So what have you guys been watching lately?

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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by marurun »

And really, I don’t think we should care whether creators are “true fans” or not. Fans have created some shit reboots and continuations, and people with no fandom for series have produced works that respected the fans. Besides, fandom is multi-faceted. People like different aspects of things. I felt like Revelations respected what I like about He-Man and made me feel like a fan again (if an adult fan instead of a kid fan). That’s enough for me. I don’t like purity tests in fandom.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by Raging Justice »

bmoc wrote:
Gunstar Green wrote:The reboot I'm the most sad about was Thundercats 2011, it was a lot of fun and was going places before it got canned.

So much this.

Just go into Revelations knowing that He-Man is not the main character. I think that is what most people are upset about if they are upset at all. I found it enjoyable enough to keep watching when the rest comes out.

Got I hate how this site randomly logs you out. I had a whole post typed up...gone, because the site just decided that I need to log in again and wiped out my post. Sigh

I'm not gonna type up the same stuff again, but I will say that this was the issue. Cownfish TV had a leak from an insider saying that the show would be about Teela and not He-Man. They reported this and said that it was going to upset a lot of fans because it's basically a bait and switch. The first trailer of the show even was all about He-Man. Kevin Smith maligned them on Twitter and basically called them liars. Well, fast forward to where we are now, and Smith has been exposed as the liar. He keeps denying that he misled people though and is still bad mouthing Clownfish TV. I have seen a LOT of negativity towards him online since then. His credibility has been hurt a lot. You just look a comments on youtube videos featuring him and he's getting trashed by a lot of people

I like the Clownfish TV youtube channel. Do they focus on negativity a lot? Sure. That's their schtick you could say, but their reporting is usually are many of their predictions. That's all that matters to me. Facts are what I care about
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by bmoc »

So here's my stance on using trailers as an accurate means of assessing a movie/tv show's plot and/or quality: Don't

Admittedly, I learned this the hard way by going to see The Breakup with my wife. We both thought it looked funny from the trailer. Turns out all the funny moments were used in the trailer. 95% of the movie was Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn being assholes to each other. I've never felt so cheated by a trailer (except maybe Bryan Cranston's role in Gozilla 2014 but the movie was decent enough regardless).

I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on Revelations or Kevin Smith. Just be wary of trailers. Especially since they often tread into spoiler territory these days.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by marurun »

I think if Revelations were a movie where you had a buy a ticket there would be some just cause to be annoyed. This is on Netflix. I read up on Clownfish TV and intend not to get within a solid 10 ft pole of it.

Anyway, regardless of expectations, Revelations tells a good story despite Sarah Michelle Gellar.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by Raging Justice »

marurun wrote:I think if Revelations were a movie where you had a buy a ticket there would be some just cause to be annoyed. This is on Netflix. I read up on Clownfish TV and intend not to get within a solid 10 ft pole of it.

Anyway, regardless of expectations, Revelations tells a good story despite Sarah Michelle Gellar.

Just to add a funny end to this story, Clownfish TV also hated her voice acting. In fact, everyone seems to agree on that from what I've seen. So there's at least one thing you would agree with Clownfish on :lol:
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by REPO Man »

Revisiting Doctor Who. Currently on the last episode of Season 7, The Time of the Doctor, which is also the 2013 Christmas special and the final episode of Matt Smith (the cute one).
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by PretentiousHipster »

I wanna play some Star Trek games, but I realized that I should probably learn of its lore first. So, I'm planning to do what every sane person would do: Watch all the episodes of one of the many series' before playing its games.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by REPO Man »

I finally got around to starting season two of Star Trek: Discovery. I believe I finished season one years ago, some time between its end and season two's premier.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by Golgo 14 »

Gunstar Green wrote:Is there anyone who is unironically a fan of the original series because outside of enjoying it for the cheese factor it's pretty awful.

I think someone would have had to have been extremely young when they first watched the original He-Man series to be a fan without irony. Kevin Smith was a teenager when the series was first on, so if he was a fan back then, he must have been totally high which is... a different sort of fandom.

I'm a few years younger than Smith, but I watched the show just because there weren't a lot of options at the time. It sucked.
marurun wrote: We’re not going to rubber stamp your horrible decisions.
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Re: So what have you guys been watching lately?

Post by Raging Justice »

I don't know, He-Man wasn't much different from a lot of other 80s stuff. Thunder Cats, GI Joe, etc. I still enjoy watching the 1989 Transformers animated movie. Maybe it's nostalgia, but I still love everything about that movie as an adult. But obviously, there's been better stuff post 80s like Batman:the Animated Series, Avatar: the Last Air Bender, Gargoyles, Samurai Jack, etc., but I still enjoy some of the 80s stuff

I think if you're doing a modern He-Man, you want to stay true to certain aspects of the original...the most obvious one being HE-MAN AS THE MAIN CHARACTER. Kevin Smith couldn't even get that right.

REPO Man wrote:Revisiting Doctor Who. Currently on the last episode of Season 7, The Time of the Doctor, which is also the 2013 Christmas special and the final episode of Matt Smith (the cute one).

I love modern Doctor Who, up until they introduced the awful, current one, who tanked the show's ratings


Course, I can't put all the blame on the actress, as the show's writing went downhill. I want to watch classic Who one of these days with Baker, Hartnell, etc. I knew a guy who loved those older episodes before the reboot and even recapped some of them for me. Some people can retell the events of a show so well they make you feel like you've watched it yourself. He was a good story teller
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