Final Fantasy XV

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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Post by emwearz »

Fragems wrote:Adds New Game + , but since there are no new difficulty options or features in the new game it just basically allows you to keep your character progressions and items if you want to run through it a second time.

Wow, so New Game + in its current state is basically useless.
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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Post by Fragems »

Pretty much. I guess if you wanted to grind your characters faster going through the missions again might be easier then screwing around in the end game if there isn't much to do there :P.

Supposedly the multiplayer component of the game comes out in the next few days but you have to pay for the "expansion" to access it :P.

Edit: On another note I can't believe how many places just dropped this game to $35 on sale :P.
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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Post by MrEco »

So around the web I've heard some people say this game kind of feels like "If Witcher 3 was made in Japan."

For anyone who's tried both games, how much does that ring true?
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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Post by Fragems »

On Chapter 10 now :P.

My party is now handicapable :lol: .

Plus they really couldn't have Luna on the squad for at least 1 chapter :roll: . Also fuck Levaithon or however it's spelled. That boss battle was a joke since I haven't invested anything in the air combat skills it was just hit fall into water warp hit fall into water warp hit fall into water until the shitty god mode kicked in. The fact that even in god mode it took 2 chains of over 1000 attacks to kill it also pissed me off. Seriously if your going to activate god mode activate god mode don't make me grind for 5-10 minutes on a boss that I have no way of losing to :P.

At least I have a solid reason to hate the empire now I guess.

Also just watched Kingsglave at least I kind of get a sense of what the hell is going on between the empire and Lucis. Plus explains a we bit more about Luna and her brothers back story. Really it feels like required material to begin to understand whats going on since for the most part the game world feels extremely upbeat for a country that has been in a state of war for centuries.

On another note I mistook Titus as Cor which would have made things within the game rather interesting :lol: .
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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Post by Xeogred »

^ That's where the trainwreck begins Fragems. Can't wait to watch your updates. :lol:

Yeah, I'm not sure what to think of those God Mode moments. Sure, it visually looks amazing... but you're literally not really doing anything and there's zero challenge. It would feel so much more badass and rewarding to actually have to fight a real challenging boss battle. The God Mode segments just make me kind of walk away with an "oh?..." feeling. That's not the last one haha.

MrEco wrote:So around the web I've heard some people say this game kind of feels like "If Witcher 3 was made in Japan."

For anyone who's tried both games, how much does that ring true?

I just got done playing 30 some hours of Witcher 3 before jumping into this. Frankly I wouldn't compare them at all. I guess they both have "hunts" for contracted monsters to go fight. But seriously nothing else feels similar to me. The better comparison is probably to Phantom Pain.

The "open world" here feels more like the new Far Cry games or Dragon Age. The maps are more vacant than Witcher 3's and overall the game is just simpler with less fluff like dozens of items/loot to pickup, recipe crap and all that junk. Side missions are never too interesting or complex, for better or worse I guess.

Overall I liked FFXV more than Witcher 3, because it's just simpler in design. Although I didn't beat Witcher 3, I beat FFXV around 36 hours, so time wise I feel like it's pretty fair to compare my experiences.
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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Post by Fragems »

So yeah Chapter 13... yeah who the fuck thought that was a good idea :lol: . Seriously it's like a mish mash of the worst game design ideas ever forced stealth, all weapons stripped, shitty jump scares, invincible enemys, and endless generic corridors for what felt like 3 hours :roll: .

Anyways I'm now onto "a cure for insomnia" and I have a question am I supposed to fight all of these mobs or just run from them. Really don't feel like bothering with grinding at the moment but right of the bat you either fight a lvl 70 mob or two lvl 45s with annoying status attacks like toad :P. Needless to say both destroy my ass since my team is only lvl 40ish since the last few chapters haven't really given any EXP. As much as I hate it I almost would prefer to grind since if you really are meant to run away from these mobs that are just roaming the streets then how the hell can they justify you beating the final boss :P. Then again the Titan fight is already game breaking since if you can honestly fight toe to toe with a skyscraper sized boss then not being able to take down a tomberry just feels ridiculous :P.

Anyways for now I'm using my time traveling dog(yes this mechanic makes total sense :roll: ) to do some of the side stuff I missed before.
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Re: Final Fantasy XV

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Just run through to the end if you can. The last two bosses are basically gimmes, you can't really lose to them.

I've really dug this game. Been doing a lot of the post game stuff; the dungeons within dungeons, the high level monster hunts, getting that flying's been a lot of fun. The story sucks again but unlike other recent Final Fantasys (FFXIII) it has some actual gameplay to keep me going. :lol:
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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Post by Fragems »

Finished and I have to say the final battles were pretty meh same goes for the ending :P.

Kind of sad that this game joins FFXIII as the only Final Fantasys I've ever beaten :lol: . Honestly this is probably my least favorite game of the series though and I'm glad it's over with.
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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Post by emwearz »

Fragems wrote:Finished and I have to say the final battles were pretty meh same goes for the ending :P.

Kind of sad that this game joins FFXIII as the only Final Fantasys I've ever beaten :lol: . Honestly this is probably my least favorite game of the series though and I'm glad it's over with.

It is funny, I have finish quite a few FF games and FFXV sits near the top in terms of overall enjoyment, I found the story enjoyable (though you have to dig to get into it, it is not just handed to you like most other FF games), the 4 mains I really enjoyed, but the combat and gameplay, just did it for me. I have spent about 14 hours in end-game content and I am 2 trophies away (who the hell wants to fish) from getting the plat.

However, I can understand how it would not be for everyone, if you did not watch Kingsglaive or watch Brotherhood, right off the bat the story is semi crippled. If you don't fish ingame for backstory, then you can miss some pretty massive story points, none more so than Ardyn, his motivations and his backstory.

One thing is for sure, this game has me excited for KHIII.
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Re: Final Fantasy XV

Post by Fragems »

Really the story is utter garbage at the moment :P. Yes if you dig in and speculate about what the hell is going on at points it can be mashed into making some sense but there is just so much left out and unexplained. Also there are a lot of consistency issues both within the game as it seems to have a hard time keeping up with the timeline.

It just really feels like this game is 50-75% complete and after this god awful development cycle they just said fuck it and made a subpar game out of the bits they had had completed. This is easily seen in how this game is best when you are just exploring and doing side missions. When you are following the main story missions it's a shit show especially in the later half of the game where it suddenly shifts from open world to a very confined on rails experience with uninspired level design.

There are obvious and blatant holes all over the story that honestly would have sunk any other game like a brick and the level design and side content just goes to shit half way through.

At least they will have the game play nailed down for KH3 like you said. Hopefully they don't shit all over the story next time around :lol: .
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