Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Anything that is gaming related that doesn't fit well anywhere else
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Re: Gaming Resolutions for 2022

Post by alienjesus »

It's 2023, so lets see how I did last year!

alienjesus wrote:AJ's 2022 gaming resolutions:

Buy some 'new' gaming hardware
Done - I got a PS5 and Neo Geo!

[Upgrade my set-up[

Here's my progress on all the things I want to do as part of this goal

- Get new shelves built to hold more systems Nope
- Organise my wiring to make it tidier and more manageable Done!
- Get some of my consoles modded for better output. Ideally I'd like PC Engine upgraded to RGB, and my Dreacmast and PS1 upgraded to HDMI. PC Engine is modded, and the kit is bought for Dreamcast - just need it fitted now!
- Find a HDMI switchbox that works with my HDMI modded N64, as my current one doesn't play nice -Done!
- Buy a good quality SCART switchbox -Done!

Do some more modding

I did a little on this, but I think I'd like to do a bit more next year

Focus my game purchases
Some of my ideas are below. Lets see if I stuck to any of them

- 'Complete' a console set. By this I mean buying all the major games I want, not every game for the system. Nope, although I got closer to finishing Gamecube

- Buy more games in the Klonoa series. I purchased 2 of these - Klonoa 2 on PS2, and Moonlight Museum on Wonderswan. The latter ended up being faulty though!

- Focus on games for Sony hardware. I got some games for Playstation systems, but I wasn't veyr focused really, so nope!

Stop neglecting some of my consoles
There are some systems I haven't bought a game for in the last 3 years. I would like to buy at least one title for these consoles in 2022. These systems are: Xbox (last purchase: December 2017), PS Vita (Dec 17), Dreamcast (Dec 17), Wonderswan (Nov 17), PS3 (Aug 17), Master System (Mar 17), 3DO (Apr 16) and PS2 (Apr 14!!).

I purchased games for Vita, Dreamcast, Wonderswan, PS3 and PS2 and Xbox now. Master System was the only fail!

Focus my game playing on one console and handheld at a time
I did this for most of the year, but played whatever I wanted for the last few months.

It wasn't a total success, but I completed way more of my goals than most years. I'm not going to post a 2023 thread I think as it's mostly just me posting anyways, but my goals for next year are very simple:

- Buy less games
- Actually play the games I buy rather than putting them into the backlog

I'm going to do that by playing games in sets of 3. Every time I finish 3 I can buy one, and that one games needs to be one of the games I beat as the next set of 3.
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