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Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2021 6:59 pm
by REPO Man
Strangely tourism exploded last year here on the Outer Banks and I don't know if it's because of COVID but this winter I was working close to 40 hours a week at Food Lion, as opposed to the previous winter of only getting rough 20 hours a week.

Still need to get my vaccination, though. Problem is I have to go off the island, and between working six nights a week and now going back to my morning job, I don't have many opportunities to just "go up the beach" if I am able to make an appointment.

Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 9:29 am
by bmoc
My second jab went fine. After 24 hours, I had some minor chills, headache, and fatigue. It was very manageable with some Tylenol. After 3 days, I had some very minor swelling and itching at the injection site. I put some cortisone cream on it and it was gone within 24 hours. However, my son managed to give me his head cold as soon as I recovered from all the vaccine side effects so I am still feeling pretty yucky.

Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:17 am
by Anapan
I was in contact with a confirmed covid 19 carrier.

I needed to renew my 3M respirator fit-test with the new quantitative testing method (wearing a 1/2 mask and full-face respirator hooked to a machine) to get a dispatch to a job. I accepted the job and I'm supposed to start on the 19th. This is a short job, but pays really well, and I'm experienced repairing this equipment - I'll be a lead-hand I expect as I've been through it all before. I think this particular job might even be short-handed so it may continue longer than the estimate. Also, I've already prepaid for a basement suite with a full kitchen bigger than my own at a AirBnB. Much money is at stake.

I got a call this afternoon that the guy running the fit-testing machine had symptoms the evening of the day I was tested, and he's now been confirmed positive for covid. Of course we were standing far apart in a large room, both of us were wearing masks, he was wearing gloves, and the only thing we touched were 70% alcohol disinfecting wipes as we both disinfected every surface we contacted before and after (I brought 99% IPA electronics cleaning wipes with me, and my own pen).

I read that there are over 14 million rapid COVID-19 tests sitting in warehouses all over Canada that are not being used - over a million here in BC.

So now I want to get any covid 19 test so I can go to this job. In BC ATM, even if you're confirmed in contact with a carrier, if you don't have any symptoms, you cannot get a test through our health system. They categorically refuse to test you unless you have one of 4 major symptoms as they believe it's not worth the resources due to the amount of false positives asymptomatic tests produce. You are ordered to only self-quarantine, no exceptions. I read through everything I could find, and the only thing I can do is self-pay for a test from one of two places close by (others are 5+ hours away). One of the private testing facilities might schedule me to get a $470+ asymptomatic test. I'm hoping I can buy some results so I can take this job instead of self quarantining for 2 weeks. This is my busiest season and I was turning down other jobs to take this one as I planned to hit two back-to-back. I'll find out what will happen tomorrow morning.

Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:38 am
by Note
Hey Anapan, sorry to hear about your situation. I didn't realize it was that tough to get a test in certain parts of Canada. I feel very lucky to be able to get a free test with no questions asked. I hope you didn't catch the virus and are able to go forward with working at that job.

Keep us posted on how you're doing and hope you continue to be healthy.

Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 5:14 pm
by Anapan
My union hall worked it out so I can start a couple of days later. The first couple of days are only opening and cleaning vessels for inspection anyway. So-far I feel just fine.

Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 9:48 am
by RCBH928
Whats going on with your cities with the pandemic, I am so confused. There are countries like Italy and India that claim so many deaths of the COVID19 and need of oxygen, meanwhile in other places like Europe and USA they are acting like its nothing with huge gatherings as if they are challenging the disease. There is a new mutated form of COVID called Delta and its even more vicious that than previous one. I also have seen some people who wear the the face masks like a protection talisman, so long as its on your face you can do anything you want. It does not work that way.

Whats going on?

Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:04 am
by Raging Justice
Jagosaurus wrote:Feel better Ziggy! Rest brother! I know a guy who was almost out of the weeds but pushed it too hard, too early & he relapsed hard. Take it easy.

Yeah... I'm not anti-vaccine at all... typically get a flu shot, but won't be touching a vaccine rushed through trials... on a highly likely lab-made virus now with multiple strains... count me out there. Not political... serious question... will you all get it?

Maybe my view is skewed bc I'm certain I've been exposed... Likely multiple times.

I can see that this won't be a popular opinion here, but I've gone through my whole life without vaccines and don't plan on getting one now. I'm in perfectly good health. I've been around people who had covid and they recovered without issue. I've been fine during this pandemic aside from one covid misdiagnosis that was later determined to be a false positive.

RCBH928 wrote:Whats going on with your cities with the pandemic, I am so confused. There are countries like Italy and India that claim so many deaths of the COVID19 and need of oxygen, meanwhile in other places like Europe and USA they are acting like its nothing with huge gatherings as if they are challenging the disease. There is a new mutated form of COVID called Delta and its even more vicious that than previous one. I also have seen some people who wear the the face masks like a protection talisman, so long as its on your face you can do anything you want. It does not work that way.

Whats going on?

Everything's fine down in Florida

Everything is open and has been for a while, I don't even see many mask wearers anymore, except for some hospitals and medical centers that require you to wear one. I wear a mask for all my doctor's visits, but that's about it. My co workers have actually been talking about all the fun stuff they've been doing like fishing and family get togethers. It feels odd to me that some places are still on lockdown.

Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 12:55 pm
by stickem
^ heading down there next week, good to know. Visited last year and had a great time as well, not on lockdown that is lol

Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:30 am
by RCBH928
Jagosaurus wrote:Feel better Ziggy! Rest brother! I know a guy who was almost out of the weeds but pushed it too hard, too early & he relapsed hard. Take it easy.

Yeah... I'm not anti-vaccine at all... typically get a flu shot, but won't be touching a vaccine rushed through trials... on a highly likely lab-made virus now with multiple strains... count me out there. Not political... serious question... will you all get it?

Maybe my view is skewed bc I'm certain I've been exposed... Likely multiple times.

I am for people's choice, after all its your body and you will deal the consequences either from COVID19 or the vaccine but! The vaccine as been released on wide scale world wide and tens of millions of people have taken it and they are all fine and dandy so I feel like there is nothing to worry about, not to mention all the doctors and health institutions seem to praise and encourage the vaccination world wide so better listen to the scientist I guess.

The major problem is long term issues, will we see increased heart attacks or cancers after 4-5-10 years due to the vaccination? i don't know!

Raging Justice wrote:
Everything's fine down in Florida

Everything is open and has been for a while, I don't even see many mask wearers anymore, except for some hospitals that require you to wear one. I wear a mask for all my doctor's visits, but that's about it. My co workers have actually been talking about all the fun stuff they've been doing like fishing and family get togethers. It feels odd to me that some places are still on lockdown.

This is the confusing part to me, some countries are extra careful and still have lockdowns others are acting like its nothing more than the common cold. Sometimes I wonder if things have been blown out of proportion by the media, other times numbers speak for themselves as we have seen a rising death rate in multiple countries.

You didn't even get the vaccines as a kid like Hepatitis, Tetanus, Measles?

Re: Coronavirus pandemic - how are you affected?

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 10:34 am
by PretentiousHipster
Yea my province is under a strict-lockdown. Stores just opened last week and are still in only 15% capacity.

We're basically doing a system where the more people are vaccinated the more things are open. We're using a 3 tier system and are currently in tier one. Some people are frustrating because we now passed the second tier, but they want a 21 day gap between the tiers no matter what. I do like that they're playing it safe, but I don't get why every store is open, but not stuff like hair salons or tattoo parlors. Won't those be more safe than stores?