of food-centered comedies to exist.

I don't know how sergeants made you think of food.

Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2021 11:06 am
by Limewater
I'm about four expisodes in to the new Netflix Cowboy Bebop.

While I've been aware of the anime for years, I've never gotten around to watching it, so I'm watching the live action show without too many expectations. My wife is in the same boat.

We're both really enjoying it. Based upon the reviews I think that our lack of previous exposure to the source material may be helping us in this regard.

I'll mention, too, that I generally don't have a problem with adaptations that take a lot of liberties and make a lot of changes.

Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 11:55 pm
by REPO Man
Been watching MadTV on HBO Max. Forgot how crazy this show was.

Also, Gossip Girl came back from its hiatus ages ago. I still have a few episodes left before getting to the season finale.

And have any of my fellow Goldbergs fans heard about what's happening with Jeff Garlin? Between these accusations and the fact that Adam is literally months away from graduating, it seems like the show's ending soon. In the meantime it's going on hiatus.

Personally I hope we get a spinoff centered around Adam, attending NYU. Given the fact that the real life Adam F. Goldberg attended NYU in the 90s, we'll probably move from 1980something to 1990something. Between being a child of the '90s and my affinity for all things NYC, I'd fucking LOVE a college spinoff for Adam.

Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 2:18 am
by Raging Justice
I finished episode three of Arcane. My God, this show is good. This is probably the best thing on Netflix since Squid Game (which I still need to watch). Seems like we have to go to streaming services now for truly great animated shows. They can push the envelope in ways I'd imagine isn't possible on TV. Invincible and Arcane certainly do that.

Arcane is really beautifully animated. It's a feast for the eyes.

Crazy thing is, it's a video game adaptation. I know nothing about League of Legends and yet find the show incredibly engaging. It's not making me interested in playing those games, but I do want to keep following this awesome show. I guess Netflix is proving to be the torch bearer for good, video game adaptations with this and Castlevania, at least for serialized, animated, shows. Hollywood's not doing too bad either with Sonic, the trailer for Sonic 2 looks great.

Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2021 8:12 am
by REPO Man
I recently went through all the Christmas episodes of The Middle.

Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:45 am
by rainingman
Nothing new - just made it to Season 5 of House. I feel like I have a faint understanding of autoimmune diseases now. I really enjoy the banter in the show, though I can't stand it when patients inevitably cough up blood or pass bloody urine or stool. Must suck as an actor to read for these parts, since these bits seem deliberately overdramatic. But otherwise really like the show.

Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:24 pm
by Michi
I watched all of Chucky.

Started watching out of morbid curiosity just to see how they'd translate the movies to film, and ended up being pleasantly surprised. They got a lot of original cast members back, stuck to using practical effects, and kept all the blood and swearing (assuming you were watching the VOD version). The only thing I really didn't like was that they dubbed Tilly and Dourif's voices over the actors they used in flashbacks, which gave those scenes a weird disconnect. But I get why they did it.

Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 3:41 pm
by REPO Man
Didn't Fiona Dourif, from Curse of Chucky, play human Chucky in a flashback? I heard that somewhere. Fitting seeing as her dad is Brad Dourif, aka Chucky.

Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2021 4:29 pm
by Michi
Yes, but she still also plays Nica in the series. And no matter how good a job they did making her look like her father from the original film (and they did do a pretty damn good job), it’s still weird to hear his voice coming out of her mouth.

Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2021 3:47 am
by REPO Man
Currently revisiting the Christmas episodes of The Big Bang Theory while putting the finishing touches on my niblings' PlayStation Classic consoles. And at the moment, the season three episode "The Maternal Congruence" while scraping the Super Nintendo titles in the latter Es and early Fs.