The DOOM Thread

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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by Xeogred »

Congrats Ziggy! So ... the big question is, did you like The Chasm? :lol:

Apparently most people hate this map and I mean, yeah the two inch wacky walkways and huge pits are a pain... but I've always liked this level a lot actually. I just love the look of it, the green oil oozing down the walls in some huge enclosed underground factory or something, and I always love the really vertical maps.

I'm about halfway through Community Chest Pack 4 and this thing is insane. Unlike the previous CCP megawads, this one actually feels very cohesive like it's got one singular theme. A lot of the levels make me think of Quake 2 a bit, tons of base stuff melded in with caves and whatnot. Freaking amazing stuff.

Speaking of Quake 2, this map had a cool song remix!

Really dug this map... huge!

Graphically this wad looks way better on my end, so I wonder if this is an early version or this guys settings are weird. Can't really find any better videos though so this will do.
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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by Ziggy »

Xeogred wrote:Congrats Ziggy! So ... the big question is, did you like The Chasm? :lol:

I played through Doom 2 before, just never on UV. So I'm at least vaguely familiar with all the levels. The Chasm isn't bad, and I actually rather like it compared to some of the other levels.

Xeogred wrote:mods

Have you ever heard of the megawad Scythe? It's apparently pretty popular. I watched videos of a few levels, I'm digging how short the levels are. ... j5edwoj1gT
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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by TSTR »

I've played a tiny bit of Scythe, seemed fun.

You guys ever play RTC-3057? Shame that project never took off past that first hub release.
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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by Xeogred »

Ziggy587 wrote:
Xeogred wrote:mods

Have you ever heard of the megawad Scythe? It's apparently pretty popular. I watched videos of a few levels, I'm digging how short the levels are. ... j5edwoj1gT

I stumbled upon that one again last night, there's two. I think I played them but I'm not sure if I beat them, might have turned into a slaughter wad and been too tough or something. I wish I kept better track of what I beat years ago.
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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by Ziggy »

So I was playing a bit of Final Doom... I'm not sure how I feel about it. I loaded up TNT and found a save file that I had, I didn't realize how far I got in the game (level 22). I loaded it up and remembered why I stopped playing, I couldn't figure out that level. Plutonia, I started a new game on UV. I was getting my ass handed to me on level 2, so I decided to switch to HMP. I just beat level 3, and this game is fucking hard even on HMP! I really like the level design (so far) but the enemy placement is ridiculous. Maybe I'll switch to Hey, Not Too Rough. But for now, I decided to give classic Doom a break so I can play Doom 3.

So I was playing a bit of Doom 3... As I said, I got the BFG edition from Steam a while back. I played about 30-45 minutes of it last night. I was put off right at the start when I had to sit and watch cut scenes for a while before I could start playing. This is one huge reason why classic Doom is so awesome. You start a new game and BOOM you're running around shooting things. This is what I miss about video games, but I won't derail into a subject that could be its own thread. So I finally get a gun and start shooting things, and Doom 3 is pretty alright so far. BFG edition looks nice. It's been a while since I've played a modern FPS, it made me feel like I was in high school.

I was never a fan of the design choice of the re-imagined monsters in Doom 3. I always kinda wished that they made them more similar to classic Doom.

I either didn't realize or completely forgot that BFG came with Doom 1 and 2. So after playing Doom 3 for a bit I decided to check out Doom 1. It looks OK, and plays OK, but it sounds like total asshole. The audio is definitely messed up. That's kind of a shame because I noticed that there's achievements for all three games. I would love to unlock them just because, but I don't know if I can tolerate the audio.

So if I end up enjoying Doom 3, I think I'll get Doom 4. Unless it goes on sale on Steam, I noticed that the physical version is $40 on Amazon right now. You have to download/activate the physical version on Steam anyway, so might as well save some money.
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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by MrPopo »

Ziggy587 wrote:So if I end up enjoying Doom 3, I think I'll get Doom 4. Unless it goes on sale on Steam, I noticed that the physical version is $40 on Amazon right now. You have to download/activate the physical version on Steam anyway, so might as well save some money.

That's the wrong way to go about it. If you like Doom 1 and 2 then you should get Doom 4.
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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by Ziggy »

Explain please. From the few videos I've watched, it looks like it plays very similar to any other modern FPS. Not at all like classic Doom. The still shot images I've seen have me interested more than anything, I love the monster design.
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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by Ack »

Because after the initial five minutes tutorial (which involves you using a pistol to show a few hellions what their insides look like), it's straight up rapid fire action. You are highly mobile, you've sometimes got linear paths and sometimes big rooms in which if it moves, you kill it. If it bleeds, it dies, and you make it all bleed.
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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by MrPopo »

When you run low on ammo you chainsaw a dude and he becomes a loot piñata.
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Re: The DOOM Thread

Post by isiolia »

Ziggy587 wrote:Explain please. From the few videos I've watched, it looks like it plays very similar to any other modern FPS. Not at all like classic Doom. The still shot images I've seen have me interested more than anything, I love the monster design.

There are certainly aspects of it that are influenced by modern shooters - there are upgrade systems, challenges, and that sort of thing. Mostly though, it's not really that similar. It moves more like the arena shooters of the late 90s/early 2000s, and you can carry all the weapons at once, just like those. You get a double jump and such as you progress. It might not be as lightning quick as some of the classics, but relative to the typical game now, it's fast and mobile.

I think it borrows a bit from games like Devil May Cry as well. It frequently likes to basically lock the doors and start spawning waves of enemies in. Like those hack and slash games often incorporate, there's a measure of strategy in all the killin'. For instance, you've got the Glory Kills that can just look like gruesome fatalities, but provide a little health and ammo every time. So think of like, killing trash mobs for health orbs in other games, and it's similar. The Chainsaw fills a similar role.

In practice, it's much different than the majority of shooters now, since it encourages running all over the room circle strafing and punching crap to death instead of hiding behind a crate, reloading, and waiting for health/shields to regen.
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